Chapter 20 : Slithering snake

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He's gone. I miss him so much. I feel so alone. But I gotta stay strong. I'm sure I can get past this. I went out side to see the rest crowding around to see Owen tied upside down.

Then a cage fell on top of all of us.

"Good morning campers, or should I say trappers?" Chris said holding a beaver.

"Is this apart of the challenge?" I said.

"Ready for today's challenge?" He said ignoring my question. "Excellent, then let's chat about it over some chow, shall we?"

He threw a knife making Owen fall and open the cage.

I bet he spent all night practicing that throw.

"Campers, there are only eight of you left on Total Drama Island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only seven will remain. We're near the end people, so look alive." Chris said. I make a more dead looking face after he says that.

"Today's challenge involves making our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have 8 hours to trap an animal." Chris said.

"Got one" Duncan said holding Owen's hand.

"A wild animal, which you must bring back to the campfire, unharmed. Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers." Chris said.

"For my own good, I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death." Gwen said.

"Guess we had the same idea, huh?" I said.

"Funny you two should mention that. Reward for winning today's challenge ... is a meal of all your favorite foods." Chris said.

/"Favorite foods. Huh. This gives me an idea."/

We all go to the boat house, I stood next to Gwen.

"Everyone, choose an animal assignment." Chris said.

"Chickmunk" Owen said.

"Frog." Duncan said.

"Racoon." Duncan said.

"Duck." Gwen said.

"Beaver" Geoff said.

"Deer, yes bagging a doe." Izzy said. At least she got the animal she wants.

"Snake." I said.

"Bear, are you kidding me!?" Heather yelled!

"It's the only animal left." Chris said.

"These degenerates get cute little froggy, we baby ducky, and I'm suppose to trap a bear with my bare hands?!" Heather complained.

"Grr... shut the hell up and deal with it you idiot. You don't see anyone else complaining. " I yelled. Gwen, Duncan, and Leshawna burst out in laughter.

"What did you just tell me to do?"

"Oh, sh*t, I said that out loud?" I said.

"Yeah, you did. Go cry in the corner your little pile of-"

"FAMILY SHOW!" Chris yelled, cutting Heather off.

"As I was saying, you do get 60 seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help" Chris said.

"Unless there's an animal trainer and a zebra carcass in there, I dont think it'll be adequate. This is ridiculous." Heather said.

Yep. Ridiculous. Kinda like her face. I guess I still have a grudge against her for attempting to tell DJ my inner thoughts before I could.

"I don't think I mentioned the penalty yet." Chris said.

"I don't care. I'll take it."

"Loser cleans the communal washrooms." Chris announced causing all of us to gasp.

"All right campers, you have just one minute in the boathouse to grab your critter-catching gear."

We all went into the boat house. The only thing s I got out of here was three packs of carrots and a net.

"Everyone ready?" Chris asked us.

"Yes!" We all yelled.

"No." Heather complained.

"Game on!" Chris said. I looked to see Gwen heading off.

"Gwen! Wait up!" I yelled as she slowed down.

"What is it? Kinda in the middle of a challenge. "

"Well, I was thinking. If I help you get your animal, can we split the reward? If we were to work together our chances are increased. Plus I'm good with animals."

"Okay. But what about the penalty? "

"I'm gonna chance it. Do you think heather actually stands a chance against a bear?"

"Good point." Gwen said.

We both headed out for the challenge. We both spotted the duck. Gwen pulled put some duck food waving it and putting some out.

The duck came over and ate it then dash off. Me and Gwen both gave each other this shocked look.

"Last time I checked, ducks waddled." Gwen said as I nodded.

We dashed after the duck. Some how our legs had a hard time keeping up with its small ones.

We hid behind another bush. Gwen put out some more duck food. When it came over to eat, I quickly dashed out and caught it in the net.

"Did we get it?" Gwen said.

"Yep. And it's not harm. Let's go for we can have real food." I said.

Gwen put the duck in as I closed the gate.

"Nice work Gwen. You get the reward. And Derick, you realize you still have to get your animal?" Chris said.

"Yep. I have it all under control." I said.

Chef brought us actual food. For once, I enjoyed something here. Gwen seemed pretty happy about it to.

After I finished my food, I went on my hunt for my snake.

"Think Derick, think. What can I do with a net, and three packs of carrots." I mumbled to myself as I walked.

I looked to see an innocent pure hearted bunny hoping along. Seriously? That literally rubs the fact that DJ's gone, right in my face.

I looked to see an snake sneaking up on it. I gasp and picked up the Bunny. The bunny looked attracted to the carrots.

/"It's so obvious. The snake wants the bunny, and the bunny wants the carrots. It fits perfectly. Like a glove."\

I kept hold of the bunny while feeding it carrots. The snake kept following us. I could see the cage from here.

I jumped into the cage with the bunny. Then snake came in, as I jumped out and shut the cage.

"Not bad Derrick." Chris said.

"Like I said before. Had it all figured out." I said.

Some hours later, we made our way to the elimination ceremony. For some reason Heather was strapped to a wheeler.

"You all cast your votes and made your decision. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to dock of shame to catch the boat of losers and leave. That means you're out of the contest, and you can't ever come back...EVER!" Chris said.

"The first marshmallow goes to Geoff, Owen, Duncan, Heather, and Gwen." Chris said.

Me and Izzy both knew it was either me, or her.

"Just give it to the brony already." Heather said.

"Ehh," Chris said tossing me it.

"Well, we've all got to go sometime right?" Izzy said.

"You could make out with me first, if that'll cushion the blow?" Owen said.

"Goodnight everybody, thanks for coming out!" She said, then left in a puff of smoke.

"Being the loser, you do realize you still have some unfinished business. " Chris said.

"Duncan, I require your services." She said.

I headed off to bed. Not sure why he's actually helping her though. Although Owen kept talking in his sleep. Yeah, don't know why. Sound like he was talking about donuts.

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