Chapter 9: Excuse me my deer

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I woke up at 4:45 in the morning. I took out my diary and pencil. I looked down at DJ. Wow, he looks so cute when he's sleep. I think he would look great in black. Before I got stuck staring I stopped myself and took a shower since no one was awake yet.

I hunted for fish, although I was kinda getting tired of the taste of fish. I ran back and brushed my teeth while the bathroom was till empty and headed out. I then again stumbled into Chris.

"Seriously! Why are you never asleep?!" He said in disappointment.

He then blew the horn as everyone woke up. I went to the campfire pit and sat down. I waited for Chris to start explaining the rules of the challenge.

"Are you ready for today's extreme, impact challenge?!" Chris yelled in excitement.

"No I'm ready to die" I mumbled to myself with a depressed look.

"We are ready!" Owen yelled in excitement.

DJ came and sat down next to me. "You okay?" DJ said.

I quickly masked my emotions and smiled but started to get very nervous. "Y-y-yeah, I'm fine." I said.

"Incoming!" Chris yelled as he started throwing beans at us. I caught it, But I wasn't really hungry.

"Hey are you gonna eat that?" Owen asked in excitement.

"Here, add it to your collection" I said as he devoured the beans.

/"Owen's very cheerful, it seems like the only thing that could actually upset him is lacking food."\

"Today's challenge is all about survival, were going hunting" Chris said.

"Now that's more like it" Duncan said sounding pleased.

"Is that a paintball gun?" Harold questioned.

"Why yes, yes it is Harold" Chris said as he shot him.

"So we won't be killing anything." Bridgette asked.

"Negatory, this is the first ever paintball deer hunt, I'll announce the teams when we get into the forest, so. Finish breaky. Chris said.

Owen then burps loudly. "Ah, got any more?" he questioned.


"And now for the team break down. The Killer Bass hunters are. Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette. Lock and loaded with bass blue paint. And using orange paint are Gopher hunters. Beth, Leshawna, Owen, and Lindsay.

" Wa-hoo this is awesome man." Owen yelled excited.

"You also get these stylish glasses, and wicked camo hats. The rest of you, are now deer. Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails." Chris finished.

"Yeah right I'm not wearing that." Heather said.

"There is no way I'm a dear" Duncan said angry.

"Take these off, and your team is toast." Chris said.

I put on the deer costume. And to be honest it wasn't so bad. I kinda liked it. Then again, this is coming from the guy that wore pony ears. We all headed out to the forest.

"At least we get a head start." Courtney said.

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm out of here." DJ said as he hopped off. I looked at him and decided to run after him.

"Hey DJ, wait for me."

/"Look I haven't really gotten time to actually hang out with DJ, and he might need help on his own."\

"Oh, your coming along?" DJ said.

"Like you said before, were a team." I said as we headed off.

We continued to walk. We stopped for a little break. I looked to see DJ eating the grass. I started to laugh to myself. It was quite until we heard Owen scream.

"Oh crap" Owen screamed. We ran off until we didn't hear him anymore.

"Okay, I think we lost him" I said.

"Oh yeah, I been meaning to ask you this, but how did you do that shark trick, in the water in the first challenge." DJ said.

"Um, I don't know. I guess they liked me. Guess it makes up for humans not liking me much." I said.

"Well your a friend in my book" DJ said as I smiled at him. I took what he said serious, even if he was wearing an adorable deer costume.

Suddenly Owen came back firing at us. " Split up!" I yelled as we both ran in different directions forcing Owen to chase one of us.

I flipped up to branch on a tree to get a better view of where Owen was chasing DJ. I was able to spot them. I flipped down out the tree and followed them.

/"Look, I like DJ. A lot. So I have to help him. Besides I owe him for cheering me up in the forest."\

I kept running up the hill trying to catch up with Owen and DJ. I seen that he was saying something to him. DJ then began to look worried as sweat poured down his face. I growled quietly but angry. I sped up and yelled.

"Hey fatty! Wanna see what a pony loving freak can do?!" I said in anger. "DJ, jump!" I yelled. I dropped to the ground and slid pushing Owen off the cliff and me barely catching myself on the edge.

"Take my hand!" I heard DJ yell to me. My hand slipped. DJ reached down and caught it. "Gotcha" he said. He pulled me up as I sighed in relief.

"Derick! You saved us." DJ said in excitement giving me a big hug. I blushed madly, but I was in a lot of pain. I didn't want it to stop but I also wanted my bones to stay intact. "DJ, your muscles are crushing my bones. I can't breath. I'm a noodle, Remember?" I mumbled.

He then let go of me. "Sorry" DJ said."It's fine, and correction, I saved you. I could have probably stayed where I was hiding. I pretty much risked my life for you, hehe." I said blushing.

"Yeah, that's funny" DJ said.

"Not really I almost fell off a cliff." I said as I chuckle confused.

"No not that."

"Oh. Then what?"

"Well Duncan told me you don't have a heart. And that your very selfish. But I can see he was wrong about that."

"Oh, well that's nice to know. And correction, I care about others. Not myself. Now come on. Lets move before Owen comes back."

/DJ's confessional: "Wait he cares about others but not himself. I'm starting to question this kid's mental health."\

Derick's POV

I think my bond has grown with DJ since we first met.

"Wow, he looks really cute as a dear" I mumbled.

"Huh, did you say something?" DJ questioned.

"I-I-I said, maybe we should hide behind that rock." I said as we ran behind it and sat down together.

I looked over up at him getting myself into a daze.

"Derick you okay? Your just staring." DJ said as I shook my head.

"Yep perfectly fine. Just stared off into space." I said with an awkward chuckle.

We were able to hear arguing from where we were. We investigated from a distance and seen Leshawna and Beth shooting Heather.

Poor Lindsay was just caught in the crossfire. Then blue paint started to hit them. Then the loud speaker came on.

"Attention human wild life and hunters, please report back to camp. It's time to show your hinds and tally up the score." Chris said.

"Come on lets go, I go out here very often. I know a short cut. Follow me." I said.

He just nodded and followed. We got back and stood with the rest of our team. I couldn't help but blush at how he looks in the costume.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Stealing chips from chef, eating chips in the forest. Being mold by bears. Do you know what I see here? I see a undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint product. And I have to say. That was awesome! The way that you fired at your own team. Wicked TV man." Chris said as me and DJ fist bumped.

"And Owen, I don't recommend hunting for you since the animals will probably outsmart you. Like how Derick and DJ did."Chris said as I smiled at the comment.

" Hey, where's Duncan and Courtney?" Harold said. We all look over to see Duncan and Courtney's antlers stuck together.

"This is to much" Gwen said.

"Duncan, you sly dog you" Owen said.

"The girl can't keep her antlers off me." Duncan said. Courtney then swung her foot between his legs.

/" Ha! See! That's the instant karma I was talking about!" I then look up at the camera in the confessional and smirk.\

"Can't even bend over" Duncan mumbled in pain.

"Easy Courtney, our medical tents our only equiped for one at a time and Cody's pretty messed up."

I just smiled as Bridgette and Geoff detached there antlers.

"Well since three of the Gophers are dripping in paint, make that four Gophers and some of them aren't even deer. I think we have our winners. Our team began to cheer as my sneaky smirk remained on my face.

It was getting late so I went to the cabin.

"Where were you, I didn't see you for the entire challenge." Harold said to me.

"I was a deer. You weren't suppose to see me. But I was following DJ and-" Before I could finish the other guys walked in.

"I'll tell you later. So did get to shoot anyone?" I asked.

"I had to shoot my luscious Leshawna." He said as I playfully roll my eyes.

Me and Harold both sat down and decided to hangout before we go to bed. "So when are you gonna confess to Leshawna" I said.

"I don't know. When are you gonna confess to DJ?"

"Um, well. Not right now. But I have the guts to talk to him."

"You do?"

"Of course I do Harold. I been past that phase. I just have to build up my confidence first."

"Really. Why won't you say something to him right now then."

"I will!"

I looked over at him to see him sitting down on his bunk talking to Duncan and Geoff. I froze up and didn't say anything. "Hey D-" Harold yelled but I covered his mouth before he could finish.

"Shh. Ew, did you just lick my hand? You do realize I'm wearing gloves?" Harold got up to go brush his teeth leaving me to sit by myself.

I looked up and looked at Duncan and we both just glared at each other. I climbed up on my bunk and finished drawing my DJ sketch.

"Phew. Finally, it's finished." I mumbled to myself. The book then slipped out my hand. DJ then picked up the book.

I was hoping he wouldn't look at the book but he did. He stared at the page for a few seconds. I blushed and held my pillow in front of my face scared of his reaction.

"Is this me?" DJ asked.

"Um. Maybe." I mumbled.

"Wow. It's looks great." He then gave me back the book as I sighed in relief. I hope he doesn't think I'm some kinda creep. I shut my book and went to bed.

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