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an upcoming soccer player was so focused on his successions, that he failed to realize the one who helped him was slowly slipping away.❞

THERE he goes again, surrounded by a wide number of paparazzi's; hence also being asked various of questions. Was he currently in a relationship? Who's the lucky person? Are they a model or a famous actor / actress? Despite that, they still asked him if he had any kids?

How did he get this far? What inspired him to make his dream come true and why did he chose to become a soccer player? And how did it feel to leave his own country to go play in an unfamiliar one? All in which he tried answering, but like always, he avoided the questions that involved his relationships or personal live life. As much as I was happy with how far he has become, it also hurts knowing I won't be seeing him as much as I used to.

His career skyrocketed; sending bliss and joy throughout the arena as they chanted his name, him smiling proudly for once. Him on the field, not even noticing my presence but it's okay, he knew I was watching. Well, that's what I would always tell myself. Sighing and glancing away from the window, my gaze landed on the clock; 02:36am. He would always come home around this time, go straight to our shared room and take a shower. Sometimes if he was too occupied, he wouldn't even acknowledge my presence, just walk in to do what he needed, grabbed his belongings and leave.

If its one thing I know, it's that he was not always like this. He would come in, and if he saw me awake, he would stop what he was doing and just lay next to me on the couch and talk about his day. It was comforting and would always help me sleep knowing he was safe and happy.

"Keep your head elevated and never look back. You reached this far because you believed in yourself. It is time you finally show the globe who Nagi Seishiro is."

Those were final words said before whatever relation-ship we once had started going downhill. Seeing him pack his bags when he thought I wasn't looking, him chatting with his friends on video chat not realizing I was in the same room as him, or even sometimes inviting a few girls over claiming to just hang out. What happened to him?

"Hey, [nickname], is it possible for a few of my friends to stay over? Just for one night?"

Before I could even open my mouth to speak, they all walked off, not even sparing a second glance. That same night was hard to fall asleep. Laughter, whispering and movement was all that could be heard. Staring up at the ceiling, hands placed behind my head as I laid on the sectional sofa, tuning out all noises as my mind wanders away.

Couple hours later, preferably three or four, the sound of a door creaking open which was then followed by footsteps had caught my attention. Sitting up, I noticed it was him carrying his bags to the front door, and huffing. Crossing my arms, I spoke up, trying to keep my voice hushed. Keyword; tried. The emotions of the last few hours continued to pulse throughout my veins; making the palm of my hands feel clammy and warm, while the fingertips held a cooling sensation.

"So, I see you're all packed for this morning, again. Another practice?" I asked, trying to steady my breathing as the air around the both of us began getting awkward. It was never like this between us. But now that we rarely spoke to each other, words don't flow easily like before.

"Hmm, oh right. Actually no, it's going to be a real game, and apparently we're competing against Argentina. It's going to be one of our biggest matches." He responded, his voice void of any emotion as he conversed, slipping his phone out of his pocket and typing away. "So you have a game and didn't bother to tell me? I could've prepared-" How do you even respond to that? The continuous clicking of his screen slowly began to annoy me, making me sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"It's nothing serious, just a small match. Plus it's not like you actually enjoy these things." But that's where he's wrong, thinking it would not affect me more than it already has.


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