"01 | Snuggles everywhere"

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December, the coldest time of the month. Not all living human live in the cold region. Even if it was December, the ones who are living in the tropical or hot place, remains like summer but that is not the case for people who are living in Pulau Rintis.

"It's coooold!!" Luna whined.

"Too cold!" Ayumi also whined, agreeing with Luna.

"It's not that cold~ try to live at Canada for one day, you'll get use to it," Kat giggled.

Luna and Ayumi gave Kat their glare before going back to shivering because of the cold. Unexpectedly, it started to snow and everyone who is living in the tropical state are kind of panicking and mostly whining. As for Kat, she find it cool~!

"This is not the worse that could happen when it's winter! At least there is no hailstorm or heavy snowfalls." The Canadian girl tried to convinced both tropical girl. They responded with shrugging their shoulders. "You two are wearing thick winter clothes and yet it's still cold?"

"Shut up Kat, we aren't use to this damn cold." Luna replied with her mouth quivering in coldness. Kat sweat-drops at Luna's words, "sorry."

The three are currently outside, at the park. Waiting for the three fusions to arrived. They told them that they wanted to tell them something. Ayumi expected that it was Frost's fault that this whole winter scenario and them snowed in happened.

It was true.

Glacier scolding at Frost for making all of this happened and was clearly so done with Frost. Meanwhile Supra somehow looked guilty too. Kat, Luna and Ayumi was confused on why Supra was guilty. Glacier explained that both Supra and Frost experimented- mostly Supra -on a new variety of project they had did and Frost was the lab-rat. He had tried different things like potions or whatever it was called.

Supra founded Solar's old experiment project which was called. "Internal Winter"

Curious and determined as he was, he started to created that project and had used it on Frost while he was sleeping. Poor Frost, he soon woke up sneezing and having a cold.

Ironic again.

Somehow, that ended up with Pulau Rintis in internal winter. Mostly it was Supra's fault but Frost had his own fault on agreeing to be Supra's lab-rat.

The girls did not want the three to argued more especially Glacier who was scolding at Supra harshly. They can see how much Supra was in guilt. So they agreed to separate the three and go off to their own destinations.

Luna dragging Glacier to the mall.

Ayumi having a race with Frost to see who reached at the cat cafe first

Kat brought Supra to the girl's treehouse and was glad that the treehouse survived the winter.

"Come in! It's cozy in here!" Kat practically forced Supra to climbed up to the treehouse with her. "Make yourself at home~ it's cold outside and I don't want you to freeze to death!" Kat exclaimed. That was a joke to enlightened the mood for Supra but he was not listening to it.

Kat pouted at it and continued, "don't be like a cold air to me Supra! So cold and cool to ignore me like that." She accepted that she was bad at doing jokes and puns though, a little laughter escaped from Supra's mouth. "Wait, you like my bad jokes?"
"Haha.. no no,"
"It's hilarious to see you struggling on making jokes just to make me happy."

Yes, Kat was a bit offended by it, offended that Supra see her struggling instead of laughing at her bad jokes. Though, she is relieved that Supra at least laughed at it rather then not laughing at all. "By the way, Kat." Supra leaned his body against the cold wood wall. "The cold never bothered me anyways."

"PFFT- HAHAHAHAHA OMG! You watched frozen?" Kat asked in between laughter. Supra shrugged his shoulders, humming the song. "Not that I watch it, I listen to the song, especially the new one, 'into the unknown' and it was because Frost forced me to watch it with him"

"That still means you watched it~" Kat put on a grin in which Supra responded with a grunt. Few minutes later, an idea pop up from Supra's head. "Do you have a guitar here?" Hearing that question, Kat became curious, she nodded her head then stood up and grabbed the random guitar- probably belong to Ayumi- and gave it to Supra.

Supra grabbed the guitar, tried the string to see if it in harmony, once satisfied he then proceeded to played the guitar. He did not sing but hummed the song he is playing with the guitar. Kat did not recognized it. She thought to herself that it was a composed song made by Supra himself.

Such intelligent and melodic was put into this music.

After all, he is Thunderstorm and Solar's son.

The beautiful soft tune of the guitar filled the quiet and cold place. Her soft blue eyes slowly shuts as the soft tune made her felt sleepy. Before completely letting herself be consumed by sleepiness. She quickly moved towards Supra who snaked his arms around her small frame.

Before the farewell, let go
But in the maze of the heart, I'm lost
Just like how the stereo goes to mono
That's what a parted path is like

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