Chapter 13: Bye bye Harold

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I was in the cabin. And as always everyone was sleep except me. I then began to hear a plane over our head. I went outside to see Chris flying towards us.

"Incoming!" Chris yelled.

"Hit the deck!" Geoff yelled as we all ran out of the way.

/"I swear this guy is trying to kill us."\

"Just flexing your muscles for today's extreme sports challenge." Chris yelled as me and Gwen cover our ears.

"Ugh! It's to early for this." Gwen said.

"This week you'll participate in three challenges. First up extreme sofa bench sky diving." Chris continued to yell in the megaphone. "Contestants will plummet- uh skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below."

Chef then jumped as it began to crush him. "Of course, you'll be sky diving from 5000 feet, and you'll be using these" Chris said as he threw out ripped parachutes. "Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ" Chris said as I looked over concerned for DJ.

"Sure, why not. You know what they say on Black Comb Mountain bro. Best glimpse of heaven on the way into hell. Lets do this." Trent said.

"Yeah. Uh, sure. Bring it on." DJ said as I could tell that he was scared.

/"Look I've studied DJ for a while now. So I can tell when he's lying. Or hiding something. Or scared."\

"Not so fast. Because the second challenge of the day is extreme rodeo moose riding." Chris said. "Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found."

"That stink pile ain't noting but laundry day back home" Leshawna said.

"Its your lucky day Leshawna because your riding for gophers. And Geoff you'll ride for Bass" Chris said. Owen then went up to the moose then got kicked in the face. I facepalm a his stupidity.

"And the final challenge is extreme sea do water skiing. Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team drives the sea do.

" How can we water ski without water?" Heather said.

"It's hard. Check it out." Chris said.

We then look at chef attempting it then failing.

"Harold, you'll ski for the killer bass and Lindsay for the screaming gophers" Chris said

"I can model my new bikini" Lindsay said excited.

"Now for the cool swag. Who ever wins the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination, and wins a trip down multi massage mobile shower." Chris said as chef starts playing the harp making it more dramatic.

Chris then got on his plane. "Okay gang, chow for breaky, then report back in twenty minutes for the extreme sport challenge." Chris said as he starts his plane. And flew off. I held on to my hat for it wouldn't fly off. I then look at the ground to see DJ's hat. I walked over and picked it up.

"H-here's your hat" I said handing him it.

"Thanks." he said. As he walked off. I went to get breakfast but I ended up giving it to Owen. I then stopped to hear Bridgette and Gwen talking.

"Woah, some dude is crushing big time. It's probably for you" Bridgette said. I could tell that it was Harold's but I wanted to see where this was going to go.

"Really, I was gonna say it was for you" Gwen said.

"But Trent is totally crunching on you. I've seen the way he scams an extra muffin for you." Bridgette said.

"Yeah but Geoff is so into you. Remember at the dock yesterday how he tried to get your attention? Then again Geoff probably can't pronounce haiku, let alone write one." Gwen said. 'I mean she's probably right'.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bridgette snapped.

"Nothing, he's just exactly the scholarly type." Gwen said

"Oh and I suppose Trent busy boneying up on his neat chi on his spare time." Bridgette snapped.

"Guys calm down. The love letter might not even be for you, let alone written by Geoff or Trent." I said as they just stared and kept on bickering. They ended up ripping the note in two halves.

"Tell you what betty. I'll bet you two nights dessert that the poem was for me." Gwen said as

"I bet you both four nights desserts that the note isn't for either one of you." I said.

"Oh I am up for it. Down with it. Whatever your on." Bridgette said as all three of us shake hands.

We then all head back to where Chris's plane was.

"Now remember. Ground teams can wheely the sofa beds where ever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing." Chris said.

"Sayonara Trent. I hope your attempts to impress weird goth girl are worth the chalk outline" Heather said.

"Ugh, did you ever think that maybe Trent's doing this as a form of self expression, like haiku?" Gwen said as everyone just stared confused. "Or not" she said disappointed as Bridgette shook her head smirking. I looker over at DJ to see him looking worried. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile.

"Don't worry. Just make sure you pull the blue cord first, then the red" I said as he nodded. The rest of my team made our way down to the beach and began to push the bed.

"You know what's really romantic?" Bridgette said.

"Uh. Writing someones name in the with your pee?" Geoff said.

"Okay ew. That's just nasty." I said as Bridgette nodded.

"Uh actually I was thinking more of the written word." Bridgette said.

"Oh. You mean like tacktoo. Yeah I got one on my butt wanna see." Geoff said as Me and Bridgette covered our eyes. We then heard DJ screaming. We looked to see him flying down with his parachute. We started to run after him and caught him. We all cheered together.

"Everything's still here. Nothings broken. Phew." DJ said. Then the couch closed itself up trapping DJ. The rest walked off whistling. I began to kick the couch.

"Come on. Let senpai go!" I yelled kicking the couch as the couch opened up again pushing DJ onto the floor.

"You okay!? Your not hurt are you?" I said worried.

"I'm fine. Thanks for getting me out. Where's our team?" DJ said.

"They went up ahead. Come on let's go." I said.

I came back to see Bridgette and Gwen hugging. Guess they realized they were wrong.

"So, do I still get four nights desserts?" I said.

"You won the bet fair and square. So yeah." Gwen said.

/"Technically I already knew so that's not really fair and square. Now I feel bad."\

"Okay, who do you think it might be?" I say playing along.

"I don't know. But were gonna find out." Gwen said (AN: Leshawna riding moose in the background LOL). "Okay so haiku candidates are Duncan, Harold, DJ and Owen." Gwen listed.

"Well Duncan was crushing on Courtney who he's out. And Harold is-" Bridgette said as we turned around and see Harold fall with his pants down.

"Yeah. I'll take Owen. You two take DJ" Gwen said as we all fist bumper and walked off.

/"I already know it's Harold but this is kinda fun."\

Me and Bridgette both walked up to DJ.

"So, read any good poems lately?" Me and Bridgette both questioned.

"So, ask any arbitrary out of left field questions lately." DJ said

We both looked at him as he just smirked causing me to blush. We both sighed and shook our heads signaling Gwen that DJ didn't write it.

The challenge began as Heather dragged Harold on the ski. He then collected one flag.

"Flag one for bass" Chris said as Bridgette high fived DJ and I surprisingly High fived Duncan. "Five flags and heading home" Chris said on the loud speaker. "Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified. But when she does Harold will take five flags to victory for the killer bass." Chris continued.

Heather began to turn around and pulled out a knife. Then a tree pulled off Heather's shirt exposing her boobs. Harold got distracted and dropped the flags. Yeah, we're gonna lose. They only have to collect one to beat our score.

"I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration but it's a total wipeout for the bass" Chris said as I just facepalm. Duncan and Lindsay went next. Lindsay was surprisingly doing good. Lindsay collected 5 flags and was heading for the finish line. Duncan stopped driving and crashed into the tree and Lindsay some how still crossed the finish line. "Gophers win!" Chris said on the announcer. I sat down with Bridgette and Gwen

"So we rolled out Owen a DJ." Gwen said.

"I know, so who could it be" Bridgette said.

"Who could what be" Leshawna said walking up to us.

"Another note from your secret admirer Leshawna" Chris said.

"Leshawna's the crush girl?!" Bridgette and Gwen both said surprised.

"Do three know someone else here with a booty as luscious as an apple." Leshawna said.

"But who wrote it?" Gwen said. I just shrugged pretending not to know. I got up from the table and walked to the cabin.

"Derick there you are, guess what?" Harold said

"What." I said.

"Okay two things. One if I get voted off I'm going to confesses to Leshawna." I clapped for him excited. "Two, you know what I saw today!?" Harold said. I kinda looked worried at what he was gonna say.

"I saw boobies." He said as rolled my eyes. "Oh, would you look at that. I gotta go. See ya." I said. I walked out the cabin.

Me and the rest of my team made our way to the campfire pit. I sat down between Duncan and Harold.

"As you know. If you do not revive a marshmallow you will be forced to walk the dock of shame. And you can never ever return to camp." Chris said. He picked up two marshmallows. Bridgette and DJ you are safe." Chris said as they walked up to get their marshmallow."Geoff your safe to" Chris said throwing his marshmallow to him.

"Okay that leaves Harold, who bailed big for reasons unknown. Derick who actually didn't do anything wrong. And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left him circling the drain in a shameless-" Chris was cut off by Duncan.

"The chick was determined." He growled.

"Which is why your safe. The last marshmallow goes to." Chris said and paused dramatically. "Derick." Chris said throwing the marshmallow to me as I sigh in relief.

I gave Harold a high five as he walked off. I went down to the dock to watch him leave.

"Fair well Total Drama. I loved. I lost. And I saw boobies. What more can a man ask for" Harold said as I facepalmed.

"You loved?" Gwen said.

"Your a man?" Leshawna said

"You saw boobies? Bridgette said.

" Leshawna, I met every word in that poem" Harold said.

"Poem!? That was you?" Leshawna said running up to Harold and hugging him. She then gave him a kiss, then walked back to us with sass.

/"Yes! He finally confessed. I just wish I had the guts to do that. But now that he's gone I don't have any one to rant to now. *sighs* you know how when you're alone at first then your friends with some one and then they leave making you feel more alone then what you did in the begining? Yeah that's how I feel right now."/

I walk back to the cabin alone and sat on Harold's bed. I just scrolled through my phone doing nothing. I'm so bored. I have no one to talk to now. I started to watch anime. I then feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see DJ right next to me. I jumped then bumped my head into the bunk above me.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" DJ said.

"It's fine. The hat soften the impact. But did you come over to ask me something?" I said.

"I was gonna ask what you were watching." DJ said. I looked at my screen and answered.

"F-fairy tail." I said.

"Can I join you?" DJ said.

"Sure, but we'll have start you from the first episode." I said. We watched it as I answered all the questions he asked. I then notice his head fell on my shoulder. I looked over to see him asleep. I blushed and chuckled to myself. I let him fall asleep where he was. I got his teddy bear and gave to him as he hugged it in his sleep.

"Goodnight DJ" I whispered. I climbed up to my bunk and went to sleep.

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