Chapter 22: Lost

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DJ texted me saying that they got to pick the next person to join them wherever they're staying.

Guess I'm not the most hated character on this show. The rain looks nice outside. It's been raining for quite awhile. I can't tell if the guy's alliance is still a thing. Then again, there are more guys then girls here.

"Listen up, campers!" Chris said on the loud speaker."One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp expos the dreaded rain day. Where all activities were given the remote possibility of fun are canceled in favor of the arts and crafts center."

"The forecast for tomorrow is rain,rain, and more rain followed by rain. See you all at the crafts tents tomorrow at 0700 hours." Chris said.

Weird. Owen isn't here... wonder where he went. I fell asleep to the sweet sound of the rain.

The next day I woke with our beds stranded, laying on our beds like there boats.

"Where did all this water come from?!" Gwen asked.

"How should I know?!" I yelled

"You know, this is so ridiculous. It's almost funny." Duncan said. I then seen a shark fin in the water.

We all ended up getting on one of the cabins, staying as much distance from the sharks.

"Quick, we need something big and chewy to shove in his mouth!" Gwen yelled.

"Owen!" Heather yelled.

Well. That's one idea. We drifted off to some island. Well, it smells better than the one we were on.

"Okay, is anyone else creeped out by this deserted island?" Gwen asked.

"Puh-lease, any goof ball can see that this is one of Chris's cheesy production sets with fake props." Heather said kicking a rock.

"Yo, drama queen, we've obviously just drifted down stream. The producers will send a search party." Duncan said.

"This is Chris we're talking about here. I'm pretty sure he won't send a rescue party." I said.

"What If there isn't a rescue team? What if the producers think we're dead?" Gwen asked."I say we build a raft and sail back to camp."

"Good call, let's get more lost." Duncan daid.

"We need to build a raft!"

"We need to stay put."

"Duh, we're not lost, this is just Chris's lame attempt at challenge our ship wrecking survival skills."

"So, like how he did with the pysco killer challenge? " I asked.

"Exactly. At least someone agrees with me." Heather said. "I'm onto you, Chris! I'm going for a walk, come on Derick!" Heather said.

I just shrugged and followed.

"So, why am I following you again?"

"Because we're the only two sain competitors left. I say we team up and work together until we get to the final two." Hearher suggested.

"And how do know I can trust you?" I asked.

"Look, I know we're both not friends, but if you team up with me, I'll make sure Duncan is next to go. But that means after him, werid both girl is gone. Deal?"

"I guess. But I'll only agree to get rid of Gwen, once Duncan is gone." I said as Heather nodded.

/"Okay, this is a big risk. I'm not sure if I'll stay in the game much longer, but if I beat Duncan, that's a win on it's own."/

We both found some sort of cabin.

"Meh, beats sleeping on the beach."
Heather said as we both climbed up.

Heather opened the door, then jumped at the sight of the skeleton. She then back up into a giant dinosaur skeleton.

"So, still think we're down stream from camp?" Heather asked Duncan.

"Okay, I've been wrong before." Duncan said.

"Hey, wait a sec. This is just like when they sent us to Boney Island. You can't scare me, Chris."

We then all agreed to split up. Gwen and Duncan walked off while me and Heather stayed on the cabin.

Me and Heather found Owen's secret stash of food.

"Hey, where did you get that chocolate from?" Duncan asked us.

"Oh nothing. Just Owen's secret stash of junk food."

"That genius. I always new his mattress looked lumpy. You gotta share that, we're starving."

"Actually, we don't." I said.

"Yeah, I believe the term was: every camper for themselves. And since we're alone on the island-" Heather was interrupted by a loud screaching noise.

"Or not." Me and Heather said in unison.

*Heather takes a bite of her chocolate. *"Its just Chris, freaking us out."

"Yeah. This is probably another one of his challenges with out warning." I said.

"Well whatever it is, I'm out of here." Gwen said pushing her raft into the water.

"You don't even know where your going ." Heather said.

"Who cares? At least it's not here with you." Gwen said.

"I'll trade you my egg in exchange for a ride." Duncan offered Gwen.

"Deal." Gwen said letting Duncan on the raft. Heather gasped.

"What?" She said running towards them."Hey! You can't just form an alliance and leave me!"

"Bye Heather, good luck." Gwen said sarcastically. She attempted bribing them with food, but it didn't work.

Me and Heather continued eating Owen's food to keep our mind off the challenge. Suddenly a chubby blond haired man with barely any clothes, holding a plunger, began screaming at us.

"Ahhh! Help!" Heather yelled.

We began throwing our food at him. He fell off the ladder. He then picked up the food and began eating it.

Wait, that looks alot like Owen.

"Owen, is that you?" Heather asked discussted. She hopped down.

"You completely freaked me out! And what is with that fake beard?" Heather asked pulling it.

"Oww. Heather is that really you?" Owen asked snacking her then yanking her hair.

"Ouch, do you mind?" Heather snapped.

"Um... I'm also here too!" I yelled.

Suddenly Gwen and Duncan came falling out of the sky. Owen hugged them. Then a snake fell on them. They all climbed up hiding from the snake.

Damn it! Where's Izzy when you need her?" I said.

We all went into the cabin. I decided to try to sleep, but it was interrupted by Heather yelling.

"Ugh! That's it! I'm done with this game. I can't bond with you guys anymore because, aside from the MLP brony, you're all crazy."

"I'm the only one on this show with a shred of sanity." Heather said.

"Ha, and this is coming from the girl that changed her friends more often than I change my socks." Duncan said.

"Which is not often enough, by the way! At least I got my game on." Heather said.

"Game on?"Gwen asked."Hello, none of us are in the competition because the producers think we're dead! Which means we're gonna die on this stupid island." Gwen yelled.

I covered my ears with my pillow trying to block out there conversation.

"Okay. That's it, I'm not staying here another second." I said. I walked out, ripped a piece of wood off of the cabin.

"What are you doing?" Heather asked.

I fired the piece of wood at the snake. I think I killed it.

"Why didn't you been do that?" Gwen asked.

"It don't know. It just came to mind." I said.

Everyone put on some make up. I just adjusted my hat and followed along with what they were doing. We ran out with our weapons pointing them at Chris and Chef.

"Hey guys. It's about time you showed up. " Chris said.

We went to the elimination ceremony. Me and Heather both voted for Duncan, although it wasn't need, since the only one getting the boot, was Owen's love. Mr. Coconut.

I was texting DJ, but then I fell asleep.

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