25: Epilogue 🦛

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"AMI FUCKING CHO GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Jin yelled as he tried to fit Jiyeons head in the car. "NO YOU EVIL KIDNAPPER I WANT MY BOYFRIEND!!" the drunk brunette yelled she ran away from the elder. "AMI, baby please get in the car." The newly dyed pink haired male said as he rubbed his temples. "NO YOU'RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND YOU'RE AN EVIL MAN TRYING TO KIDNAP ME AND MY *hiccup* FRIENDS" Ami yelled grabbing an also drunk Runa and running away again. "gotcha" Namjoon and Yoongi both said at the same time as Runa and Ami bumped into them. "c'mon babe let's go" Jimin says picking Ami up and throwing her over his shoulders. "DON'T CALL ME BABE YOU'RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND" Ami yelled hitting Jimin's back.

The male sighed as he walked over to his car and laughed as Yoongi struggled to put Runa in the car. "Let me go you pale looking ass bitch" she yelled. "OH I KNOW THIS BITCH DID NOT JUST CUSS OUT MY FUCKING HUSBAND!" Taehyung said pulling off his shoes and ripping his Gucci earings off and was about ready to drag Runa but Yoongi held him back as Namjoon had to grab the angry girl. "Come at me blue headed bitch SQUARE UP!" She said to Taehyung.

"What makes it even more funny is that Taehyung isn't even drunk." Jin says as he looks in Jimin's direction. "Listen to me you cottan candy looking ass man whore! I'm not your Girlfriend-" "you're right, you're not! My mistake I meant, Fianceé" Jimin said as he strapped Ami into her seat.

"......OH HI CHIMMY!" ami suddenly yelled. "Oh my gawd" Jimin groaned as she unbuckled her seat belt again and jumped up at the younger. "I'm hungry" she said. Jimin was trying to put her back in her seat but she wouldn't let him. "Fine, you're hungry? How about this...if you put this seat belt back on I'll take you to anywhere you wanna go so you can eat. Jungkook's treat" Jimin said.

"HEY" Jungkook yelled. Runa and Jiyeon were already in the cars asleep. They were waiting for Ami to calm down. "Really?! THANK YOU SO MUCH KOOKIE" Ami said as she sat back down and put her seat belt on. Jimin closed her door and let out a huge sigh as he collapsed onto the floor. "Ami's a really tough drunk" Namjoon said patting Jimin's back.

"Yeah and such a lightweight" Jungkook said laughing. "OH MY GOD I FORGOT MY BOYFRIEND" Jungkook yelled running back inside the club.

The others got in their cars laughing and once Jimin got in his, he saw his girlfriend finally asleep. He sat their with a satisfied smile as he admired her every feature. Her newly dyed purple hair, her slightly smudged makeup, her pretty eyelashes softly resting against her cheeks, and the slight freckles.

She's perfect...

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