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Today is the fifth day of your stay in your cousin's house.
Their parents left yesterday for Shanghai, for a business trip. So just the three of you again.
So many things had happened during the 4 previous days. Chanyeol's friends were so many that you could hardly remember their names. You went to visit a friend of Sana too yesterday, it was fun as she lives near the park.
Your parents called you everyday, you miss them and they miss you but one week is not over yet! And you started to really enjoy your stay so you just told them to not to worry.
About you! You started to open up to everyone! You are always shy but you do not hesitate anymore when you wanna ask something to someone. Your cousins helped and encouraged you to do so, and they are really proud that you are processing step by step.
Today, you planned to go shopping with Sana. You did your morning routine, you chose to wear black ripped jeans with boots, and a brown top. You curled your hair and put on light pink lip gloss. Then you went downstairs to look for Sana.

As you passed by Chanyeol's room, you decided to ask him.

You: Sorry,have you seen Sana?

Chanyeol: yeah..she is talking to someone who came to meet my parents outside and tries to fix appointment with them.😊 come in, I guess you never visited my room yet!

You: that wouldn't be polite,

Chanyeol: come in I said. *He said grabbing your hand* […] tadaam,welcome to my room.😊

You stood in the middle of his huge room and your eyes widened at the sight of his manly yet beautiful room. Everything is so well-designed. And he has lots of stuffs you do not know how to call them.

You: woah.. Nice room, Chanyeol!😊

Chanyeol: I know.😁 These things are for music. I arrange some at night or write lyrics and rhymes.


Sana: Y/n, let's go!😊 Bye Chan oppa! We will come back soon.

Chanyeol: ok..behave! And if I am not home when you are back, I may be with Baekhyun and the team.😊


[On the way]
You went by taxi half way then you went on foot to enjoy the walk.

You: Sana! I was always wondering if Chanyeol was a singer?

Sana: Oh...are you serious,y/n? He is in a boys band called "EXO". But they are not really that popular yet, but no...they are very popular in South Korea!😊

You: so that's why he always sings?

Sana: he sings a bit, but not really. He is a main rapper in his band.

You: wow.. That's nice! Let's sit there *pointing at a chair*

Sana: do you want ice cream?

You: yay!!! I really want. I will take them and you will pay.

[…] [back on the seat]

Sana: it is nice to be with you.. I never thought you were a cool person like this?😊

You: Me too.. By the way, are you a singer too?

Sana: I sing sometimes, me and Chan have duet very often at school or during some special events. I perform a song with Baekhyun too when they have a concert. There is a song titled "Rain" that he wrote so we sing it! But I am not really into music.

You: so you are into cooking and food?😁

Sana: right! I always dreamt of having my own restaurant one day, but there are still lots to do for that. I dance too!😊

You: dance? So you danced the one morning I saw you moving weirdly?

Sana: Yeah..  I love that! But that is not the priority! How about you? How is study?

You: annoying! You know, I am tired of my Math teacher. Or the Math itself!😂 it is tiring!

Sana: oh.. What's your field?

You: well, Marketing&trade. It seems nice uh? But it is damn hard. But I still wanna finish it until the end. My parents were not wrong to choose that for me! My dad's company will need me soon.

Sana: ikr. Let's go!

[Back at home]
Chanyeol is not home. After helping Sana a bit in cooking you wanted to head to your room, but you stopped in front of Chan's room. You looked inside.
Then decided to go in.
You explored every corner. His whole wall perimeter is covered with Posters of his band, and you spotted the guy you met at the hypermarket. They are all handsome. You saw those so called "Piano" and took a seat behind it, then you pushed a key and it made a very loud sound.
Later Sana came to join you.

Sana: hey! Are you playing Piano? Do you play it?

You: no. Unfortunately! 😑

Sana: what kind of music do you like?

You: I never paid attention to music my whole life.😏

Sana: I see. This is Chan's guitar! He loves this so much. He never let anyone else touch it.

You stopped moving at the sight of it. You froze. Why does it seem so familiar to you?😕

Sana: Y/n,? […] Earth to y/n!

You: oh..sorry!

Sana: why are you silent?

You: that guitar is just, just perfect! It invites you to play it.😊

Sana: it!

You: no no.. I do not play guitar,sorry!😊

Sana: ok... Let's go before Chan arrives.

Then you decided to watch a movie together. Then Chan arrived with his friend Baekhyun.
They hugged you one by one... Well, talking it is ok! But hugging is still weird for you.

Sana: we are fine,great! Do not mind asking just go to your room Chan we are watching a movie.

You chuckled at what Sana just said.

Baekhyun: so we can just watch the movie together!😊

Chanyeol: stupid come here,let's work on the song!

Baekhyun: I will join you later!

Chanyeol: if u didn't come to work,as you begged me at your place, then just get out! I am home because of you!

You: Baekhyun-ssi, the movie is so girly! And you have something else to do. Go now, we can watch another when you will have free time!

Sana paused the movie, stood up and dragged Baekhyun from the couch.

Sana: Don't you understand? Another time! You really annoy me!!!😡

Baekhyun: get back to your beautiful face,you scare me! Ok ok...

Sana: Get out! You annoy me, and you dare calling me scary??? You will pay for that!

Then you watched the movie... Later...

Sana: Yaaaaaaaahhh... 📣📣📣 why the hell is your music on amplifier? We watch a movie, stupids. Turn that off! Use earphones!

And it continued to be crazy like that until the movie ended. 😏

Sorry to annoy you!😂

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