Chapter 1: New School?

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This is like danganronpa 1, but no one lost their memories. the whole story is Valt's Point of view! Enjoy!
I'm just sitting down on my desk minding my own business, Talking to Shu. and then "Valt Aoi may you please come to the Principals office? we got some very exciting news!" the speaker then turned off, ... OMG DID THEY FIND OUT ABOUT SHU'S SEX TOY-!? wait they said exciting news. So it may be a good thing. I stood up from my chair and waved to Shu who also waved back.

some of my classmates whispered to each other that I might be in trouble or something. I got out of my classroom and closed the door behind me, I started walking to the principal's office, i' a little nervous about this...

I arrived at the principal's office and knocked on the door I heard a faint "come in" from the other side. I opened the door and closed it I stood still. "ah Valt! I got very good news for you!" Mr. Shinoda clapped his hands together "wh-what really? what is it?" I'm so excited I had sparkles in my eyes. Mr. Shinoda laughed and was holding something and an envelope "here Valt and please give these to your friends too" he handed me 5 envelopes "you make leave now" I nodded and happily skipped out of the room.

I wonder what it was. Was it another Beyblade tournament? or maybe- the bell rang. well at least I didn't have to sit in class, I ran to the stairs to meet my friends, I arrived at the rooftop. I guess I was a little early, I ran to the bench and sat down. I looked at the envelopes it was white and had that thing to hold it idk it had letters like "HP" heh.

I heard footsteps coming close I lifted my head up and saw Honcho! "hey buddy! you're here early! hey what's that?" he pointed at the envelopes I'm holding "Mr. Shinoda said to give these to you guys! oh, wait! Wakiya... Shu..... Daigo... Valt...Aha! Rantaro! here Honcho!" I handed him the envelope "hey! thanks, Valt! i wonder what these are about... I hope its another tournament!" "yeah! that's gonna be so much fun! oh! the others are here!" I pointed to Wakiya, Daigo, and shu!. I waved my hand "hey! i have something for you guys!" I ran to them but tripped and faceplanted on the floor.

"Valt? are you okay!?" Shu handed me his hand and I accepted it "yeah I'm fine! here Shu" I handed him his envelope "what's this?" I shrugged "Mr. Shinoda said to give it to you guys," I said and ran to Daigo and Wakiya "these are for you and you" they took them gladly. "Let's open it Together!" I smiled they all agreed and ripped/gently opened the white envelope.

Shu started reading and realized it was the same as my letter, except the names "Mr. Shu Kurenai you have been selected and many other students to Hopes peak academy. Because of your amazing talent, our school decided to invite you for a better learning experience! you can come to our school at the start of our opening! 27/11/2027 sincerely yours Principal Monokuma!" we all shot glances at each other "that's what my letter said too!" "whoa" "this is so cool!" i jumped up and down "i cant believe we all got accepted at Hopes Peak Academy!" we all nodded i cant wait to tell mom!


"OMG!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU VALT!" Mom squeezes me with her hug "whoa Valt congratulations!" "yeah what Toko said" the twins gave me a thumbs up. "my friends got accepted there too!" I added my mom started clapping her hands and started crying with tears of joy "I'm so happy for you Valt! *sniff* you made me proud of you!" i gave mom a tissue and she started blowing her nose "so those that mean I'm going?"

She nodded and i started jumping "Valt stop that" "look how happy he is"


I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, "so, I'm leaving home for a year..." i mumbled to myself "it won't be that bad" ... "my friend's are there, Shu will be there" i sniffled. this is my first time being alone... (Evolution didn't happen! even other seasons of Beyblade burst) i wiped my nose with my arm "its just a year it... wont be bad"

"Whats the worse that could happen?"

'Oh pufufuufu! if only you knew Valt Aoi.....'


oh my... Valt and his Friends were accepted to a new school?
Will it be that bad?

||t h e a u t h o r f i n a l l y u p d a t e d||

-R e n W u

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