Chapter 14: 9 Bad meals

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I was walking through the forest. For some reason I was in a good mood. Don't know why. I was happily humming to myself.

I spun around, but then I tripped on a rock and fell on top of someone.

"Wow. Someone's in a good mood this morning." DJ smiled at me.

"Yeah. I suppose I am." I said blushing at our closeness.

" I was gonna go to the dining hall. Wanna come?" DJ said.

I got up and helped him up.

"Sure" I said.


We made it there to see no breakfast.

"Aw, no breakfast." Trent said.

"Don't worry. There will be plenty to eat." Chris said as him and chef chuckled.

"Congrats to the eleven remaining campers for reaching the half way mark of the competition. you'll all be on jury for the final episode." Chris said.

Me and DJ smile at each other as I give a thumbs up.

"The two teams will become one next week, but first all the girls will be moved to Gopher cabin. All guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This challenge is as old as history itself. The battle of the sexes." Chris says.

Duncan winks to there side. Lindsay blows Raspberry's back as I just roll my eyes.

"After everyone's settled in, I'll announce the challenge, then you'll have a bite to eat." Chris said as him and chef begin to laugh.

"Ready for a little good news? This week no one will be kicked off" Chris said as I high fived DJ.

"It's all for reward and its a good one. Okay time to relocate." Chris says. Him and chef chuckle as we walk out.

I walk by myself looking worried. Great, more humans in the same room as me.

/Derick: "Okay, I have to be careful. why did Harold have to leave me right before the merge. I mean Duncan and Geoff don't like me. I honestly don't think anyone likes me. So I have to make sure that I get invincibility."/

I walked back to see all the guys having a party. I instantly cringed and walked out.

/Derick: "I forgot to mention I hate party's. Last time I went to a party didn't turn out well. My dad forced me to go to this party since I don't have many friends. You know what I ended up doing? I had to find a corner of the house and blast nightcore in my ears to block out there bad music. And don't even me started on the food."/

I went in to get some of my left over dessert. I felt bad about cheating Gwen and Bridgette out of there dessert. I walked up and opened the door.

"Hey girls, I have some muffins left over an-" Before I could finish I see that the girls are having a whole argument. I looked confused as they as looked confused at me

"Um, maybe I'll come back later" I said before walking off. I decided to stay In the other side of the bass cabin. I read a little bit of fan fiction on wattpad(AN: how ironic).

My reading was interrupted by a door opening.

"Thought I might find you here" DJ said. I instantly became nervous. "Why didn't stay for the party?" DJ asked.

"I don't like party's. And I don't get along with any of the guys here but you." I said.

"Well, I got you some chips and soda." DJ said handing me them.

"Thanks. Though I'll probably eat them after breakfast" I said.


We headed to the dining hall and sat down.

"It's time for today's challenge" Chris said.

"Sorry, Chris? But where's breakfast?" I said as Chris and Chef began laughing.

"Stop doing that" Heather demanded.

"Let's just tell them, today's challenge is "the brunch of disgustingess." You'll be getting a nine course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. you will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it will likely be gross." Chris says as I just roll my eyes

"Tell them what they get if they win Chris." Chef said

"The winning team spends two days at a local five star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge. The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here with chef" Chris says as everyone gasp except me.

"We are gonna win this challenge." Heather said. I didn't really matter to me who won.

"Take a whiff boys. Cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls" Leshawna said.

"No chance. We have an Owen on our team. Who can probably eat a whole thanksgiving feast. I said.

"I think I actually did once" Owen said as I just roll my eyes

"Let's begin shall we. First some hors d'oeuvres." Chris said as chef uncovered the plate. I stare confused. There's obviously something wrong with it. DJ made a blank face at the plate.

All right. Meatballs. Bring it on." Owen said sliding them all into his mouth.

"Technically, your right Owen. But these are kinda special." Chris says.

"It's beef testicle bourbuignon." Chef said.

"Testicles?" Owen said barfing his food onto me and DJ's face.

I growled at Owen, then calmed myself down.

"Sorry." Owen said.

"It's fine. It's fine." I said walking out to wash my face.

/Derick:"I normally would have been made, but I can tell that Owen met his apology. Maybe he could be an alliance buddy. Or a friend which I don't have many of."/

I return and sit back down next to DJ. I loom at him to see a tear run down his face onto the meat.
I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Don't sweat it. No one's being eliminated so you don't have to eat it, plus the rest of the team isn't eating it." I said. He nods as his eyes continue to tear Up

"There, there." I say patting his back while blushing."

"Well looks the guys lost this one, the first round goes to the female campers." Chris announces as they cheer.

"The score now stands at one for the girls and zero for the guys, and now for the next course in "the brunch of disgustingness. You guys like pizza?" Chris asked.

"I can eat pizza anytime, with anything on it" Owen said excited.

"Anything? How about live grasshopper, with tangy jellyfish sauce with anchovies." Chris said.

"I hate anchovies." Lindsay said as I roll my eyes. Owen just shrugs and I just sigh. I enter my "I'm dead and I don't feel anything"mood. I ate the pizza. The only one who had a problem with it was Trent.

"I have a weak stomach. Be right back" Trent said running off.

"I can do this. DJ I need you to hold me down while Geoff stuffs the piece in my mouth." he said. They got the slice in Trent's mouth, DJ rocked him back and forth like a baby. Dang it, Lucky Trent.

"The winners of this round are the guys" The guys cheers as I smile.

"Alright, who's ready for the third course. Spaghetti, well, actually, earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs." Chris says.

/Derick:"Okay, Chris is seriously sickening. But not worst then chef. I think. "/

"No, I can't take it anymore!" Geoff yells running. I look over at DJ.

"I'll take care of this" DJ says as I smile and give him a thumbs up. I then look at the plate. I take the fork and eat and finish it before anyone else.

Geoff then puts on a blindfold.

"I like spaghetti. Spaghetti is good." Geoff says.

"Done." Geoff says burping out a worm.

"And once again, the winners are the guys." Chris said. The guys cheer again as I wait for the next course.

"Alright, everybody, time for course number four. No nine course meal would be completed without soup. Today's special is French bunion soup with hang nail crackers."

I just spin my spoon around in the bowl not eating it.

"And the girls win again, the scores now tied up at two." Chris says as the girls cheer. They give us all type of weird things to eat, But it remains tied.

"Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge. Delicious dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin" Chris said. I notice that DJ isn't eating it, so I decided not to eat it.

"Okay, enough, we'll solve it with an eat off." Chris said.

"Um, be right back." I said as to DJ as I walk off. I went to the bathroom. When I came back to see everyone vomiting. Apparently guys won.

I think I got sick from something in one of the things in the meals. Me and the rest of the guys got onto the yacht and stayed in bed feeling drained.

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