Chapter 8: row, row, row your boat

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I woke up early again. "Well besides Harold and DJ I can't talk to anyone on this team." I whispered to myself.

I took out my diary and looked at DJ. I got out my pencil and started drawing. Luckily my diary has a key lock, since Chris found it I'll have to find a better spot for it. I looked out side then back down at my book.

I started to lightly sketch DJ, it was hard since his position would change from time to time. It was nice and quite until Chris woke us up. I quickly shut my book and took out the key and locked it. I haven't really talked to anyone after the challenge. I mean, now that everyone knows it doesn't really matter.

/Derick: "You know, it sucks because my original plan was to make a good impression on my team, but ever since that last challenge. I don't know, people just look at me weird."\

I walked out to see everyone standing and Chris talking. I came out a little late.

"We have to pour what now" Geoff said.

"Portage, dude walk with your canoe." Chris explained.

"Oh" Geoff said.

'Mental facepalm'

"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you will build a rescue fire that will be judge by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes win invincibility. Move campers, move. Chris said. We were about to leave until Chris stoped us.

"One last thing I should metion. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island you'll be cursed forever. Chris said as a thunderclap sound comes out of nowhere even though it wasn't raining.

"Yeah, a cursed island. Whoo." Owen screamed excited.

"Now get in your canoes and let's have some fun." Chris said as we headed off. I looked to see DJ walking. I was gonna go up to him. Suddenly an arm wrapped around my neck bending me over, I look up to see Duncan, then to my right to see Harold who was also had his neck pinned by Duncan.

He threw us into the boat and pushed it toward the water.

/Derick: "Seriously. Why? Then again it could be worse. I at lease have Harold, and not annoying Courtney. Yeah, I'm still mad about the challenge.\

"On your mark, get set, paddle." Chris said.

We started paddling. Harold sat behind me as I sat in the middle, Duncan took front seat. I looked to see Duncan still paddling.

"I'm still mad that most of us had to face our fears and Courtney, who forced everyone, didn't do anything." I said to Harold as he nodded in agreement.

"Well her fear was more reasonable than yours, pony freak." Duncan said jumping in our conversation.

"I'm pretty sure no one was talking to you, and I'm pretty sure that both of our fears were more reasonable than yours." I said. But I probably shouldn't have said that. He just gave me a real harsh glare.

"I mean seriously. A Celine Dion music store standee. That's ridi-". Before I could finish he griped me by my shirt.

"Hm. Still got the guts to speak? huh? Didn't think so." He threw me back down to where I was sitting.

/"Look, I personally thought my life was gonna end. Sure Duncan's scary. But he is on my team so, yeah I can't eliminate him yet."\

We continued to paddle. I looked over to see Gwen swing her oar at Cody. I cringed, then noticed that it was getting foggy. We finally reach land and started walking through the woods. We eventually came to two paths.

"Which way should we go?" DJ said.

"I think we should go right, since it's the RIGHT path." I said. I looked at Harold wanting him to back me up.

"Right, definitely right" Harold said backing me up.

"The right trail is wider." Bridgette said. Geoff then looked at her. "Well what are you looking at." Bridgette said as I chuckled.

"I rest my case" I said as we started walking on the right trail.

/"Look, I don't usually take leadership role, but I didn't seem like anyone was going to"\

"Hey Harold, thanks for backing up my case." I said.

"No problem, I owed you for getting me to beat box." Harold said.

We continued to walk as Geoff turned around smiling at Bridgette and then bumped into a tree. I had couldn't help but laugh. We continued walking.

"Does Geoff like Bridgette or something." I asked Harold. He just shrugged.

I was honestly bored just waiting for something to happen. Suddenly Geoff fell to the floor.

"Ah! My leg. I'm down, I'm down. Oh this is so unfair. Why did this have to happen now. Why why!" he yelled in agony. Serves him right for laughing at me. I evil grin went on my face but then I quickly changed it.

"Uh oh, we have to help him" I said leaning over pretending to be concerned.

/Derick:"Look, I played in plays so I'm pretty good at acting. Karma came to him, now I just need to come to Duncan. I tend to be able to cause bad luck on people when I want to. Sometimes.... So it'll come eventually. Maybe like next challenge... maybe?"\

Bridgette then joined me in looking concerned on the ground. Courtney was about to just walk off but DJ stoped her. Me, Harold and DJ ended up caring him on one of the canoes.

So much for pretending. Then again I get to walk besides DJ instead of Duncan which was a major improvement.
We eventually got to the where we were suppose to and I fell to my knees. I then look over to see DJ helping Geoff with his crush.

/*Sighs*. "I wish he could help me with my crush, if it wasn't on him then he could. It's so nice of DJ to help Geoff with his crush. He looks so cute when he winks."\

I look to see Duncan using his lighter to make a fire.

"I don't think this is gonna be enough" Courtney said.

"You heard the woman, we need more wood. Come on guys let's go." DJ said.

I started to get up. I look to see Harold grab our oars and threw them in the fire. I face palmed.

/"Look, I know Harold is my best friend. But that was seriously stupid. How the hell do we get home now!?"\

It wasn't worth it because a big explosion came from the Gopher's team. Everyone pretty much got mad at Harold. I didn't get involved since Harold was in the wrong this time. I wasn't really listening until Izzy said " you can get someone to swim behind the boat and push them" I instantly looked over at DJ then waited for the team to decide.

"That might work" Geoff said.

"We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back. DJ you're the only one who's strong enough" Bridgette said.

"Yeah, there's only one problem with that. DJ can't swim." I said.

"I'll do it." DJ said.

We all gasped as we stacked the canoe's and we all got in except DJ. He started to push everyone started to cheer. I looked at him as he looked at me. I smiled and he returned it. We all crashed on the sand.

"The Bass are the winners!" Chris announced.

I got up and helped DJ up. "You okay! Your not hurt are you!?" I questioned in concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine" DJ said.

If it wasn't for DJ and Izzy, Harold would have been eliminated. I went to the cabin. Everyone seemed settled. I walked in and sat down the Harold. I started to draw some anime. It was only in pencil since I was trying to save on my art supplies.

"Who's that?" I looked up to to see DJ's dark eyes on my book.

"Um.. I-it's Happy. F-f-from Fairytale " I said nervously. I showed him a picture of the character.

"Wow, your pretty good. It looks just like him." DJ said, he patted my shoulder and then he walked off to talk to the others.

"Wow, you actually showed him your drawing" Harold said sounding surprised.

"He patted my shoulder. And also I said I would. I just get nervous." I said.

I looked over at him to see him talking to Duncan and Geoff. I climbed onto my bunk and continued to draw the sketch of DJ that I started. Since I could actually see the rest of him while he's awake.

I then stopped and then put my book away and went to sleep.

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