𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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|I met him in detention|
|Once I was a good girl, now I've gone bad|

"We have our up and down days, don't we? We all have those days where we ended up in trouble and we did nothing wrong, don't we? Well, whether you have / had those days or not it doesn't matter. Why? Because my mum had many down days than ups. Getting detention with three Slytherins for no reason was one of them. My poor momma couldn't win from losing......" ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, London, Britain
Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Date: Continuing the same day

unedited chapter.
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"Two hours of scrubbing trophies 'til your skin fall off. Once sparkled, two extra hours will be put into helping the elves in the kitchen prepare for morning dinner. They have been informed. Understood?" Minerva asked the four students, all standing in front of her with buckets and sponges.

Susan grumpily muttered as the others only stared at her, "Understood?" She repeated, this time demanding an answer.

No, Susan didn't understand. The unfair treatment was loud in this situation.

What? Because you call an adult by their real name you deserve four hours of detention with three prejudice Purebloods alone? Why did she show up in the first place?

Oh, right... Justice.

"Understood, Professor McGonagall," The three Slytherin boys dryly and tiredly answered. The lady had them out a quarter past 10 at night.

"Afterwards, Mr Filch's arrival will lead to inspection of the trophies," Minerva warned them before walking off.

Susan sighed, feeling her robe for the Two-Way Mirror in her pocket. At any given moment, or emotion, she'll crouch in a safe space and try connecting to her brother who has the other piece.

Getting on her knees to start scrubbing off the trophies she was assigned to, daggers began burning holes at the side of her head. Susan slowly looked to her left, seeing one of the Slytherin boys glaring at her.

"This is your fault, you filthy half-blood. Your kind is always causing us problems," Avery sneered. Susan ignored him, continuing her scrubbing.

She expected these comments. Yes, back in the common room she braced herself to not get angry at them. She didn't want another dentition. That's one strike down with Evelyn, "So now you can't hear me, filthy half-blood? Are you deaf? Ignoring me I presume? You weren't deaf earlier," Avery continued picking at her.

Susan ignored his taunts, continuing her job. Punished and she still doesn't know what they wanted with her brother.

Snape hit Avery's arm to shut him up; Susan mentally thanked him for it.

Does this school inform guardians on dentitions? In their will, her father rarely mentioned the detention days with Alfie. He touched on the topic in a brief sentence and moved on to more important subjects.

In her current position, she wished he focused on it more.

'I won't let it get the best of him.'

She stopped crying so much, she was fighting back against Evelyn and Alfie, she learned how to control her anger, she stayed silent and drew everyday and every hour, she became invested with Frank and his nature ways, she truly was changing to say the least. She knew not to let anybody hurt her brother and even though she felt empty on certain days.... she tried to not let it get to her.

"Pain is an essential and unavoidable part of being human. If you are hurting than that is how you know you are alive." ~A quote she remembered from a book she read when she was younger

Susan continued to scrub the next trophy and thought about Lanky. She remembered her toddler self promising Lanky clothing once she got away from Evelyn and Alfie so Lanky could be freed.

Evelyn and Alfie had brought Lanky home in 1966 when Susan was in the kitchen fixing the plates for dinner and Frank was trying to help her but she kept refusing it, saying he had to rest.

That then led to Susan thinking about the scared and frightening look Lanky had on her face when they first saw her.

Susan thought about Lanky shaking all the time and flinching whenever they were near her. She used to cry when she was yelled at and Susan sometimes cuddled her up like a baby to get her to stop, despite it resulting in Susan getting a beating.

All of these memories were getting to her. She huffed and continued with her cleaning. She found peace in scrubbing them and found peace in the silence that surrounded them.

She didn't know what it was about cleaning but Susan felt it was one of the hobbies that could help you relax. She also found relaxation in the quiet and she found relaxation in hearing the sound of the ocean.

Randomly Susan would cover her ears just to hear that weird noise it always made which sounded like the ocean. Susan loved that sound and it helped calm her down. But nothing could match what Susan loved the most: drawing.

"Hey, want to ditch this?" She heard Mulciber ask Snape and Avery. Avery wasted no time in throwing his sponge down and jumping up, "Yes, I do!" He answered and Susan rolled her eyes. 'They're jiving.' She thought to herself and laughed a little. The idiots wouldn't ditch. She bet they were too scared. They seemed like it.

"Did I say something funny?" Mulciber asked her and Susan shrugged nonchalantly, "No... but you're funny-looking," She answered, going back to cleaning off the trophies.

Mulciber stood up, "Funny looking? Funny looking?! You're lucky McGonagall took our wands, you filthy half-blood!" He nearly shouted at her and that's when Susan had enough. She didn't like getting threatened.

She's heard enough threats growing up.

Susan jumped up making Mulciber smirk. That smirk was what Susan hated the most. She hated how him and Avery's smirks reminded her so much of Alfie. She hated how everything reminded her of Alfie and Evelyn.

"Or what? What are you going to do? Kill me with your looks?" She tested him, "Please, Master Mucus, save me the horror!" She pleaded sarcastically, pressing her hands together as if she was praying and playing the damsel in distress act.

Snape hit Mulciber arm before whispering something in his ear.

They weren't ready for angry Susan and it was most likely that they was trying to bring her out, "Solid," Mulciber responded aloud towards Snape's directions and glared at Susan as he sat back down.

'I was really hoping they would ditch so I won't have to deal with them. You know life doesn't like you. Trust me, I guessed that years ago.' Susan thought and scrubbed the trophies.

Mulciber was staring her down, inching to throw a hex her way. This filthy half blood wasn't worth his precious curses time.

Susan then thought about an insult that she once heard and smirked, "Up your nose with a rubber hose," Susan told him so causally and kept cleaning.

"Excuse me?!" Mulciber screamed. The three boys had no idea what she meant but they knew it had to be offensive. Susan only gave them her usual fake innocent smile and started cleaning another trophy. She was the only one cleaning. Snape shushed him just in case Minerva came back and told his friends to start cleaning.

Susan was very much thankful that they at least stopped talking and she finally got the peace she deserved.


Susan then stared at her section of glittering trophies in satisfaction once she was finished cleaning them all and dropped her towel in the bucket.

It was only going to be a few minutes of rest before Filch came to take them to her classroom. The three boys were still cleaning and Susan enjoyed watching them being exhausted and getting covered in dust and in filth by the trophies, "Look who's filthy now. Filthy Purebloods," She said loud and clear so they could hear the mockery.

They had the nerve to call her filthy when she was clean as a whistle and they was dirty as an homeless person.

She then pressed her back against the stone wall and watched them from a distance. 'I wonder if Frank is awake? His older sister is stuck in a four hour detention with three Slytherins that dislikes Half-bloods. He's most definitely awake. You're right. Stupid question.' Susan thought and pulled out her Two-Way Mirror.

She was finally about to use it for the first time after having it for so long, "Frank Longbottom," She whispered his name and smoke surrounded the mirror on the other side before her brother's face was revealed.

"Anne? You're okay! Thank the universe!" He breathed out and cheered but shushed himself after remembering his domority mates were sleeping.

Susan nodded before she spoke back, "What did I tell you about worrying about me? Your anxiety, Frank. You're going to make it worse," Frank sighed knowingly. She worried about him and he worried about her. She wanted him to stop and he wanted her to stop. She wanted to protect him and he wanted to protect her.

These two will never be satisfied, "Are you almost done?" He changed the subject and Susan looked around the hall for any source of a clock but found none. She instead calculated the hours and minutes in her head plus the seconds instead. "No... I think so..." She answered.

Frank playfully rolled his eyes, "You have to get better at Maths, ma'am. Count down your prison hours, please," he jokingly responded.

Susan chuckled, "Not every wizarding person has the Maths talent, Justice," She replied, sitting with her legs cross. Frank made a tuh sound, "I wouldn't know. Anne, the only talent I have is playing the piano... and that's because of my piano lessons," He responded like Susan should have known that.

Susan frowned, "Justice, I am sure there are many hidden talents you have. I mean, they are called hidden talents for a reason. Never doubt yourself or your abilities," Susan tried convincing Frank but Frank wasn't having it.

He hated taking piano lessons because Reñe was way better at playing the piano than him. He still remembered her putting her hand on his reminding him he changed the melody every time, "Yeah, no, Anne. I'm not talented like you or Reñe," Frank said and Susan facial expression changed. She didn't know Li had any talents.

Well, she did know that Reñe always tended to petrify her whenever they were around eachother.

"Then I know what we're doing tomorrow," Susan said, a grin creeping its way on to her lips. Frank fearfully, in a playful way, looked at his older sister, "And that is?......" He asked feeling like she was planning on murdering somebody.

Susan only kept her grin, "You'll see tomorrow, Justice!" She answered and turned her head at the sound of Mr Filch's footsteps being heard from afar. She looked back down at the glass in her hand with her brother on the other side, "I have to go. We'll finish this up later. Love you," She whispered and Frank smiled, "Love you." He responded and Susan put her Two-Way Mirror back up once he was gone.

Filch came closer to the four and Susan stood up. The three Slytherins started to scrub faster than they were at first but it was evidently pointless since they were being idle before he came. Susan had to admit that Filch always looked / was so austered all the time.

It became to the point of where Susan wondered if Filch had any dour parents, "Thank you perfect Longbottom for completing the task. You are free to walk with me to the kitchen. As for you three, you are to stay here and finish up the detention task and you will be serving an extra hour for idling around," Filch spat at them.

They jumped up in objection to what the austered adult said, "That's not fair. How do you expect us to clean all of these trophies in the amount of two hours? Two!" Snape protested and Susan guessed he was preaching.

'Same way I just cleaned these trophies in the amount of two hours. But yet I was getting called the indolent one.' Susan thought and said nothing.

She was just going to watch this play out, "I am well aware of the prominent fact that there are many trophies stationed behind these glass cases, Sniv," he sneered even more. Snape frowned up when he used the bullying nickname Potter and Black always called him.

"But I also au fait of the fact that Longbottom has finished cleaning her portion of the tropies in the amount of two hours. She has done her end of the bargain, you three have not so you will pay the price," he explained so impatiently and the three boys groaned.

Susan smirked to herself and Avery threw his hands up, "I am exhausted! You don't understand! This is discrimination! This isn't fair!" He whined whereas Mulciber mumbled something about hating the adults in this school.

"I suggest you three get to work. I will be taking Longbottom to the kitchens and I suspect to come back to three hardworking Slytherin boys or that will be more hours added to your detention time. If you do not believe me than stay there and keep being slothful. You will see what happens," He gave them a sickening grin that made Susan uneasy about going anywhere alone with him.

He instructed Susan to follow him. Susan hesitated and walked slowly behind him, keeping enough distance so she could be able to run.

She had to admit that her arms did hurt a little since she had to reach high up for some of the trophies but she was really used to cleaning. She used to spend days helping Lanky clean.

Not to mention that Susan liked cleaning herself. Her and Frank bonded laughably when they used to clean the house together. Especially when they were washing dishes and would splash each other for fun.

Sometimes they would even make shapes out of the bubbles Frank would create because he loved bubbles a lot.

Susan laughed a little at the thought. She really didn't know what she would have done if she didn't have Frank in her life...........

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: Okay, first off I am excited about having Susan meet Ollivander again since one of my school friends named Treasure gave me this brilliant idea for them. You know I don't usually accept books ideas (I'm one of those writers) but I only read like one chapter of her story and she's talented and I'll accept her ideas. But anyways, detention for Susan seemed to have went well. I'm not doing the kitchens chapter but just know that every elf in there reminded Susan of Lanky and slavery. This is what led to Susan telling herself that she would never own a house-elf a day in her life and seeing them made Susan want to buy Lanky some clothes even more so she could be free. See, Susan's nice and everyone's just judging her since she's giving off that 'leave me the hell alone' vibe that I wish I could give off. I apologize for any spelling mistakes and I apologize for Susan complicated ass and her misunderstanding ways. She'll soon be figured out in future chapters. I changed her snapping to 2nd Year since it makes more sense to me. But anyways! It's time for Susan's drawing!

Susan's drawing for this chapter:

Continuing part 2: This is pretty self explanatory. Basically Susan always says that life hates her so she finally drew about it. In this picture you see the finger, which is life, suffocating the tiny person, which is her. Basically the person has no way of getting out of the suffocation and just decided to lay there and take it. It's basically what Susan has been doing lately. There is no need of her trying to fight life because life already defeated her.....many times. But anyways, that's all behind the drawing and do it forget to give me your feedback on this chapter. Susan finally used her Two-Way Mirror and had an conversation with her little brother before she had to end it. Next chapter will be Susan trying to help Frank find his talents which will cause the two to get closer and bond more. It won't be easy but Susan will not give up until her brother has found every hidden talent in the book. Playing the piano does count but Frank hates playing it since his mum / Susan's mum used to teach him piano. *Sniffs* "I taught you piano." (Hamiltrash XD) But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter. We are only still in the beginning of Susan's chapter and far from the ending.

Question: What do you think Frank's hidden talent is?

|Love You All|

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