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Draco woke up with a feeling of shock, yesterday's events had finally registered in his mind, he couldn't believe that someone had feelings for him, someone cared for him. A million thoughts swirled in his head, and before he realized it, moisture was running down his cheeks and a lump was slowly building up in his throat. It was suffocating him, he wasn't special, he wasn't beautiful, no no no no he......he was ugly, he was scared, he was a monster.

 With a frustrated scream Draco pulled at his blonde locks, before looking down at his pale hands, hands that were a bright cheery red during the war, that had killed innocent, yet here was this strange boy writing to him and telling him that he wanted to weave flowers in his hair.....and hold his hand, and wanted to make him happy. Draco was full on sobbing as he read the letter for a fifth time, he no longer wanted to sleep, in fact all he he was so glad they had a day off today because all he wanted to do now was to sneak into the kitchens and drown himself in a bottle of fire whiskey and a cigarette.

All he ever wanted these days was to just forget everything that had happened, wanted to forget his asshole father, who he still loved despite everything, wanted to forget the accusing fingers, the death glares, the gossip, wanted to forget who he was, wanted to forget the responsibilities that came with the Malfoy name, wanted to forget about his mother who was all alone in Malfoy manor, his mother who was the strongest person he knew, who despite everything still kept calm and never once complained, unlike him.

In the end he decided to head to the kitchens, nodding a quick hello to Blaise Zabini a fellow Slytherin who was sitting next to his boyfriend of 2 years Theodore Nott Jr. On his way to getting drunk Draco was meet with many many stares, well to be fair most of them were glares. He had just entered the kitchens when he realized he wasn't alone, looking to his right he turned to see a small boy with chocolate brown hair that made Draco wonder if it was really as soft as it looked and creamy skin that made him look like a fragile doll. 

Draco was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that the boy was holding out the bottle of fire whisky to him, which Suzy (the house elf) had left, and was saying something. Draco quickly blushed before saying he didn't hear what the beautiful boy was saying, the boy in front of him grinned widely and said "My name is Louis and you are...." Draco couldn't help but smile at the cute boy and replied saying "Draco Malfoy, pleasure to meet you Louis," before picking up Louis warm hand in his cold ones and pressing a sweet kiss to it, "Well Mr Malfoy would you like to keep me company while I finish my hot chocolate?" Louis had asked quietly while showing the warm cup of steaming hot chocolate in his hands.

And so they sat there for hours as the sun set and the moon rose, as their cups emptied, neither paying much attention to anything but each other, and suddenly as if a trance was broken, Louis jumped up quickly, startling Draco, "I'm sorry I really have to go now," Draco didn't want him to go, he was enjoying the smaller boy's company and to be honest he really didn't want to be alone right now, he wasn't sure what he would do if he was, but he knew it would involve a lot of self loathing.

"Fudge Angel's gonna kill me, but it was nice talking to you Draco, I hope to meet thou again, Romeo" the last part was said dramatically with a hand clutching his chest as he dashed out of the kitchens leaving Draco to deal with his thoughts and an empty feeling in his chest. Draco headed back to his dorm, thankful that he was head boy so he could use that as an excuse for being out late after curfew, and after his nightly routine he lay in bed thinking over his day. Draco knew he was attracted to boys, he had figured it out after kissing a Ravenclaw boy in a dark corridor after his disastrous Yule Ball date, but he had never felt anything towards any of the boys he had kissed, so why was this one special.

Draco let out a deep sigh of frustration, he decided not to think about this any further and to just enjoy the silence, and after turning and tossing a little until he was comfortable, Draco felt peaceful for the first time in a while, perhaps it was the liquor in his system that bought a temporary numbness or it was hope that he would get to see Louis again tomorrow. Draco's thoughts once again drifted to the letter, he didn't know how to feel about that, I mean who would write love letters to Draco Malfoy of all people, he was death eater for Merlin's sake, people wrote him death threats not confessions of love.

Draco was certain the letter was somebody's idea of a joke, oh look poor little Malfoy can't go running to his daddy anymore, now all he had to do was find out who sent it, which wouldn't be easy at all, over the years there were many people who had come to hate him, so it could be anyone of them, it could even be one of his so called friends trying to get him to stop 'moping around' as they put it, or it could be Pansy pretending to be the opposite gender, (you would be surprised what that girl could do to get him to love her).

Though despite everything else Draco was certain it was the Weasel, Granger wouldn't do it, because 1- it would ruin her reputation, 2- she was head girl and 3- she was a bloody goody two shoes. Potter however-.......Potter that was it. It must have been Potter, the fucking 'boy who didn't die when he was supposed to', had hated him from the first time they meet at Madam Malkin's, oh when he got his hands on Potter, let it be known tomorrow was the day Draco Malfoy finally completed what Voldemort had started. That night Draco fell asleep with images of a certain chocolate haired boy, a mysterious letter and strangling Harry Potter. 

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