×. ❜Your Devil [Rev. Cey]

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Book Name: Your Devil | Jeon Jungkook

Author:  Pviscelle

Reviewer: Cey

Cover: 3/05

The cover is nice, the reader immediately knows the main character and the overall vibe of the story. The font is well suited for the book as well. However, there's nothing complicated about the design. Maximum, the background image has been filtered with the text added over it.

Title: 2/05

The title is suitable for the story as it is well linked, however, it's such a commonly found one. There's nothing unique about it that will make readers intrigued. Additionally, I'd like to know if you changed the title? I'm pretty sure when I first saw your book, the title was not "Your Devil: A Doomed Catastrophe". Please note that it is important to inform reviewers/judges of your book of title changes as they could have started their analysis and/or might not be able to find the book.

Synopsis: 7/10

The blurb and about the book are almost exactly identical, and they are both extremely long. As a reader, I find that I don't mind reading long blurbs, but most of the time, it actually deters me from wanting to read the story. That's the case in this.

(Suggestion) Personally, I'd suggest removing the poem and quotes from the bio: you can surprise readers by having those inside the about. Welcome message can also exclusively be in about. I would shift the story details, such as AU info, characters involved and warnings to the top ahead of the synopsis itself. Cover credits and achievements can be left at the bottom.

Execution: 7/10

Overall, the book is intriguing and mysterious: I want to know what happens next, and especially, I want to know if Jungkook's death was calculated or was it self-induced.

Plot: 15/20

In the prologue, Aera and Jungkook go on a date. The next day, the latter disappears, keeping in contact with only Jin, when he unexpectedly passes away.

From there, the story flashes back to months before the incident occurs.

The story is still in its early stages, so there isn't much to mention on the storyline just yet. However, from the details mentioned thus far, the plot is laid out systematically and well paced.

Writing Style: 16/20

The author's writing style is very detailed, using words that aren't commonly used to describe, and elaborating on them. This is also very helpful in writing smut, but we won't go into detail on that.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 17/20

Grammar wise, there isn't much to pick on. There was an unnecessary capitalisation in the middle of a sentence but there aren't many instances of it. There is also one instant where a comma is used instead of a full stop.

Small error:
The blonde grits her teeth meanwhile Aera scoffs in exasperation.

Edited: The blonde grits her teeth. Meanwhile, Aera scoffs in exasperation. OR
The blonde grits her teeth while Aera scoffs in exasperation.

There are more such errors in the later chapters, as I've noticed a couple more in chapter 1 as compared to the prologue. However, I believe these errors can be spotted as the author has a decent grasp of spelling and grammar.

The words used in the story are extremely powerful: tranquil, crepuscular, entwined etc. Usually, I admire authors who use simple language to get their meaning across, but once in a while I come across one that utilises beautiful words, and personally, I find those even better. It means that the author likely has a good vocabulary, or they use a thesaurus, which are both great in my books.

I don't have much to say on the vocabulary aspect, keep up the great work!

Characters & Development: 7/10

Many characters are introduced from the beginning, and the reader is instantly informed as to who is a main cast member and who is not. Jungkook, Aera and Jimin appear to be main characters in my opinion, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok are sub characters. Jiyoung appears in the first chapter as a sub sub character.  I will go into detail for the development of the main characters.

Jungkook is violent, not just in bed, as shown in the first chapter, but also when someone he cares for is threatened, like when he attacks the man in the bathroom for badmouthing Jin's homosexual relationship. He's also kind of impulsive, acting on his feelings instantly instead of thinking about it. Not gonna lie, if his death was indeed a su*cide and not a murder, I feel like he probably didn't think about it.

Aera is a new employee at Seokjin's company, and an old friend of Jungkook's. A lot of her personal feelings are mentioned, about her past, about her present, things that help her feel at ease, things that make her uneasy.

Jimin is the heir of a company that is rivals with Seokjin's. However, he doesn't seem to want to run the company. He's also someone that Aera dislikes immensely, due to him bullying her in school years ago. Personally, I just feel he's a rebellious rich kid, one that does what he likes without thinking of consequences. The worst part is that he probably won't regret it either.

Total: 74/100

Additional Notes:
Hello @Pviscelle, thank you for applying in my slots! I hope this review will be helpful in improving your story. Feel free to pm me for clarifications.

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