×. ❜Letter [Rev. Claire]

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Book Name: LETTER || KTH X Reader
Author:  jungkook23jeon
Reviewer: ClaireMari29

Cover - ⅗
I can see that you made the cover suitable for a K-Pop Fanfic, so you added the face claim, which is good. The graphics made by the designer for your work was made was quite good, yet my suggestion was to make the graphic theme darker, because of the fact your story was a mix of fanfic and horror. Also, I liked how you made the cover concept like a movie as this piqued my interest.

Title - ⅘
I can see based on your blurb on the matter why you made your story title Letter, and so since your work was a Horror/Fanfiction story, this caught my interest to know more why you titled your work as like that.

Synopsis - 6/10
To judge your synopsis, I can just read your blurb for it, and I can see that you managed to match the plot’s concept to the title itself, which is good, yet the problem is that the blurb was way too short, I suggest giving more detail, yet when I mean by more, it shouldn't reveal much of the story itself, just give more details on why the reader should be interested to read your masterpiece.

Execution - 6/10
Okay, to judge the execution so far, I believed that you had made the cover its best. Yet I wanted to judge that you added a NOTE after Chapters 00 (Prologue), 1, and 2. I think that’s not necessary since it’s just K-Pop memes. So far you had also made a VOICES part in After 15, which is fair as after I read that part, it enlightens the readers to know who were the ones on those voices at the same time.

Plot - 18/20
The plot overall, honestly speaking, is quite rare for a Horror and Fanfiction work, you had a sense of uniqueness and originality there as you made the ML (Male Lead) as a ghost, and the FL (Female Lead) as a human.

Writing Style - 10/20
For a fanfic with the first POV, I can say that it’s written well, yet I suggest using 3rd POV as readers may understand things better. Since some people also disliked reading books with 1st POV. As I checked and read a few of your chapters, your work somehow lacks a couple of line breaks in the dialogues, and you need to work on it:

"Hey can I ask you something if you are..ok?" "Yes" I said,I know what she was going to ask "Who was tha-" I cut her off and chuckled and said "She is just a girl who is annoying me everything... You know fangirl..? I really don't like that they keep on disturbing me" that made her giggle.. She was so cute while giggling I thought "it's time for me class.. So will meet at cafeteria?" I asked and she agreed.

"Hey can I ask you something if you are… ok?"

“Yes,” I replied, I know what she was going to ask me.

"Who was that-" I cut her off and chuckled and said "She is just a girl who is annoying me everything... You know fangirl..? I really don't like that they keep on disturbing me"

that made her giggle.. She was so cute while giggling I thought

"it's time for me class.. So will meet at cafeteria?" I asked and she agreed.

Honestly speaking, your writing style needs a lot of change. I believed you had the potential to become a good writer, yet you need to understand the concept of fine narration.

Grammar and Vocabulary - 15/20
Grammar and Vocab needs a fine edit, there are many misusages of punctuation, the I being in small letters and so be the first letter when writing such as you (In chapter 3), yet I can see that you are using the verbs well in your work as fine at the same time.

Characters and Development - 5/10

Honestly, I can't understand much of the work as it’s in first POV, yet I can also be impressed that the story development is going fine as well.

Total - 67/100

Final Note: You need to edit your work by its grammar and writing style, it has potential, but again, to read is to write, you need to understand proper writing.

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