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-the old timer

|full name|
-Constantine River O'Neil 

 |age| [physical, actual] 
-23, 423




-Constantine lives in a world that is concrete and kind. He is truly warm and kind-hearted, and wants to believe the best in people. He values harmony and cooperation, and is likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings. He is considerate and aware, and his ability to bring out the best in others by his firm desire to believe the best. He has a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers.  He constantly takes in information about people and situations that are personally important to them, and stores it away. This tremendous store of information is usually startlingly accurate, because he has an exceptional memory about things that are important to his value systems. He has a very clear idea of the way things should be, which he strives to attain. He values security and kindness, and respects traditions and laws.  He tends to believe that existing systems are there because he works. Therefore,  he's not likely to buy into doing things in a new way, unless he's shown in a concrete way why it's better than the established method. He has such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that he naturally step into leadership roles when needed. When bogged down by stress, he often feels isolated from others. He feels as if he's misunderstood and undervalued, and that his efforts are taken for granted. Although normally he is very verbal and doesn't have any problem expressing themself, when under stress he has a hard time putting his feelings into words and communicating them to others.

He learns best by doing, rather than by reading about something in a book, or applying theory. For this reason, he is not likely to be found in fields which require a lot of conceptual analysis or theory.  He values practical application. Traditional methods of higher education, which require a lot of theorizing and abstraction, are likely to be a chore for him. He has an extremely well-developed sense of space, function, and aesthetic appeal. He's extremely aware of his own internal feelings, as well as other people's feelings. He does not usually express his own feelings, keeping things inside. If   he has negative feelings,  he may build up inside him until  he turns into firm judgments against individuals which are difficult to unseed, once set. He is not likely to express his feelings, he is also not likely to let on that he knows how others are feeling. However, he will speak up when he feels another individual really needs help, and in such cases he can truly help others become aware of  his feelings.

He feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. He takes his responsibilities very seriously, and can be counted on to follow through. For this reason, people naturally tend to rely on him. He is warm, generous, and dependable. He has many special gifts to offer, in his sensitivity to others, and his strong ability to keep things running smoothly. He needs to remember to not be overly critical of himself, and to give himself some of the warmth and love which he freely dispenses to others. He is usually right, and  he usually knows it. Consequently, he puts a tremendous amount of faith into his instincts and intuitions. He has uncanny insight into people and situations. Consequently, most he is protective of his inner selves, sharing only what  he chooses to share when he chooses to share it.  He is a deep, complex individual, who is quite private and typically difficult to understand. He holds back part of himself, and can be secretive.

But he is as genuinely warm as he is complex. he holds a special place in the hearts of people who he is close to, who are able to see his special gifts and depth of caring. He is concerned for people's feelings, and tries to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone.  he are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful he into a state of agitation or charged anger.  he may tend to internalize conflict into his body, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress. Because he has such strong intuitive capabilities,  he trusts  his own instincts above all else. This may result in a stubbornness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions sometimes if he believes that  he's right. On the other hand, he is a perfectionist which makes it extremely difficult for others to fit into his standards or match his energy.  He is rarely at complete peace with himself - there's always something else he should be doing to improve himself and the world around him.  He believes in constant growth, and doesn't often take time to revel in his accomplishments.  He has strong value systems, and needs to live his lives in accordance with what  he feels is right. In deference to the Feeling aspect of  his personality, he is in some ways gentle and easy going. He is a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective.  

-born in late 1575 in France, Constantine was an orphan. He didn't know who he was or where he came from. He grew up on the streets of France that were drowning in Famine for the longest. It was the period of the French Wars of Religion and popular unrest between Catholics and Huguenots in the Kingdom of France. While Constantine barely survived on those streets, three million people perished in the same period from violence, famine, or disease. The man who raised him until he was six often told him that his mother had thrown him on the ground and left. That man was raising Constantine in the hopes of selling him to some lord for free labor but the man died in the war spreading around the country leaving a six years old Constantine to fend for himself. His life was not easy. He lived outside a small bakery, eating and drinking what the owner threw out. She'd cuss and hit him for eating her garbage and often throw hot water at him to make sure that he didn't come back there. Though Constantine usually ran away and dodged the woman, he has a small red burn scar on his back from one such incident. He worked in the fields and spent his nights making sure that he didn't become the casualty of the cruel war. While the powerful noble families in the line struggled for succession to the French throne amongst themselves, Constantine was living a life of a nobody. 

He was overwhelmed…tired of it all and it was around the time when he was ten years old, he met with a strange man who promised him immortality if he took a little oath. The man tricked him into playing his game and made him take the oath to the house. Constantine thought nothing of it. It was a crazy time and crazy people were everywhere. He was too wrapped up in his own little problem and trying to live that he had no time to think about afterlife or immortality. However he decided to change his life by the time he turned fifteen. Constantine started studying by himself when he was not working and he learned the ways of the royalty through observing them during their public appearances. During the next four years, he saved money and started fixing his life on a better scale. He started studying law and made a place for himself in a line working for the Royal family. Constantine's life changed entirely when he was twenty years old and visited the Royal Court for the very first time. He met the only princes of France at the time, Cordelia de' Medici and befriended her quickly. He was charming and confident, forward for the era they lived in and she loved that about him. The two fell in love after a year of friendship and decided to tie the knot. They had a beautiful baby boy after a year and named him, Cortin. It was the same year that Constantine fell sick. The scarlet fever was a strange disease at the time with no cure and Constantine was afraid that he'd pass it to his wife and son. He decided to put him out of his misery, deciding to poison himself the night his wife was out with his son to see her mother. He was sitting with the glass filled with poisonous wine and his condition was the worst at the time. He didn't want to lose to the fever but before he could consume the poison, the fever took him. His lungs were deprived of air and his eyes closed for forever. He died in a dark room alone only to wake up in a dark room alone and the immortality welcomed him with open arms. 

|how  he died|
-died from scarlet fever, on his death day he usually suffers from the symptoms of the same fever and slowly the symptoms worsen until he dies…then he wakes up again and continues with his day. 

|Does he regret making the oath to the house?|
-yes, he does regret it deeply. He was a mere child when he did it and he'd have never done it if he knew what it'd do. He thinks it'd have been better for him to die and pass on to the afterlife…heaven where he could have maybe one day reunited with his family or simply ceased to exist. He doesn't want immortality but he appreciates people who he has met there and continues to meet as they appear. 

-he loves to read and write poems. 

-any and all technology is fascinating to him though he observes from a safe distance. 

-he's a great mechanic and builder. He can make anything from scratch if he has the tools and parts for the same. 

-he likes to ride bicycle and sit in an open ground to enjoy the sun and fresh air. 

-he loves good wine and jazz music. 

-he is great at sculpting and makes sculptures to clear his mind. 

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