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|Eva's Third POV|
|Continuing the Day|

^Eva's outfit^

Call her crazy but Eva thinks Mr MacMahon is one huge pedophile. As long as the women wear certain clothing, they don't have to worry about getting suspended.

And for Alexa, well, no matter how much the school tries to cover it up the fact still remains that her face is spreading around the hub.

No matter how much Vince tried negotiating with Principal Hunter at NXT high to send his over student's over to test out the school, what spread to the wrestling high schools will forever stay there.

It damn sure won't erase the poster Kevin made for her:

It's amazing how much he'll do for cash and some rare photo of Sami.

Is she really at fault? They did her a favor. A lot of guys in the school talked about tuning in. Hey, now she knows she's wanted.

Dating Buddy Murphy isn't the best reminder, okay.

Not even a second after she was through the metal detector, her sister Kelly was rushing her to the cafeteria after taking ahold of her hand, "There you are, Eva! Come!" she said as she did so.

Okay... what's happening now? Eva doesn't have time for any prep rallies, or meetings. She has to meet up with Kevin, her part of the deal isn't finished yet. The photos of Sami were lost in the mail.

As they entered the cafeteria, Eva noticed CM Punk had a crowd around him while he sat center on a round cafeteria table. What was he speaking on now?

In WWE High, you are bound to hear and see a lot of events, there's many strong personalities here. You have goths, geeks, airheads, narcissists, motivational speakers, whatever you can think of or imagine. In cases for people like CM Punk, you have the conceited people. The people who like to hear themselves speak; the people who want you to listen.

Normally, when an event happens to one of the girl's in school, they tie it back to AJ's breakdown over him. It was a huge situation when it happened. She scared everybody, it divided the school. It put a long term imprint on how situations were handled.

Eva assumed Alexa's situation was tied back to Punk, which pisses him off. She should know; Michelle is obsessed with him, she just won't admit it.

"WWE High, as you stand here, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you lot to digest this 'cause I am fucking sick and tired of being tied to this chick. I've been holding this in since last year, ask Jeff, ask Corey, hell ask Heath," the group all turned to Heath Ledger, an ex member of Punk's crew.

The ginger boy awkwardly cough, now suddenly focused on the smudge in his glasses.

"I don't hate April. Hell, I don't dislike the chick. I sympathize with her," a baked Corey snorted from behind Punk's back, earning an elbow from Jeff afterwards, "I want you to think about how this crazy, unhinged chick is the amusement to your entertainment. I hate the idea you guys think you're this savior reality high bunch. You run in packs spreading your social media agenda to your 13 followers, whisper in halls like it's fucking Mean Girls and kiss McMahon's ass when you need a new club, or new program. Every month you find a new victim to mock 'cause you focus so much on others you don't reflect on your damn selves-"

"Hold on, Punk, nobody is spreading Alexa's porn poster-" Heath tried butting in, seeing as nobody wanted to interrupt him.

Punk's neck was quick to snap in his direction, including Corey's, forcing Heath to cower back into his position, "Whoops! I guess the confiscation was just for jolly and jokes!" Punk said seriously, his eyes staring into Heath's.

A few of the others amusedly watched, praying a fight was bound to happen by the end of this. A lot of people knew their falling out was a messy one.

Meanwhile, Eva was confused. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know he's talking about AJ. Hell, he's even referring to her as April; he's respecting her wishes. Since when did he care about her? Michelle won't like this.

Rosa Mendes twirled her hair around her finger, "I agree, Phil. It's wrong. Maybe we can talk abo-" Punk raised his hand and she was quick to shut up.

He sighed heavily, "If I could count the amount of times you baboons hit on me...." he rubbed his face tiredly. A baked Corey chuckled again, earning another elbow from Jeff.

That was true. April wasn't the only one who obsessed over Punk. His personality seems to attract rich girls / crazy girls.

"I hate the thought... that you think I'll date anything walking with boobs..." and with that Rosa disappeared into the crowd, mumbling how she was ready to go to class.

Eva looked at Kelly, "We... both know who he's actually defending, right?" Kelly kept recording for Michelle, "AJ...." She nervously chewed on her bottom lip.

Eva shook her head. Michelle never liked it.

|The Shield's Third Pov|

Dean slammed his fist against the dent in the vending machine, forcing a bottle of water to fall, "Vince is such a dumbass. Who puts Sprite in "health options?" He mocked their principal.

Seth facepalmed, "Sprite helps your stomach pains, Dean," he leaned his head against the school's wall.

Dean shrugged it off as if he didn't care. Roman, as always, stood quietly next to his brother's. Roman will admit he was too busy thinking about Alexa and AJ. First, AJ returns. Second, Alexa is humiliated. It's going to be 10th grade all over again. He didn't know if AJ brought bad luck or if the school was cursed.

"Are you still texting Missy Kissy?" Dean teased Seth, now following Roman to their next period.

Maryse sped past the boys with the school's news reporting team chasing behind her. Maryse didn't look too pleased with the group, "Je vais tous vous assassiner!" she snapped at them.

Seth mocked her voice after she was fully down the hall and Dean slapped him on the back of his head, "Oi! So, you've caught feelings?!" Seth pushed him.

"Oi? Oi?! Mans turned into Sami!" Dean dodged Seth's fist and put him in the headlock, "Go cry about it! Go cry about it!" He hit Seth with the bottom of his water bottle.

Roman continued walking regardless of if his brother's were following or not. He was far too deep in thought.

"Let me go! I hate you! Let me go, Johnathan!" Seth whined as he struggled to get out of Dean's hold. Dean was always the second strongest; Seth rarely went with them to the gym. He'd normally fake a sick day or spend all morning under his covers playing on his Nintendo.

Dean laughed, "Say uncle..." he sung. Seth failed at pushing him off, "Say uncle and I'll let you go!" Dean's grip got tighter.

Seth craved in and Dean pushed him away, "Call me Johnathan again and you're dead, boy," Dean smacked his face and caught up with Roman.

"Now whaaaaaat is wrong with you?" Dean wrapped his arm around Roman. When Seth caught up, he wrapped the other around him.

Seth tried moving away but Dean brought him closer.

Roman didn't look in their direction. He was prepared for their expressions, "AJ should have stayed away. She'll never heal as long as she's in the same school as him. I know being in New Jershey did her some good. Why did she come back? Why did she do this to herself?" He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets.

About time he finished both Seth and Dean were looking at him as if he was insane.

"I know what you're saying... I get what you're saying... but the chick is crazy. No- too nice. She's manipulative, deceiving and one big stress ball. I should know," Dean drunk his water.

Seth snorted, "Did Paige tell you that?" He looked at Dean with a pompous expression covering his face.

Dean said nothing and took his arm off of Seth. Seth did his little victory laugh before Dean used all his might to push the youngest boy.

"We knew her, Dean. We didn't know AJ, we knew April," Roman's guilt was eating at him. He had a softer heart than his brother's.

The Rock, WWE High School football coach, always told him that. His soft heart was left behind whenever he stepped on the football field.

Dean rolled his eyes, "She's crazy," he reminded him. Seth snickered, "Rich coming from you. Were you not the one chasing me down the street trying to run me over with your mom's car? Did we forget all that happened when you kept trying to kill me? Or even yesterday when Roman stopped you from ramming my head into the wall? You and AJ belong together. Stop sneaking off with Paige to the janitors closet and start sneaking off with April," Seth ranted on.

Roman grabbed Dean before Dean even thought about hurting Seth.

"Chill the fuck out, man. Talking about a chick behind her back," Dean glared at him.

Seth smirked.

"You see? Nice to know you still get a tiny bit protective over April, Dean," Roman told him.

Dean shrugged them both off.

AJ was crazy. He didn't protect crazy chick's.

|Thank You For Reading|

did i add in punk's pipebomb ? yep. who finna stop me ?

finna try grinding thru this story, i wanna make it to their college years.

|Love You All|

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