𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Chapter 11 - π

After so many years of Hogwarts traditions, Harry thought it was understandable that the staff would gravitate to a table of their own, while the teens chose another. Harry and Hermione headed for the six of their friends who had made it down to breakfast before them. They were soon joined by the missing couple.

The teens had agreed amongst themselves that shorts and t-shirts would be their standard wear for the proposed day on the beach. None of them were quite prepared for how shorts and a t-shirt would look on Millie though. She walked in with Ron's arm around her waist and stopped all conversation. Her t-shirt stretched over her shoulders, and also over Millie's ample assets, before tapering in at the waist. Her shorts looked extremely good on her too, Ron's smile clearly showing he approved. Millie was starting to get embarrassed at their reaction - or lack of one - when Susan cut the silence with a heartfelt plea.

"Millie, you look amazing! It's official, Hogwarts robes are the most unflattering garments in the word. Hermione, whatever uniform you decide on for the Institute, it has to be different from those."

Ron gave Millie a glance, that was all it needed to say 'told you so'. She sat down beside Ron, still blushing. "I've always felt like a freak because my shoulders are so wide. Getting robes to fit them meant they hung like a sack down the rest of my body. I wouldn't dare dress like this in public at home."

A rather smug Ron sat beside his girlfriend, trying not to laugh at his gob-smacked brothers who were seeing Millie in a new light. Hermione though soon had him smiling for an entirely different reason.

"You're amongst friends here, Millie, so don't worry about it. Harry and I had to transfigure our clothes for today, neither of us had time to go home and collect anything. That's why we'll be going clothes shopping soon. Normally I would wear my bikini to the beach but have no idea of wizarding fashions - other than those horrible Hogwarts robes."

Looking around the table, and seeing that no one - apart from Harry - had understood that, Hannah asked the question. "Hermione, what's a bikini?"

"Think matching bra and pants that you wear to swim. Don't wizards and witches swim? Oh, do you skinny-dip?"

While still all hot and flustered at the though of seeing Millie dressed like that, Ron then asked what skinny-dip meant.

"It means swimming in the skin you were born with - and nothing else. Nude."

"Oh yes, that sounds like fun."

Luna's comment, and her genuine excitement at the idea, almost choked Neville - he was eating a piece of fruit at the time. Since Ron appeared to have gone to visit his happy place, Millie was redder than had previously been thought humanly possible, the two Hufflepuff witches were still in shock from discovering what a bikini was and he was afraid of what Luna would jump in with as an answer, George gave Hermione the information she was looking for.

"If we went swimming at the stream, we would all be dressed similar to this. If mum wasn't there, we might be really adventurous and take our shirts off."

Fred added more. "Mum would always find out though. With the red hair, we don't exactly tan. If she didn't cast the sunscreen charm on us, we would quickly burn from the sun."

"Oh, I didn't know there was a charm for that, saves having to buy the tan oil. I think we'll be in shorts and t-shirts for most of the holidays, but we also need to buy some swimwear. We didn't even have uniforms on our list of things to do, good call, Susan. After spending some time here, would you want to sit down and we could talk about designing it?"

That suggestion received four big yeses from the girls, kicking their excitement toward this new school up another notch.

They were disturbed by Dobby, popping next to Harry. "Dobby is sorry but healer is wanting to talk with Harry Potter. Healer wants to know how Miss Weasley got darkest magic healer has ever seen."

Not wanting to dump their friends again, Hermione agreed to take them down to the beach. Fred and George joined Harry in following the little elf to where their sister was being cared for. Still feeling she had let her lions down, Minerva included herself in the group too.


The mind-healer thankful spoke perfect English, but reverted to cursing in Italian after hearing from Harry that this young witch had been possessed by Lord Voldemort - and he was the first mind-healer Ginny was seeing.

As the healer vented his frustration and anger by cursing up a storm, Harry was thinking the healer was dressed in the most stylish robes he'd ever laid eyes on - and that learning the Italian language would be a compulsory course at the institute.

A once more in control healer offered an apology. "I'm sorry, Lord Potter, but it is a disgrace how this young witch has been treated. That poor girl had so many competing compulsions in her mind, it's a wonder she was still able to function. A scandal - it is a crime too. I am duty bound to report this to my Ministry. In cases of children, they always act very quickly and take whatever action is necessary to protect the underage witch or wizard."

"While I can assure you everyone here wants what is best for Ginny, achieving that might be problematic. You see her father is a departmental head at the British Ministry, and we suspect the main culprit for messing with her mind is the Chief Mugwump at that very same Ministry. There is also another problem, in that the method Voldemort used to posses Ginny is a closely-guarded secret, the Ministry doesn't even know how it was done. Madam Pomfrey and I witnessed Dumbledore obliviating the British Minister of Magic to keep his secrets."

The mind-healer was now looking at them as if they had just arrived from another planet. "Lord Potter, I might need that information to treat your friend. My healer oath would keep that information confidential, and I would be prepared to take another oath - providing giving this other oath wouldn't harm Italian citizens."

"I'll tell you and Madam Pomfrey the information, you can then decide if another oath is required. Fred, George and Professor McGonagall, this information really has to be kept on a need to know basis - and you don't need to know. I will speak to Bill about it, offering him the same chance as the healer. We're working with Madam Bones on this, that's why she's coming here on Monday. This matter is totally outside the Potter Institute, and shouldn't affect us here at all."

While agreeing with every word Harry just said, McGonagall still wanted to help as much as possible. "Perhaps if the healer could explain to us what he found, we might be able to help in finding a solution to this problem? I'm also assuming the real problem will start when Albus and Molly discover their jig is up."

After Harry had introduced everyone, and explained what their relationship to Ginny was, the healer gave them a general overview of her condition. "That little witch's mind went through some severe trauma, she was possessed by your Dark Lord. Instead of being treated, it appears to me as if someone has messed with her mind in an effort to pretend the situation that caused this trauma never happened. This is absolutely the worst way to treat such a thing. To make matters even worse, someone then added more behavioural compulsions on top of all that. I know you won't want to hear this, but my recommendation will be to remove that witch from the environment she is currently in."

"If you mean keeping Ginny away from the people who did this to her then you're wrong - that's exactly what we all wanted to hear. Fred, George, can you guys get together with Professor McGonagall and write to Bill. Sorry guys, but this news coming from you two would probably have your brother checking home to see if you were pranking him - and that's the very last thing we need right now. Remus, how are our relations with the Italian Ministry?"

McGonagall and the twins were standing almost in shock while watching Harry take command. Remus and Poppy though were getting used to it. "I would say very good. I've told them that we will be using local architects, builders and suppliers to get our school built, and again sticking to buying local for equipment and supplies - everything from desks to dinner plates. We've been welcomed with open arms, and also offered any help they can give us. Even in Italy, using Harry Potter's name opens doors that might otherwise have remained closed. The Boy-Who-Lived leaving Britain for Italy will be massive news here too."

While Harry was groaning after hearing that, the mind-healer was looking around him. They were standing in a corridor outside Poppy's bedroom.

"You are opening a school, here?"

"Yes and no. Yes we are opening a school, but not in this building. A purpose built school will be sited on the land that comes with this house. Ginny and three of her brothers are here on holiday with me. What we need is a method that ensures she stays here, and suits everyone involved. I'll work with anyone to see that's what happens."

Nodding in agreement, the healer reminded them though that he was still duty bound to inform his Ministry. While happy with that, Harry had another idea. "I would be keen to forge close links with your hospital and our school. Madam Pomfrey will be our healer, and will be setting up our infirmary from scratch. The British magical community are somewhat 'traditional' in their ways and methods. I was wondering if it would be possible for us to get a tour of your hospital, allow us to see things that you do differently - and that we might want to include here."

While not comfortable with it, Harry was taking a page out of Remus' book. Madam Pomfrey might not get shown around the hospital but they would roll out the red carpet for the Boy-Who-Lived. Nothing would be said about him having Poppy as his guest, amongst others.

The mind-healer couldn't of course speak for the hospital but Harry expected an invitation would soon be winging its way toward them.

Ginny's situation would now be in the hands of their Ministry, but he certainly wanted to be the mind-healer who worked on her case. The mind-healer was planning on removing a lot of the compulsions and meddling today. Only when they were all removed could the underlying problem - her possession - begin to be tackled. First though, he would need to talk with Lord Potter to discover exactly what happened to the young witch.

As the twins were leaving with McGonagall to write their letter, Remus had some last minute instructions for them. "Tell your brother to make his way to Naples and then owl us from there. If he gives us a pick-up point, either me or Sirius will go and bring him here,"

Remus himself was heading off to the Italian Ministry, something Harry discovered he was doing on an almost daily basis. Harry couldn't help but smile at the man, a smile and nod in return from Remus spoke volumes. They both knew Remus had originally thought Harry had created a position for him out of charity, not any more. Remus was working his arse off, having to learn new skills every single day, yet loving every minute of it. Even in his time teaching at Hogwarts, Remus had never felt as needed as this. For the werewolf, it was a very unusual feeling - though one he could certainly get used to.

Now Harry was left with the two healers, it was time to tell his tale of a thousand year old basilisk and the darkest of magic that was a horcrux. He asked Dobby for copies of the newspapers featuring pictures of the basilisk. Seeing that, the Italian mind-healer might be more inclined to believe the rest of his story. Harry knew he wouldn't believe anyone telling him the story he was about to spin.


Coming down the steps attached to the cliff face, Harry was looking longingly at the inviting sea. He'd waited all this time though, so a little longer while Ron was brought up to date wouldn't hurt. Hermione of course already knew exactly how things had played out, their bond allowing her to hear every word.

Harry understood that, for some people, what they shared could be really disconcerting. For the two lonely people that they were before this, neither he nor Hermione would even consider putting things back they way they were.

It was as if she had been with him as he told the mind-healer of hidden chambers and a secret so dark, both healers immediately offered oaths to protect the information. Harry's assurance that steps were well under way to end the horcrux problem was the only bit of light in an incredibly dark tale. After hearing Harry's story, the mind-healer was even angrier at how Ginny had been treated. Once again, Hermione was there for him, and Harry needed her strength while he recounted exactly how close Ginny had come to losing her life.

Hermione's presence, probably more than the memory information from Tom, was responsible for giving Harry a confidence he never had before. With Hermione by his side, and in his head, Harry felt they could face anything.

He was faced with a worried Ron and Millie the moment his feet touched the sand. Knowing the twins would tell their brother everything anyway, Harry made no attempt to sugar-coat what just happened.

"The healer said Ginny's treatment - or lack of it - was criminal. In actual fact it is criminal in Italy, so the Italian Ministry will become involved. Dumbledore and your mother will want Ginny home, to hush everything up again. We need to come up with ideas to stop that happening. The twins are with McGonagall, sending a letter to Bill. Remus just headed off to the Italian Ministry, see if we can get a handle on what our options might be. Whatever happens, it's going to be very messy - and probably very public."

They had been joined by the rest of their friends, and it was Luna who spoke up. "If it's going to become public, you know my dad will publish the truth - if you want? Ginny was my friend before Hogwarts, and then she wasn't. If they did this to her then I think everyone should know, and know why too. Ginny has always fancied the Boy-Who-Lived, what girl hasn't, but I didn't recognise my friend at all last night."

While trying not to blush over Luna's Boy-Who-Lived comment, Susan had something to add here too. "You know my aunt will play whatever happens strictly by the law. It's what she does - no matter who is involved."

"Your aunt is certainly someone we consider a friend. Yes she's known for following the letter of the law, but we're in a different country right now - with different laws. Italian Law apparently puts the need of the child first. I wish we had that in Britain, then Dumbledore would never have been able to kidnap me and leave a toddler on a muggle doorstep. He didn't get punished for that, Dumbledore won't consider he did anything wrong with Ginny either. Can't you just hear him - I tried to help a family out, save the expense of a mind-healer. People will believe him, because he's Albus Dumbledore."

Hermione had her arm around Harry, she understood exactly how much he was hurting here. "Ginny's now getting treatment, and the battle to see what happens next will probably be fought by both Ministries' of Magic. Let's be happy with the first bit of news, and not let the second spoil what is a lovely day. Madam Pomfrey will let us know later how Ginny is responding to treatment, and when she can start enjoying her holiday."

With that suggestion finding agreement all around, Hermione led Harry toward the sea. Taking off their transfigured sandals, they stepped into the water and walked along the beach with the waves gently lapping around their ankles. At any other time, this would have been a lovely romantic moment. With the turmoil currently waging war within Harry, that was never going to happen. Hermione knew exactly what the problem was, she just waited on him talking about it.

"Do these bastards think being magically powerful gives them the right to mess with people's lives? 'And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal', that line terrifies me more than anything else. I think my boggart now would be me turning into either of those bastards. One tried to murder Ginny for his own evil ends, the other seriously messed with her mind to try and cover his own arse. Who's to say her parents actually went along with him? We've both seen Dumbledore use his wand to get what he wants."

Taking a deep breath, and using Hermione's presence in his mind to help centre himself, Harry moved on to the problems now facing them. "We didn't want to be fighting Voldemort, Dumbledore and the Ministry at the same time, I think that's unavoidable now. You could probably also add the Weasley parents to the list of people who will be out for our blood. We have to help Ginny though..."

"...and that is why my Harry will never be like either of those two. You care for people, not power - never power. I really hope Bill can help or this will get nasty very quickly. The Italian Ministry might try and protect Ginny but there is no one to stop Molly pulling Ron and the twins back to Britain."

The wonderful setting, and having Hermione at his side, kicked Harry back into planning mode. He had responsibilities, and even employees now. "We're going to have to start work right away, a meeting before dinner tonight?"

"What do we do about the Weasleys? If they get dragged back to Britain, Dumbledore will soon know a lot about us."

"I have a written confirmation from their parents that they can stay for two weeks. Even claiming the situation's changed, we should be able to drag things out to see they get those two weeks. We must have things in place before that, so they can't then stop us. I think Italian citizenship for both of us needs to shoot up your to-do list as well. We can speak to Remus about it later. Instead of a holiday, the next two weeks are now going to be manic."

Agreeing with Harry, Hermione was still sure they could pull it off. "We originally thought that time would be needed convincing the professors to join us here, yet they all seem eager to get started. Counting Remus, we're looking at having the four best professors from Hogwarts teaching here come September. If nothing else, tonight will let everyone see how much thought we've put into this."

Kissing Hermione, Harry's determination was back. "Everything here is beautiful, including you. Let's try and enjoy today before the hard work starts."

At that, Hermione took his hand and started running into deeper water. When the water was lapping around their waists, she turned and held him in her arms. "We'll have the rest of our lives to enjoy ourselves. A summer working our butts off won't do us any harm..."

"I usually spend my summers working my butt off, so this will still seem like a holiday to me. Just having you here is like a holiday to me..."

They were suddenly splashed by Ron. "You were looking far too serious there, you need to lighten up."

Harry and Hermione had been so wrapped up in themselves, they hadn't noticed their friends joining them. Using his ring to surreptitiously magically drench Ron in retaliation was the trigger that started a water fight amongst the eight of them. There was much laughter, and switching of sides as the 'fight' quickly became a free-for-all. Everyone was having a blast, and remembering they were teenagers on a beach holiday.


Albus was fit to be tied when he received separate resignations from Pomona and Filius, again they didn't require references so denying him the information he craved. Hogwarts had now lost three Heads of House and its healer - this was intolerable. The fact that he had no idea why this situation had come about was what really riled Dumbledore. Albus liked to think he had his finger on the pulse of Hogwarts, how could he possibly have missed what amounted to nothing less than a mutiny?

There was no doubt this would be turned around by the press to put the blame on him. Albus couldn't even fight back as no reasons were given in any of the letters of resignation. Albus honestly didn't know what he had done to deserve such disloyalty.

He would have to start filling those positions soon, as well as his annual search for a defence professor. A shiver ran down Dumbledore's ancient spine at the thought of losing any more. It was going to be a nightmare trying to replace the staff he had already lost, looking for professors of Ancient Runes, Astronomy and Arithmancy too might be beyond what he could manage in a single summer.

Albus decided he would write to each of those professors immediately, offering them a Head of House position. The increase in responsibility, and corresponding salary, should be enough to keep them at Hogwarts. His choice for the position of Deputy was now no choice at all. As the only remaining Head of House, Albus not giving the position to Severus might see Hogwarts looking for a potions professor too.

There was no doubt Albus would soon discover what was happening. Professors of this caliber moving schools would be hot news, news that would quickly spread around the education community. Everyone who taught knew professors from other schools, and those professors would know professors from elsewhere too. This could never remain a secret, the information superhighway that was the educational grapevine would soon be buzzing with this shocking news.

When the secret finally became known, Albus was already certain he wouldn't like what he discovered. Dumbledore still had only the faintest of ideas of how much trouble he was actually in.


Instead of holding a meeting before dinner, thus putting a set time on when said meeting would need to be finished for, they had the elves set up a buffet where people could go up and help themselves while still taking part. This also suited Ginny, who was almost attached to Poppy's side. It allowed her to sit quietly in the background, and everyone there respected Ginny's wish to do so.

Harry and Hermione stood in front of all of them with a portable display board to mark points on. When the name 'Potter Institute of Sorcery and Spells' appeared at the top, both could see Pomona wince.

"Harry, you're asking me to head an establishment with the acronym of PISS?"

They had expected nothing else, including the Weasley twins trying to hide their sniggering by holding their plates up to their faces. A smiling Harry had the answer she was looking for.

"My father was a renowned prankster, along with Padfoot and Moony here." That certainly put a sudden halt to the twin's laughter. "P.I.S.S. is there as a family joke, one I'm sure he would have appreciated. Our school though will be known as the Potter Institute, or Pi. We have steps in place to make sure this is how people will refer to us."

As Harry used is wand to pin an enlarged drawing to the board, Hermione took over the explanation.

"Pi, or π, is a number - sometimes called Archimedes' Constant. You might even say that its a magical number as its a mathematical constant whose exact value can't be calculated. This information about Pi is known the world over, and the symbol will be recognised worldwide too. We took this symbol as our inspiration for the drawings we gave to Remus. Please understand, this is nothing more than an outline of our idea. We're hoping the people sitting here will provide most of the detail. This is π, or the Potter Institute."

Harry had unveiled a drawing that was basically a building in the shape of the π symbol. He started explaining their ideas. "The 'top bar' of the π will be the classrooms. With only a hundred and forty students maximum, and only potions and herbology needing special teaching areas, we figured ten other 'general' classrooms would cover just about all possibilities. Remember we have a lot of outside space that can be utilised for teaching too."

Hermione was desperate to get the next bit in. "The curved part at the end of the top bar would make a wonderful library. Enclosing the curve would give us an outside reading - studying - working area too. As you can see, the building will only be two stories high. We thought the same curved area above the library would make a great infirmary. From personal experience, Harry and I can say that looking out on a beautiful view will have patients wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible."

It was a measure of how close they had become that Poppy felt comfortable joking along with them. "Hermione, I don't think anything could make Harry want to leave my infirmary quicker, he's practically got to be dragged into my care in the first place."

Smiling at the truth in Poppy's words, Harry continued with their presentation. "The left 'leg' of the π will house our assembly hall /dining area - so difficult not to say great hall - with the end of the leg being the staff accommodation. The remaining leg would then be the student accommodation. We're thinking rooms holding a pair of students, using both sides and the two stories. The ground floors would lead out into a small sitting area while the first floor rooms have balconies. Again, these are nothing more than general ideas to give the architect. They will hopefully take all of our ideas and turn them into a school we can be proud of."

It was now Luna who joked with them. "You two clearly kept yourselves busy while Dumbledore confined you to the infirmary."

Pomona was impressed, mightily so. If they had the acumen to come up with this, and the gold to make it happen, she wanted in on the ground floor. That gave her an idea. "If I had a ground floor room, I could have my own garden right outside my door."

Harry and Hermione didn't even look at one another as they internally did their version of a happy dance, their choice for Headmistress was hooked - time to land her.

"We thought the ground corner could be your suite, with the other corner facing the student accommodation as the Headmistress's office. You could easily have a private garden around the entire thing, with a path leading to your office the only necessity."

It was obvious Pomona thought that was a brilliant idea, Hermione then expanded upon it. "The staff would be able to access you from their quarters, while students would merely have to stroll through your gardens to visit the Headmistress. Designing and planting those gardens would also be a brilliant teaching exercise. I know at least one person here who already can't wait to volunteer."

As all eyes turned to Neville, he jokingly put his hand up. "Count me in, Professor - sorry, Headmistress."

When Pomona didn't object to Neville's assumption, they knew the P.I. had its Headmistress.

Announcing there would be no divination classes went down well, they also said they didn't know if magical creatures could be taught here - and this would be a matter for the Headmistress to look into. Pomona nodding sealed the deal, and Harry then cheekily pointed out it would also be her job to recruit whatever staff she wished for the institute.

Discovering there would be no organised quidditch was the only downside to the evening. Harry saying that there would easily be enough space between the 'legs' of the accommodation blocks to fit a pitch for pick-up games raised the atmosphere right back up. It was an excited Susan who realised you could sit on your room's balcony and watch the quidditch. Hermione added that, if their room was on the other side of the accommodation block, they would enjoy a sea view. The ideal solution would to be friends with the people across the corridor from you, then enjoying both options would be available.

This had everyone talking as Harry's wand added a quidditch pitch across the bottom of the accommodation blocks, he could already see which way McGonagall would be wanting her rooms to face. Adding the pitch also gave everyone some idea of the scale the Potter Institute would be, since they all knew what size a quidditch pitch was. Harry indicated there was still lots of outside space left between the blocks that could be used for anything from teaching to holding a massive barbecue for the entire school. Seeing questioning looks coming from their friends, Hermione promised to try and organise one on the beach tomorrow night.

As the ideas grew, more and more details were added to the drawing. This though was purely a sketch, and the staff would all be meeting with the architect as soon as Remus could arrange it. The excitement was so high amongst all of them, no one thought that would be quick enough.

Harry then showed their ideas went a lot deeper than a basic design of a building. Indicating the drawing, he began to make his point. "That is just a building, it's what goes on inside that really matters. We want to set up something where there are no devisions, other than the obvious ones of Hermione and I not sharing a room until we're married."

Sirius couldn't hold his laugh at hearing that, Harry though was getting serious. "We won't have houses, and won't stand for any bias over blood. That just leaves one more issue to deal with."

Knowing his could be hurtful for his friends, Harry made it about him. He cancelled the transfiguration on his clothes, and had to catch Dudley's old trousers before they hit the floor. Being careful not to look anywhere near any of the Weasleys, Harry explained how things would be at the school carrying his family's name.

"There will be no students boasting they have better robes, books or brooms here. All equipment, books and clothes will be provided. There will also be sets of identical brooms for learning to fly and any quidditch games organised. Everything will be bought locally, stopping the muggle-born being ripped off in Diagon Alley."

While her initial shock was at what this would cost, Pomona asked if Harry could explain that last bit.

"Muggles have to exchange their pounds into galleons, and the goblins charge them for the service. Sirius, how do you pay for things in Diagon Alley?"

"With my Head of House ring, you know that."

"Yes, but did you know using your ring got you at least a five percent discount? After being charged to change their money, they then have to pay full price for everything. That's hardly fair..."

Having already made her choice, Minerva then revealed one of Hogwarts darkest secrets. "It's worse than you think, muggle-born are charged more to attend Hogwarts too. If we deliberately go after them for the institute, it will leave a big hole in Hogwarts finances. Dumbledore is many things but he has no idea how to balance accounts."

While Harry and Hermione were angry at hearing that, neither were surprised. "I think contacting the muggle-born has to be near the top of our to-do list. With you three working at the Institute, who does that leave to be Deputy Headmaster? I can't see Snape impressing any of the new muggle-born, especially if we get to them first.

The idea of Snape as Deputy Headmaster was a step too far for the twins. They made a heartfelt plea. "Harry, can we come here to?"

George as always was on the same wavelength as his twin. "We could repeat fourth year, and be in the same classes as you?"

"Sorry guys, but that would be a decision for our new Headmistress. Our job here is to get the Institute up and running. After that, Hermione and I will just be two of the students attending here. When you give people jobs, we feel it's important to then stand back and let them do those jobs."

Taking a deep breath, Pomona publicly confirmed her appointment - only the contract now remained to be signed. "Boys, we've a long way to go before that decision needs to be made. What I will say is antics that Dumbledore put up with at Hogwarts will not be tolerated here. With only twenty students per year group, and after hearing Harry's plans, I would say those positions are going to be very much sought after. I won't hesitate to remove anyone whose behaviour doesn't meet the higher standards we will be demanding at the Potter Institute. I'm also certain there will be a long waiting list of people hoping places become available."

While not the yes they would have liked, the twins consoled themselves by accepting it wasn't a definite no. Their mother's reaction to the Ginny situation would also bear heavily on that decision. Their sister seemed frightened by her shadow, a pale imitation of the boisterous young witch they'd always known her to be.

Madam Pomfrey had explained to them that Ginny would be like this until her confidence could once more be built up, with the mind-healer dropping in every morning to work with her. Ginny knowing she was well over a thousand miles away from the Burrow - while staying in Harry Potter's house - was also having a positive affect on her. Mentioning her brother Bill had been contacted, and hopefully would be showing up in a day or two, was what gave Ginny the confidence to attend tonight's meeting.

After the last gathering she had attended here, tonight would let her see that no one held Ginny's behaviour against her. Luna approaching and asking if she wanted to share a room at the new school actually drew the first genuine smile from Ginny that Poppy had seen.

As the meeting broke up, Harry and Hermione found themselves being hugged by an excited Sirius. "I'm so proud of you two, I could burst. Remus never let a word of this slip either, he's good at keeping things close to his chest. I have to say though, I prefer PISS to π."

Pomona gave him a gentle nudge in the ribs. "And that is why you are not Headmaster. I also heard from Min about your lack of attire while sunbathing, I assume I won't have to place you in detention for baring all again?"

Watching Pomona effectively shut Sirius down just confirmed to the teens they'd made the right choice for Headmistress. "Madam Sprout, I was assuming you would have no problem having McGonagall, Flitwick or Poppy on the staff. Remus here is Steward to House Potter but is also easily the best defence professor we've had. Should he wish to teach here, the reduced timetable next year could easily see him holding down both jobs."

"I'm delighted with the staff already in place, and Remus would certainly be a welcome addition too. There are a couple more Hogwarts professors I would like to offer positions..."

Hermione knew at once who she was meaning. "Professor Vector and Professor Babbling, arithmancy and ancient runes - two of my favourite subjects. That would be brilliant."

Harry couldn't help but smile at his betrothed's enthusiasm. "Remus has the salary scales we worked on for the Institute, he also has contracts the goblins drew up. While there are no heads of house, we certainly thing you should have a deputy to help..."

Pomona cut in immediately with her choice. "Minerva."

Remus had something to add too. "I will not take another salary for teaching. The gold you're already paying me is more than enough. I've resigned from my role as Steward to House Black. With Sirius a free wizard, the house doesn't need a Steward."

This got a sly smile from Sirius. "Wait until you see your severance pay. Hey, you helped get me free."

Remus didn't get a chance to complain as Harry moved things along. "Remus is our organiser here, he will be your main contact with getting this in motion. I think having Italian language classes for everyone would not only help us if we step outside the Institute, it will let the Italian Ministry know we're here to stay. We also want to see if it's possible to install some muggle technology in the Institute too. Phones at a minimum, tv's or a cinema would be a big bonus."

Hermione had something she needed to mention too. "I said to the girls they could help design our robes, I hope you don't mind? We thought our badge should be the PI symbol, with the words 'Potter Institute' on it. Apart from that, you've now heard all our ideas."

A smiling Pomona thanked them both. "You've certainly given me enough to be getting on with. When I first arrived here, I couldn't believe how blue the sky was. I think something like that would make a good base colour for our robes, certainly not black, and I want final approval of your design."

A cheeky 'yes, Headmistress' from both teens in sync left everyone chuckling. "Remus showed us the sample pictures of buildings designed for this country. From the look of your drawing, I would say we picked the same architect - Francesca Rossi. It's our job now to sit down with her and make this a school it will be a joy to both teach and learn in."

"Oh you will love working with her. She's a squib who attended muggle university and is now making a name for herself on both sides of the magical divide. You'll find magical Italy is a lot more progressive than Britain."

The enthusiasm in Remus' comments saw a large grin appear on Sirius' face. "Why Moony, if I didn't know you better I would say. You were smitten."

Rather than being embarrassed, Remus just grinned at his best friend. "Just wait until you meet Francesca, you'll be smitten too."

This led to all of them gently chiding Remus to get the lady here as quickly as possible.


A floo call from a sobbing Pansy had Draco shouting for his father. He quickly explained the situation to Lucius, having deciphered what was happening between Pansy's loud sobs.

"Pansy said her father returned from Gringotts and ordered that they immediately pack. It seems the Parkinsons are leaving the country - today if possible."

Sensing a possible ally here, Lucius asked the distraught witch to fetch her father. Pansy was very reluctant, since her father had forbade her contacting anyone, but Lucius saying he might be able to help them stay in Britain was more than enough incentive for the girl to face the possible wrath of her father.

Edmund Parkinson was a wizard who liked his luxuries, and partook of them often. Rich food and regular fine alcohol consumption had seen Edmund sporting a ruddy complexion for as long as Lucius had known the wizard, he didn't think it was the floo system that was turning that same complexion ashen.

"Lucius, I am rather busy and don't really have time to be sociable at the moment. Could we get straight to the point.?"

Keeping his emotions screwed down tight, Lucius waded right into the deep end. "I'm guessing that you visited your vaults to find them empty, except for a letter from our master?"

This revelation had Edmund immediately on guard. "How could you possibly know this?"

Sure of himself now, Lucius laid it out for the wizard. "Edmund, the same thing happened to me. I was ready to run when Draco pointed out that Harry Potter had warned him of the possibility of the Malfoys losing all their gold. I was ready to dismiss this as taunts between teens when I remembered something, Potter is a parselmouth - just like our master. Hearing the same thing happened to you adds credence to the theory that Potter was somehow behind this."

Edmund's temper exploded through the floo. "I'll gut the little bastard, and then sit back and watch as he slowly dies."

"Not before we get our gold back, and our hands on the Potter gold too."

Edmund then had another thought. "Lucius, do you think he's done this to more wizards than us? Should we contact some of the others?"

This was something that hadn't occurred to Lucius, he couldn't hide his smile at that thought though. "If Potter has done this to the others, then their gold would also swell our vaults when we catch the brat. We'll be the ones taking the chance, and spending gold finding out where to get our hands on Potter. Let them run."

While greedily agreeing with the idea of taking even more gold for his own vault, Edmund wanted clarification on that last bit. "What do you mean?"

"Draco tells me the best way to get to Potter is through his mudblood. My contacts at the Ministry are currently sifting through the records to get me the little bitch's address. I didn't want to take Draco with me on this mission but we both know you need a backup in these situations. Her parents are muggles so you and I should be able to handle this easily. Getting our hands on the mudblood will see Potter doing whatever we want. I could even have Severus brew some control potions for the little bastard. We need him alive to sign over all that gold to us. After that, we can decide whether to kill him, or keep the little shit alive as a gift for our master - should he return."

Edmund now wanted in, and Lucius was able to squeeze some gold out of the man - to help toward paying his contact at the Ministry. Of course that gold would never see Lucius' contact, unless of course their plan worked. Otherwise, Edmund had just made a contribution to the Malfoy escape fund. It was decided they would act as soon as the information came through. There wasn't really any time to do any planning, other than torture the parent to get the mudblood's co-operation. Then she would receive the same treatment until Potter did what they told him to.

While Edmund thought all their problems had just been solved, Lucius would still have Narcissa continue with their preparations to run. It was a proven Malfoy tactic, a tactic that was responsible for the Malfoy's timely relocation to Britain a few generations ago. Lucius hoped his branch of the family wouldn't have to flee Britain with their tail between their legs.

|Thank You For Reading|

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