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     "Let me guess, another mystery Aoi?" Y/N asked as she rested her cheek on her hand, her signature smile adorned her facial features. Yashiro stood by Y/N's desk as Aoi had turned to look at the duo, taking a break from watering the class's summer plants.

     "Oh my! You truly do know me, don't you Y/N?" Aoi giggled, putting down the watering can that had been in her hands prior. The purple haired girl sat down on the chair in front of Y/N's desk as she ushered Yashiro to get a chair of her own. Once the Radish girl did so, Aoi had slightly leaned foward in order to tell the duo the rumor.

     "The Misaki Stairs! You must never stop on the fourth stair. If you break that rule, you'll be dragged into the world of the dead. You'll be ripped into countless little pieces. And at twilight, that stair drips with the blood of it's victims." Aoi explained, an eerie look on her features that had showed her enjoyment. "It's the B stairs in front of the Art Room. A bunch of kids say that they've seen puddles of blood there." Aoi ended her story with a giggle, which had spooked Yashiro beyond belief while Y/N had kept her signature smile, laughing slightly at the girl's words.

     "Geez, Aoi sure does seem to know a lot about these rumours.." Y/N thought before she snapped out of her thoughts when the Aoi had abruptly stood up, placing the chair she had sat on in it's original place.

     "Oh my, I'm sorry! I should've been more considerate about Nene! I'm just used to telling Y/N about these type of stories since she enjoys them so much. Sorry Nene!" Aoi apologised to the Daikon, which has made the said girl shake her head even through her frightened look.

    "No no, you're completely fine! I actually love these type of stories! I would like to hear more of them sometime!" Yashiro had assured her friend, which lead to Y/N going back into her thoughts.

    "Another School Mystery, huh? I wonder if Hanako has gotten the word yet.. I should probably go and tell him, school is already over after all. With this in mind, Y/N stood up from her seat, grabbed her school bag and had walked towards the door.

     "Sorry Yashiro, Aoi! I have something to take care of, but please be careful! I'll see you two tomorrow!" Y/N exchanged a wave with the two girls as they both had bid farewell to the H/C haired girl as she walked out of the classroom. Y/N's destination? The old building's third floor girl's bathroom of course.

     "I bet you're here to see your favourite bathroom ghost Y/N! It's such a pleasure but honestly, don't you think you visit me a bit too much?" Hanako greeted the exorcist with a teasing tone as she walked into the bathroom. He floated towards the girl and gave her a hug before pulling away to squish the girl's cheeks.

    "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Y/N had replied with a smile after she had been able to pull away from the boy. After she had set her bag on the ground, she looked to Hanako. "The reason I came here was to talk about a School Mystery that seems to be gaining more and more popularity by the day." 

     Hanako tilted his head in interest. "Which mystery could it be this time?" He hadn't assigned Haku-joudai to follow the exorcist around lately, since he figured that the girl could hold her own ground. "Really? Which mystery is it?" Hanako inquired, but before Y/N could even respond to the ghost, they heard a loud "Hey you!" come from behind them. 

    "Hello? Sir, this is a girl's bathroom so I'm going to have to ask you to leave.." Y/N's words trailed off as she had turned around to see the owner of the loud voice. "Kou? What are you doing here?" 

     "And I could ask you the same thing! Y/N, I told you that he's dangerous!" Kou exclaimed, stomping his way into the bathroom before grabbing both of Y/N's hands, in attempt to get her out of the situation.

    Unknowingly to the two teenagers, Hanako's expression had dampened a bit at the interaction between the two, especially when Kou had grabbed Y/N's hands. With a ticked smile, Hanako had gotten in between the two teenagers, before he had pulled Y/N away from Kou. Holding Y/N in his protective embrace, Hanako looked at Kou with a pout. "What do you want boy?" 

     "What do I want? I want you to get off of Y/N immediately!" Before Kou could get any closer to the ghost boy, Y/N had stopped him.

    "It's okay Kou. I'm used to this sort of behaviour anyway," Y/N laughed before tilting her head at the blond boy. "What's wrong though? You must've came here for a reason." 

     "Well, I did come here to exorcise Hanako, but since you're here.." Kou replied as he scratched the back of his neck and looked away from the duo for a moment. "I guess I can put it on hold."

     "Aw, would you look at that? Kou has a sweet spot for us!" Y/N teased, which had caused the blond boy's face to flush into a bright red immediately.

     "Absolutely not! I'm only setting off my job because you're a scary exorcist! You're like a gorilla or something!" 

     There was one thing a man should never do. And that one thing was call Y/N a gorilla. Because once Kou had said this, Y/N had pried off Hanako only to go up to the male exorcist and knock him out with her sword's handle, a ticked smile etched onto her face.

     "Oh dear." Was all Hanako could respond with, a dopey expression visible on his face.

     Kou - 0

     Y/N - 1

     Hanako - 1


     "Y/N, Hanako!" Yashiro exclaimed as she rushed into the bathroom the next day, which had startled the said duo including Kou, who for some odd reason wanted to hang around the two more often. The seafoam haired girl went to Y/N and grabbed her shoulders. "You have to help me!"

     Y/N's eyes had softened at the sight of the frightened girl. After she placed a hand on top of Yashiro's head she softly asked, "Yashiro, what happened?"

    Y/N had been out with the Gardening Club first period since she was assigned to take care of the garden due to one of her upperclassmen being late to school. So what Y/N heard next was a major shock to her.

     "Aoi doesn't exist anymore!" 

     "Aoi? What do you mean? She could've just been ill for all we know.." Y/N tried to reason with the girl before Yashiro had shook her head furiously at her statement. As she backed away from the H/C haired girl, Yashiro stared at the three people with tears in her eyes.

    "No! Our teacher said that there wasn't an Aoi in our class! But we saw her just yesterday before she went to the Art Room.." Yashiro's eyes widened as though she had realised something in that moment, but before she could say anything Y/N had beaten her to it.

     "Could it be the work of The Misaki Stairs? Since it's fourth step is only to the left of the Art Room.." Y/N questioned, before Hanako had tapped her shoulder, giving her a puzzled look.

     "Oh, I never got to tell you! The Misaki Stairs have been getting popular recently and not for the right reasons. It is said that if you step on the fourth stair, you'll be dragged to the world of the dead. There, you'll be ripped into pieces." Y/N explained, which caused the ghost boy to sigh. 

     "Another down and dirty rumour, huh?" Hanako sighed before he stared at Yashiro skeptically. "I would help you but I have so much to do, with keeping order around the school and all-" His sentence had been cut off when he felt a jab to his stomach, which had knocked the air out of his lungs. 

    While Hanako was on the ground as he tried to recover from the unexpected attack, Y/N smiled softly at her best friend before she brought her in for a tight hug. "Of course we'll help you Yashiro. It's all apart of the wish after all." 

     "W... Wait a second! If you three are going, then I'm going to!" Kou jumped into the conversation, which made Yashiro pull away from Y/N to look at the blond. 

     "Excuse me but.. aren't you the boy who tried to attack us the other day?" Yashiro questioned, keeping a certain distance between the boy and her. As if Kou had just realised his mistake, he bowed quickly before he had introduced himself.

     "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Kou Minamoto, a third year in junior high! And I'll be the one to protect you in the world of the dead!" Kou introduced himself, staff in one hand while his other pointed towards himself. 

    "We somehow made friends with this boy, but any new recruits are appreciated." Y/N added, as she wrapped her arms around the Daikon's shoulders, with a smirk etched onto her features. That was, until Y/N felt another pair of arms wrap around her figure instead. 

     "Fine by me. Although, I'll only be protecting Y/N since it's only fair that she's my bodyguard. You two are on your own." Hanako smiled at the other two humans. This had ticked off Kou, as he shot up and stood by Yashiro.

     "Fine by me! Don't go crying to me for help though when you get yourself into trouble!" Kou replied, a determined look on his features. All Hanako replied with was a chuckle and said, "I think I should be saying that to you."      

     "We're here!" Hanako exclaimed.

     Once the four teenagers arrived at the staircase, all warmth and resolve Yashiro felt dissolved instantly. As she felt this discouragement, she tried to sneakily back away from the situation. Though, her plan proved to be a fail once she saw Y/N turn to her and give her a smile.

     "Everything will be okay Yashiro." Y/N assured, before she grabbed her best friend's hand. "We'll find Aoi and get out of there as quickly as possible. If it makes you feel any better, just stay behind me and you'll be fine." With that, Y/N stood directly in front of the stairs confidently as she waited for Hanako's signal.

     Seeing the girl's resolve to save her friend had put a fond smile on Hanako's face. "Ready everyone?" As he saw Y/N nod, that was all the confirmation he needed before stepping onto the first step.

     "One!" All Y/N heard was a lone creak.

    "Two!" This time, she could've sworn she heard someone giggle.

     "Three!" The sound of a phone buzzing could be heard from Y/N's pocket.


     There was darkness.

{ Hey guys! I want to give a special shout out to @TheDrowsyMoon for helping me out of my writer's block. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been able to get out of it and I probably would've had to update the book tomorrow, so a huge shout out to them! Go check out their Toilet Bound Hanako Kun x Reader oneshots book as well, it's absolutely extraordinary! 

Also, thank you for getting me to #1 on #toiletboundhanakokun, #1 on yashiro, #1 on tsukasa, #1 on #hanakosan, #2 on #teru, #2 on #aoi and #4 on #exorcist! I love you all so much! 

You guys are honestly the greatest and this platform is such a breath of fresh air compared to Quotev haha.

Also, don't forget to comment and vote!

I'll see you all next time! Peace!

Word count: 1.9k
Status: Unedited }

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