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|I'm sorry mum and dad, I know I messed up bad|
|Had the world in my feet before I could even stand|

"Uncle Frank and my mum never got the chance to see their parents again like most kids. Their parents were dead. My mum's mum never saw her get married to my dad and my mum wasn't walked down the aisle by her real dad. And sadly..... that would be the case for me...." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1969, London, Britain
Setting: Ministry Of Magic

this is my least favorite chapter, lmao. no matter how many times i've tried rewriting it, i just don't feel it.

• • • • • • • • • •

Susan felt Frank grip her hand as they walked beside their aunt Evelyn who was discussing a matter to their uncle Alfie about what seems to be their parents.

She didn't want to listen to the conversation and she told Frank to cover his ears, however, their uncle saw and whispered that unless she wanted to take a slap to the face for her brother than she better tell him to uncover them. Susan did exactly that while continuously murmuring about how she couldn't wait until they got away from them before she ended up snapping their necks.

Yesterday Evelyn hit Susan across the face with a pan, a bloody pan, just for saying she didn't feel well enough to help Lanky wash the dishes.

Boy, luckily Frank was at his piano lesso. Susan didn't want him witnessing that. If it wasn't for magic, Susan would have been died. She was sure of this fact. But he also didn't have to know that either.

"Merlin! It took four years for us to get what they left. The Ministry and their excuses. It was hard to track their possessions down? I'm utterly disgusted by their behavior. They've been dead and rottening in the ground for four years now. They're lucky we let their Merlin awful children into our house. Especially the disobedient one," Her aunt continued to join in with her uncle constant ramble about how useless his brother always was and how he hated getting stuck with his children.

You know, if Susan was nineteen instead of nine she would have gratefully beaten both of them for talking about her parents. She was just like her father: weak, useless, and powerless. She was worth nothing but a penny on the sidewalk.

Taking beatings, hits, starving herself for her brother, going nights in pain and crying herself to sleep after it was all over was considered weak in her aunt and uncle's words. Susan didn't understand how it was weak until her aunt screamed it at her. Basically, she was too weak to last without Frank, too weak to take hits, too weak to keep in the tears, too weak to stay strong in front of her brother, and too weak in general, "I'm not shocked by this. Your brother was stupid enough to get two woman pregnant around the same time. To think Albus let that slide and still wanted to help him-" Alfie nudged his wife, showing her she was getting too deep.

Evelyn cleared her throat, "Right. We are not to speak of that around the child. What I meant is - of course he would make a dumb decision like this. He was never right in the head," aunt Evelyn continued and Susan bit her tongue. She never had to bite her tongue before because she never had anything to say.

She never had a say-so in anything being the filthy embarrassment of a half-blood she was to the family.

But there it was. The moment to speak up for her parents and tell them off for bad mouthing them.... and she bites her tongue. There it was. The moment to finally have her own voice and not be afraid of them anymore..... and she bites her tongue. There it was. The moment of being brave against them and putting them in their place...... and she bites her tongue. There it was. The moment of showing her little brother that they was to not fear their aunt and uncle anymore and that she was going to finally speak out against them...... and she bites her tongue. She bites her tongue for the first time in a moment that needed to be stopped. She bites her tongue for the first time in a moment that her parents needed to be defended.

Well, one thing was for sure, Susan would never bite her tongue again.


Rusul Borgin shook Alfie's hand viciously like all men that worked in The Ministry did as their greeting and he then kissed Evelyn's hand. Alfie worked for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. He didn't really work in it. Alfie was the Head of it. He was well respected in his Department as well as two other fellow wizards that he granted the honor of working with him.

"And I believe these are Amelia and Auror's lovely daughter and son," He said with a smile and bent down to their height. Evelyn scoffed in a clearly disgusted way. One was; one was not.

"Actually the girl is his and Amelia's. The boy belongs to him and Augusta. But we won't get into that affair. He couldn't say no to it," She corrected him and Rusul awkwardly coughed before standing up straight. Susan felt Frank grip her hand tighter but she said nothing about it. He was probably tired of Evelyn continuing to disrespect the people that had to take care of him. But don't worry Frank.

Susan was biting her tongue, too.

"Well, let's get to the will, shall we? No need to discuss such other things in front of the children," said Rulus, hinting not to bring up affairs around children that young.

The two adults nodded before following Rulus down a long path to a charm-protective big room that had emerald diamonds surrounding it and a vibe that would give you a feeling of you being welcomed. It was pearly green with streaks of black running through it and the floors were so clear that you could see your own reflection in them. The door had this flowing thickness surrounding it letting Susan know that had to be the protective charm around it. It seemed only Rulus was the one that could access it. It had to be his room. "You can all take a seat," Rulus told them once they had made it inside.

Susan and Frank both sat in the same big comfy chair, both being small and Frank put his right leg on top of Susan's left one to avoid it from hurting.

"I'm sure you and your brother were not that close, Alfie," Rulus started and Alfie snorted in disgust.

Him and Auror were far more than being close. They purely hated each other, well, Alfie hated Auror. Auror loved his brother very much even if he did call him traitorous all the time and ignored him towards the end of their Hogwarts years.

He called him names that shall not be spoken or should be left out the mouth of an child and snitched on him to their parents when he caught him hanging out with that... monkey. Auror knew what he was doing falling in love with that woman when he could have clearly had Augusta as his wife.

But no, he didn't want a Pure-blood witch that could have kept the word respect on the Longbottom's family name. He wanted Amelia. That freak of a Muggle-born who ruined their families blood and Susan came out of that monkey so she will forever pay since she's also ruining their family blood.

Merlin, they're respected by the Black Family and the Li Family. If Susan caused them to lose that respect they would murder her. With no hesitation.

"I still dislike my brother and he's been 6ft under the ground for four years now," Alfie said after him and Evelyn did her usual laugh.

Susan found nothing funny in what he said and took deep breaths from letting her mouth get her into trouble. She pictured Frank hurt face seeing bruises on her, Lanky sad face not being able to help her, and their angry faces showing no emotion towards her. She used all three of those memories to help keep her calm and they worked perfectly, "Alfie didn't feel the need of showing brotherly-love to Auror. He was a traitorous fool. They just didn't bond together at all. They were different. The only thing they had in common were their looks," Evelyn commented after and Susan closed her eyes.

What would her mum say? What would Amelia say seeing her daughter sit there and letting this evil cruel woman speak badly on her father? What would Amelia say seeing how weak her daughter was being in using the excuse of abuse to not speak up for her father? What would Amelia say if she knew Susan was raised better than that but still let her own father, who loved them dearly, get disrespected?

But then again, that was the same man that left them. No, she wasn't going to start that again! He only left them because he had to. It was Augusta that caused them this pain; not Auror. She needed to stop her mind from trying to blame him. She had to.

Susan looked down as she thought about the questions and she thought about her father. She then heard the word 'disgrace' get said in the back of her head with her aunt's voice. That's exactly what she was at the moment: a disgrace. Such a disgrace to their family and to their parents.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Auror and Amelia did leave special possessions behind that will be given over to their child --- and step-child --- and will also be given over to you," Rulus explained while his wand opened up his briefcase for him. Susan looked up at the thought of getting her mum and dad's possession. She would finally have something to remember them of. Her and Frank both exchanged the same looks because they were thinking the same thing.

"He actually left us materials? Shows how foolish my brother was. He still leaves us with something even though he knew we hated him. It disgusts me," Alfie said and Rusul cleared his throat, "Please, not in front of the children," Rusul was showing signs of being uncomfortable.

Susan felt Frank adjust in his spot and she rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand. She didn't want anything to happen to him. She'll go insane. The parchment landed in Rulus' hand and he began to read what Auror put down for his brother:

"Dear Alfie,

My dearest brother. The same brother of mines that I grew a part from. My brother that I have not seen in so long will be getting one of my most prized possessions left to me by mum and dad. My dearest brother that has done nothing but ignore me and bully me will be getting one of my most prized possessions left to me by mum and dad. My dearest brother that has repeatedly called my wife a freak and whore will sadly be getting one of my most prized possessions left to me by mum and dad. I loved you, Alfie. Always did and sadly always will. Because we are blood. We had a very special bond when we were little boys, even in Hogwarts. Always making boring dinners exciting together, pranking our family members for fun when we were grounded, creating potions in dad's study just to watch them blow up. We were close to eachother in Hogwarts all the way up until our fifth year. Fifth year I lost my twin, my best friend, my pranking buddy, my world. I met Amelia in fifth year before I met Augusta and you just started hating me for liking her. I tried explaining to you that her being a Muggle-born didn't matter but you did not listen and you just.... you turned your back on me. You hated her skin, her blood, her everything. My twin that was just like me, turned his back on me. I will never forget that day and I will never forget the choices I've made with getting two witches pregnant because I was young and dumb. But it landed me a son and daughter that will forever hold a place in my heart. You will forever hold a place in my heart. And to you, my dearest brother, I leave our family's hard earned vault: Vault 710. You take good care of it, Al. Mum and dad worked their entire lives trying to fill it up and that's why they gave it to me. And that's why I'm giving it to you. I love you, brother. Forever.

Auror Longbottom"

You'd think Susan would be lying if she said she saw one glimpse of sadness in Alfie's eye before it went back to his emotionless disgusted look. She was getting tired of that look, "A vault? He left me that bloody vault? This is why I hated him. How thoughtful," Alfie complained and the key to Vault 710 landed in his hand.

It shocked him. It was more than just a slight tingle that ran underneath his skin. No, it was as though someone had attached a live wire to each of his nerves, and his body convulsed as the violent electrical current pulsed through him.

The shock made him jump, but the shock also sent memories flooding through his mind. The same memories that he has been trying to forget for these past years. The memory of him and Auror rolling down their family's hill together while they're mum chased them and screamed for them to get back inside, the memory of them locking their arms together and drinking the healing potion at the same time after them dueling late at night for fun ended terribly, the memory of Auror helping him ask Evelyn to be his Valentine since he was so scared to even look at her "beauty," the memory of Auror staying in their bedroom experimenting and looking into the lives of Wizarding creatures but he only stopped whenever Alfie needed him. But the main memory was when they first ran into Hogwarts together talking about how they were going to flip the school upside and bring a couple of laughs to it. Alfie had been trying to forget about all of these memories. Just because they were stuck in his mind didn't mean there was any way they were going to stop him from hating his brother.

He ruined the family's name and he'll never forgive him for that.

Rulus then looked at Evelyn, "Auror left something for you, too, Evelyn. I know about you two's special bond," He told her and Evelyn adjusted in her seat a little. Evelyn and Auror were close friends in Hogwarts even though she was an Slytherin and Auror was a Gryffindor. She never acknowledged it but if it wasn't for Auror, her and Alfie would have never started dating but it seemed that the two of them forgot about that.

Rulus pulled out an Revealer. A Revealer is a bright red eraser, used to make invisible ink appear. Evenly scoffed as she had no knowledge of why Auror would even decide to leave her something so useless. She would have rather gotten an Remembrall from him or even an Mokeskin Pouch. Mokeskin pouches are a type of draw-string pouch that can be operated only by the owner. Evelyn would have taken that instead of the Revealer. Rulus began reading what Auror wrote to her:

"Dear Evelyn,

I've known you since 1st Year at Hogwarts and I know you like I know my own mind. I know you're going: "why did he leave me this?" because I know you. Well, I'll tell you why. Remember in 2nd Year when I visited you and your family and we both found out that your older brother had a diary that he wrote in and the words always disappeared? You know what I'm talking about so don't deny it just because you want to hate me. I know you remember the enchanted diary that he had where the words only appeared for him and you wanted to know so badly what was inside of it because you was just that type of little sister. Well, I got my owl and I had told her to go home and search around Alfie's and I bedroom for the Revealer I had just bought so we could use it to see what was your brother writing in his diary. It was one of the memories that I forever held on to because we were like sister and brother in Hogwarts. But that all ended in 5th Year as well. I hope you take good care of my Revealer and I hope you're taking good care of my children. You know your job so you have to do it. I know you still remember that moment because I still do, Sinister.

Auror Longbottom"

Evelyn looked over the eraser and scoffed at it before tossing it to Frank who caught it. She completely ignored what was said in the will and tried brushing it off by down-talking the object that connected her with him.

Susan arched her eyebrows at the both of them. For people who seemed to hate him they sure weren't acting like it in this particular moment.

Maybe it was because no matter how much you hated a person you could never forget the good they did for you.

"I'm sure you'll have fun with that useless crap, Frank," She said and Susan had never hated someone so much. Here he was leaving them something that obviously held a special place in his heart because it connected him with them and they're not even appreciating it. Evelyn and Alfie disgusted Susan and she could not wait until she finally got her chance to get away from them.

Rufus cleared his throat, "Now it is time for the children," He announced and both Susan and Frank sat up in the big comfy chair. He chuckled in awe at their bright eyes.

Susan felt her heart beating out of her chest as she thought about what possessions their parents left for Frank and her. This was the moment she was waiting for.

Rulus started with Frank first and started with what Amelia left him. Frank let an awkward smile spread on his face as he thought about his step-mum who supposedly loved him just as much as she loved Susan. A part of him still believed this was all imaginary and they were still on vacation in his eyes. It still hasn't cross the poor boy mind that his parents were never coming back and that they wasn't on a long trip like he believed they was.

Susan just saw this as him being in denial about their deaths and she never did change his mindset about it. But it was obvious that the other part of him started to believe they never existed in the first place. Susan didn't know what to say to that part. It was very much different with her. She immediately knew right then and there that they were dead and that was what caused her to lose all joy inside of her. She didn't want that happening to her little brother. No matter what, she was going to make sure her brother kept his joy. Rufus starterd reading Amelia's letter to Frank:

"Dear Frank,

Oh, my sweet baby. I know you probably won't remember much about me but always know mum loves you and misses you very much. She would have never thought that one day she would grow up to loving the connection she had with somebody but I did. I loved the connection I had with you between our photography and our foodie ways. You always have meant the world to me, Frank, rather you were mines or not. I will forever love you like you was my son and I will never forget our piano lessons. Oh, our piano lessons. So much at such an young age. I always had to put my hand on top of yours and guide you everytime because you always changed the key or the note. My sweet boy, mum wanted to protect you and your sister from the reality of the cruel world but sadly it got to us quicker than we thought it would. You are my baby, my son, my foodie buddy, and mum loves you. I leave unto you my first ever magical photography book given to me by Auror. I couldn't do much with it but I know you can. It's in your blood. You add what you want in their my son and you keep this beautiful gift given to me. You keep it and you hold onto it. I love you. I will forever love you.

Amelia Longbottom"

Frank said nothing, he stayed quiet and showed no signs of any emotional reaction. Instead he looked down at the beautiful photography album that was just handed to him by Rulus' glove. He looked at Susan before looking back down at the album. This woman surely said she loved him a lot. She even left the her most beautiful gift given to her for him.

He might not have remembered her; but he had to at least respect her.

Frank laid his head on Susan's shoulder and Rufus was trying not to get emotional himself from reading their letters to them. He then moved on to what Auror had to give Frank, "He left you a wand. I'm sure you'll enjoy that as well," Rulus said to Frank and started reading:

"Dear Frank,

Frank, my dear boy, I leave you my wand. This was my first wand passed down to me by your grandfather. It runs in our family blood and I know you'll bring a great name to it. Frank, I am sorry that I will not be there to guide you, or teach you, or play Quidditch with you. I'm sorry I won't be there to be a father to you and to help you get the girl you will soon learn to fancy. I am sorry I won't be able to see my son get his first girlfriend. I am sorry you won't ever be able to come to me for help with tying your tie. I am sorry that I won't be able to sit outside and explain the importance of wildlife to you. I'm just very sorry Frank that I took the job as an Auror. I guess my name is what really did it, huh? Nothing to really laugh about there. I'm just trying to ease the pain. I love you, Frank. Remember to always protect your sister from any danger and that you do not ever let anybody hurt her. A sister is a gift from the Heavens above. You shield her from any harm coming her way. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you much longer. I'm sorry.

Auror Longbottom"

Frank rubbed over the well wooden polished wand. This was what really got to him. He remembered what was said to him that night and it was eating at him. Those were his father's last words said to him and yet he didn't own up to one single word. That night changed his life and he barely remembered how.

And here his father was thinking that his son was protecting his sister from any danger when in reality he was the cause for it all.

Surely his father would have snatched that wand from him. And he had every right to do it, too, "I'm going to make him proud. It's the least I could," He whispered to himself. He had to protect Susan. He had to. What would his father say after seeing that he's been letting them beat on his sister? What would his father say after seeing that he's been doing nothing but letting Susan starve herself so he could eat? What would his father say after seeing that he's been doing nothing but causing his sister to get hit with belts? His father would be disappointed in him and honestly, Frank is disappointed in himself. He had to start protecting her. He had to.

But how?

"Now, it is time for their daughter. I will start off with what Auror left you," Rulus announced and pulled out an Two-Way Mirror. That mirror is a part of a set of Two-way Mirrors that are activated by holding one of them and saying the name of the other possessor, causing his or her face to appear on the caller's mirror and vice versa. Rulus began reading:

"Dear Susanne,

My baby girl. My only daughter. My actual twin. I used this mirror everyday with Alfie whenever we were in separate detentions, was in separate rooms, were in different classes or just wasn't near each other. You and Frank have always been close and you always hated it when Augusta came to pick him up. You used to cry and jump up and down while holding your arms out so you could hold Frank again. You hated giving him over to her, too. You basically hated giving him over to anybody. Even when our mum had visited to get a glimpse at her grandson you basically carried him all the way back to his room with your little arm strength so she couldn't hold him. You were always protective over him so I thought about that when I decided to leave you this mirror. This mirror will help you call Frank anytime whenever you're separated from each other, or if you're separated in detention. I love you, Susanne. You always resembled your mum's grandfather and your mum. You can hold on to this mirror as long as you want. It cannot let you communicate with those who are not there.....so I won't ever be able to hear your sweet voice. Daddy loves you, Susanne. No matter where he is, he will forever love you. I'm sorry that I had to leave.

Auror Longbottom"

Evelyn snorted and mocked him causing Alfie to laugh. Susan rubbed her finger against the Two-Way Mirror and felt the lump in her throat. She didn't like Augusta as a little girl and she has now figured out the reason why. Augusta was no good to begin with. She was supposed to be taking care of them but since she was too "young" and "naive" to raise two children she dropped them off on the doorstep of Evenly and Alfie.

Because of Augusta, their lives changed forever. Because of Augusta, they would never see the world in the same way. Because of Augusta, Susan has been getting treatment worse than abuse and there's nothing she could do about it. Because of Augusta, Susan has gotten slammed against doors and has been getting chocked for no absolute reason. Because of Augusta, Susan has to starve herself to make sure Frank eats and has to find some place safe for them to sleep whenever they get put out of the house.

And that is something Susan would never forgive her for. She could apologize for eternity and Susan still wouldn't forgive her.

Rulus cleared his throat, "This is sad," His glove raised up to wipe his eyes for him. Both Evelyn and Alfie stared at him weirdly.

Rulus akwardly chuckled, "Now it is time for the last possession. Susanne, Amelia has left you this heart-shaped magical necklace given to her by your grandmother on her wedding day. She was sure that you would love it," Rulus informed her and grabbed the last piece of parchment. Susan could feel the tears filling up in her eyes and felt her heart aching at the thought of Amelia. She missed her and always thought about her when she cried herself to sleep every night. Amelia stayed strong for her children just like how Susan stayed strong for Frank.

Susan her own set of rules created not too long ago:

•Never cry in front of Frank
•Stay strong for him
•Never let any one tell her she couldn't do anything (still in progress)

This was one thing Susan was sure Amelia would have applauded her for. Rulus started reading:

"Dear Susanne,

My little doll. You are so much like me. I can already tell from my five years of being in your life. Make mum proud, Susanne. Be better than me, do better than me. Don't be weak, be strong. Don't be a person that tells stories, be that person that's a part of it. Never let any one knock down your confidence and self-esteem. Never let anyone treat you like how they treated me. You are a beautiful girl and nobody is going to ever make you feel like you're not worth it. You are the first half-blood to be in The Longbottom family and you showboat that with proud, momma. I leave you one of my first ever meaningful magical gifts: my necklace. I cried when they loved me enough to give me this. They said it would only work on my future daughter and I prayed this would be true. This necklace once held my heart in it, that's why it's shaped like that. But it died when my heart died. Now it is your time to fill it, momma. You make sure you show the Wizarding world what being a half-blood is all about. You make sure you showboat your skin with proud. Be proud of who you are. I went out with a fight and you make sure your story ends the same. You make sure you always go down with a fight. You make sure you go down in history. I love you, momma. I love you.

Amelia Longbottom"

Susan wiped her tears and Rulus handed her the necklace. Susan stared down at it for a while before Frank helped put it around her neck. It was the only thing he felt he could do for her in this moment.

It wasn't on all the way before a gasp escaped the young girl's mouth. Blue light coming for the center of the necklace started to surround her, making it sink into the ground under her feet and started swimming around her neck. Evelyn and Alfie jumped up already prepared to leave them if something happened. Her feet was lifted off the ground, the glowing blue light flashed quickly around her petite body. You barely saw her little figure due to the blue rays covering her up, showing them that something had to be happening to her in there. It looked like a beautiful magical scene out of a movie that you would stare at until the scene was over. The glowing blue light came from out of Susan's heart and it made its way into the necklace that was now opening up before she fell back down and long stone-like lines trapped the glowing green light inside of the necklace.

Frank helped her up and stared at the necklace in amazement, "Anne! I think your heart is in there! It's truly magical!" He exclaimed and Rulus smiled in awe at them. Evelyn scoffed and felt jealously go through her once again like the day on their wedding day.

They seemed to love that perfect monkey. They surely didn't love her when the two got so deep in Auror's world they were killed.

"Yeah, yeah. We're surrounded by magic now let's go! Nothing magical to see in here!" Evelyn rushed them and Rulus sent the two kids one last smile before they were basically pushed, aka shoved, outside.

Frank gripped his photography album, his wand, and the eraser Evelyn threw at him. He was not letting anything happen to them since they once belonged to his parents and he was thankfully able to get them. Susan rubbed her necklace and looked at the Two-Way Mirror in her hand. Two magical materials that she knew she would have to keep her aunt and uncle from touching.

Well, some parents might not always succeed in being in their kids lives, but they do succeed in being in their kids hearts...........

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: I was listening to sad Hamilton songs while I created this chapter and I can feel my heart aching because I know Susan's future and I know what's going to happen to her and it makes me sad because I know my mom been through worse than this, and my cousin been through worse than this, and I know people who's been through worse than this. I don't base my oc's off of nothing. I base them off of what I see, what I hear, what I believe, what I know. Taylor is me, I created Susan to be sort of like my mom and Reñe is created to just also be another resemblance of me. It's sad because "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" always speaks to me on another level other songs do not. I think about Reñe when I listen to that. When I listen to "Helpless" I think about how Susan would later on feel about Sirius. Although, when I first created Susan and Sirius' love story they didn't end up together believe it or not (I know they had a daughter but in my 11-year-old mind they adopted Taylor and her true last name was Lupin) But yeah, when I was around 10 or 11 I created my oc Taylor (boy we've been together for some years) and that was when I first became a Potterhead so I was just learning everything and I only had the movies at the time so I went by the movies. Then in 2017 I finally got wifi around the age of 13 or so (didn't have it for long) and looked up some Marauders headcanons and saw a lot about Marlene and Sirius so I'm thinking that Marlene and Sirius actually ended up together and at this time I was still creating Suzin but she wasn't that important so I just thought about tossing her to the side. Now that I have access to the books and know more about Harry Potter, I'm now glad that naive Marlene-Sirius pairing side of me is finally gone. My dumbass really believed headcacons were real 😒😒

Continuing part 2: Don't get me wrong, I liked the idea of Marlene and Sirius at first. I even read about one or two Fanfictions on Marlene and Sirius. I just didn't see the spark in them. Hell, I don't even believe they dated. I didn't ship them but little me thought headcanons were actually canon by the author so most of them that I read I thought that JK approved and I didn't want to change the story. They just... I don't really like the pairing, you know? But after going through months of love story changes, character changes, backstory changes, character development added from Marauders roleplays, et cetera, I finally felt like Susan would have been perfect for Sirius and Sirius only. Plus, in my eyes there's no actual proof that Marlene and Sirius dated. She could have been a lesbian or something for all we know. Buuuut I think that the way I'm putting Susan and Sirius love story together fits perfectly for me! At least I hope it's perfect. I can never be pleased with myself when it comes back to my writing. I always go back and change something because my stuff has to be perfect in my eyes. I've been told that's a bad way to think but that's just who I am. Sorry not sorry. Anyways, I want to show you all the possessions they got:

Frank's wand:

Amelia's photography album:

Amelia's necklace:

Extra note: I couldn't find a picture of the Two-Way Mirror without Harry, or James, or Sirius so I've decided not put a picture up. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I type very fast, especially on this chapter, so I apologize for any mistakes. I tried my best with this chapter and I'll love your feedback on it.

Question: What are your thoughts on Frank?

|Love You All|

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