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Out of all the people in the world.. you're the one that stood out the most.

Always pulling pranks on the lower grade classmates, and making sure to speak your mind when someone pissed you off.
You knew exactly how to crawl under my skin. Always showing up to school late, with messy hair and sloppy baggy clothes. It was like we were going to school with a homeless person who somehow made it through the entrance exam.

We had two classes together. And even though you probably never noticed me, it was very hard not to notice you. Being in the same classes always gave me a headache. You'd sleep during lessons, but somehow pass every test. Everyone thought you cheated. Even the teacher. But they still couldn't find anything on you. How were you so smart, yet so stupid to throw your whole school life away? You had the ability to be an honour student. Yet turned down every opportunity that was thrown your way.

While I, the class president had to crawl my way to the top. Had to study every single night with no sleep just to be able to be one of the top students in the school. But that still wasn't enough. You were always one step ahead of me. And that is why I hated you. I loathed you for being so intelligent without even trying or caring. I had to struggle while you could just nap in class without a care in the world.

Teachers would praise me, but you were the one they liked the most. You always got 100% on exams while I always stood at a 99%. You always won. But not for long. I won't let you beat me anymore. I'll win fair and square and rub it in your stupid face! Just you watch!

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