🌼Please Don't 🌼

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I'm kinda sad and upset past four days. First of all hear me everyone reading this even tell this to your friends and family not reading this. Send it to them...

A day can pass bad, month, year, five years but this will stop.

Depression, family issues, your results, your relationships everything which knocks your door has to one day leave through the same door.
But you are the one who needs to calm yourself and motivate self up, THIS TOO SHALL PASS AWAY.

Your mother didn't kept you for nine months in her womb, your dad didn't earn for your happiness and good future that you could end it in one day. Your family is the one to be your spine and to cherish and love you till their last breath. THINK ABOUT THEM BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS.

And also please if you see someone around you going through a bad phase help them whether they're depressed or having some problems rather than calling them mad or psychotic.
Mental health is important and a person not having a good mental health is not to be called insane.

We need each other, our families do.

1.Our results don't decide that we are losers or not our Hardwork decides. 2.We are the ones to wear the losers tag and we are the only ones to remove it off.

You never know what a person is going through within they will seem perfect to you but that doesn't mean you'll speak rude or insult them.

God has given us two eyes, two ears, two hands and two feet but one tongue ever thought about that? So that we could use it wisely with thinking before speaking.

In the end I'll just end by saying don't be harsh on yourself nor others, please🙏🙏.



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