①. Chapter.①

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Thurman couldn't help but let out a chuckle shaking his head as he looked from the ground back up to Shizuka with a smile,
" Can you tell me how so?"
He asked. Shizuka sighed rubbing the back of his neck,
" where do I even start with that?" Shizuka responded with a chuckle. Thurman smiled softly at Shizuka letting the other male take as long as he needed to answer.
" As a kid my moods depended on which parent I was around or if I was around either of them" Shizuka replied with a laugh, his voice becoming softer as he continued to speak.
" If my mom was home I was depressed and scared I would do anything I could to avoid her. She enjoyed making me suffer then watching the aftermath" He added then became silent a sad look on his face formed as he started to pet his tail again his ears tilted downwards.
"Even though she's six feet under I'm still afraid of her, I have nightmares about her still but I guess when you think about it they aren't nightmares they're my memories I wish I could just forget it all, forget her," He said as he continued to pet his tail. Thurman nodded as he started to write the words Shizuka spoke making notes letting a few moments of silence go by before talking.
" What about your father in your childhood, what were you like around him?" Thurman questioned Shizuka let out a happy chuckle as he started to think about his father.
" I was happy with my dad he loved me and carried about me as a father should he was always so happy and positive with me too I always had fun being around him" He replied a smile on his face thinking of all the memories he shared with his father, how much he missed him.
" Do you have a favorite memory of your father?" Thurman softly asked looking up at Shizuka. The smaller male shrugging.
" Well not one particular but my dad would take me to the beach a lot and I would collect seashells most of the time to make necklaces out of them sometimes I could paint them give them little faces call them my friends"
Shizuka replied with a soft smile.
" My dad loved it when I would bring him the things that I made I remember making him this hideous necklace out of seashells I can't even begin to describe how ugly that thing was I hated it I wanted to destroy it but my dad saw it and he loved it he always saw the beauty in everything and everyone" Shizuka added with a chuckle but held a melancholic expression on his face.
" But all around I would say as a child I was very quiet and shy but I was extremely curious about everything I think I grew out of my shyness and more into my curiosity once I got into school," Shizuka said Thurman nodded.
" So what was your first day of school like then?" Thurman questioned Shizuka let out a soft hum as he started to think,
" My first day of school wasn't the best yet it wasn't the worst-"

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I remember standing outside my school on the first day. It was a huge school it looked as if you had taken a cathedral and turned it into a school. It was so big and so intimidating to me I remember I was so scared I was clinging onto my dad's leg and hiding behind it I was just observing people. Looking around I saw all of these families happy together with parents getting their kids into the school. I had focused mainly on the mothers. I was kinda wishing I had a mother there to have that whole happiness those other kids had but deep down I knew that was never gonna happen. I think we stood there for about five minutes before my dad picked me up with a smile and ask me,
"Would you like it if I walked you to your class?" I nodded my head yes and held onto my dad's arm. He laughed a bit then started to walk. He carried me throughout the school to my classroom. I remember looking around at everything. It was a truly gorgeous school; it had off white stone walls and pillars with beautiful white tile floors with colorful stained glass windows all around and colorful rays of sunshine shining in it that looked like you were walking through a dream kids were running around laughing while parents talked to teachers. I remember looking up at my dad and seeing him just smiling at people as he went by, even if they were scared by him he would still smile, always doing his best to make a good impression on everyone and let them know they were safe. My dad didn't have to walk very far to get to my classroom before I knew we were there. The door was open showing the bright colorful classroom with children in it playing and having some fun with a man standing there in the doorway watching them all with a smile. He was thin with short messy fluffy blonde hair and lavender tips. He had these big purple eyes behind large circular glasses resting on his kind of pointed nose. He had pale skin with freckles all over I remember he wore a white sweater tucked into some back jeans but without shoes. I remember my dad walking up to him and saying,
" Good morning my name is Atlas Royce, I'm Shizuka's father. You must be the teacher for this class right?" The man nodded and replied.
" That I am, my name is Yua. I'm honored to be teaching Shizuka. He seems to be wonderful, very very smart from what all the test scores showed not to mention his quirk it's incredible. You're very lucky to have him" My dad always loved it when people would praise me he would start to say thank you and start boasting about me but this time he didn't. This time he had a bright blush on his face and was barely able to stutter out a thank you. Yua chuckled. I remember him blushing a little too. My dad with a blushing face had set me down on the ground gently patting my head and talking to Yua but I didn't pay attention to anything he said. I hid behind his leg just clinging onto him like life or death looking into the classroom. I sat there watching all of the kids. All of them were playing with each other, smiling and happy. I wanted to be a part of it but I was scared of the other kids and what they could be like. I was afraid of the possible hate and rejection, the kind I always got from my mom. My dad had crouched down and started to pet me I looked up at him holding onto his giant hand I looked at Yua. My dad chuckled then spoke.
" He is a curious but extremely anxious and shy little creature. He's still learning how to properly socialize with people so please be patient with him" my dad said. Yua had nodded and sat down on the ground leaning on the doorway but his movements were slow like he was trying not to scare away a feral cat or a deer it was odd.
" Of course Mr. Royce I promise to give him nothing but the best," Yua replied, giving my dad a smile making my dad blush, smiling like an idiot, both then looking down at me.
" Hey there Shizuka" Yua had softly said,
" would you like to come to sit with me until class starts?" He had asked. I felt scared but ok at the same time. It took me a few minutes but I eventually went over to Yua. No one was forcing me or trying to get me to come over unlike the other children and their parents in a hurry to leave for work trying to get their children to go into class smiling and happy not crying upset. I didn't say it as often as I should have but I had always appreciated my dad being so patient with me and never forcing me to do something I didn't want to do. He was always so kind and loving to me. . . .

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" Shizuka? Are you ok?" Thurman softly asked, looking at the smaller male across from him in tears reaching over and gently putting his hand on Shizuka's shoulder. Shizuka jumped snapping out of his thoughts quickly starting to wipe away his tears.
" S-Sorry didn't think I would be so emotional over something so simple as a memory, guess I miss my dad more than I even realize" he replied with a light chuckle. Thurman gave Shizuka a soft look, gently patting Shizuka's shoulder.
" It's ok Shizuka" Thurman replied then looked down at his notes.
" Do you think you can continue or would you like to pick it up tomorrow?" Thurman asked Shizuka wiped the rest of his tears away, nodding his head yes.
" It's alright I can keep going, we've still got an hour or two left right?" Shizuka asked Thurman nodded his head yes as he resumed that relaxed position from before. Leaning back in his chair.
" Shall we resume?"

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I had slowly walked over to Yua holding onto my backpack so tight my knuckles had started to turn white I stared down at my shoes, my tail had started to curl and my ears pointed downwards. I was terrified yet calm at the same time it was an odd feeling but I think it was because of Yua, he was always a calm and peaceful man that was always able to put off that perfect calm and peaceful aura, the kind that could make anyone feel ok no matter how stressed out they were. I was never sure if that was a part of his quirk or not. I wish I could ask him. But anyways I had walked over to Yua and sat down with him holding onto my backpack still my dad kissed the top of my head and that helped me relax a bit. I looked up at him as he spoke,
" papa's gonna go to work now please be a good boy for Mr. Yua ok?" I nodded my head yes and watched as my dad walked away. I plopped down on the ground next to Yua and just sat with him and continued to just watch the other kids for about maybe five minutes then class started.
The class was pretty average everything you would expect from a pre-k class but I kept getting bored finishing up with the assignments early I had ended up just coloring until recess which was ok I guess.
The playground at that school was giant it was about the size of a park for kids there was a nice playground for all the kids there was enough for about two classes of kids which is basically what there was at recess it was Mr. Yua's class and another class I think the teacher was Miss. Lilith or something like that I just remembered she sucked at her job seriously she would do anything but watch the kids. That first day I had tried to be by myself. I hadn't made any friends yet but I was ok with that. I was happy just laying in the grass and watching the clouds a few moments went by then smelled some burning pine and felt someone lay down in the grass next to me.
" The clouds are really pretty," I said looking over to him as he nodded in agreement.
" They are they're fluffy too," He replied, then turned to me.
" My name is Shizuka, whats yours?" I asked the boy smiled a bit as he spoke.
" I'm Touya Todoroki"

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" Ah, so that's how you met him," Thurman said with a slight smile nodding as he looked up at Shizuka.
" Yep I also met Enji that day as well" Shizuka replied. Thurman raised a brow letting out a hum.
" I'm interested in hearing this one I assume it went horribly correct?" He replied with a soft chuckle Shizuka laughed a little rubbing the back of his neck.
" Well I guess you could say that"

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