〔ℜ〕- I don't want to be this anymore

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~Welcome to the Redemtion Arc! This is a completely different storyline to the last arc (Villain) - and much shorter lmao- so make sure you read the 21st chapter again to make sure you aren't getting confused!~


I smiled, the small amount of fear of being caught flying away from me and my unstable mind as I made my way into the dorms via a loose window.

ყ/ŋ's ℘ơ۷
I planted my feet onto the carpet, the living room and kitchen lights were turned off, but I could see well enough as the small orange glow of my hair illuminated the area around me. Pulling the window closed, I walked around the building, taking in the surroundings. It was so similar to my old dorm, the sofas, the wallpaper and carpet.
In all honesty, I missed it.
I missed this.
I missed the happy atmosphere I felt whilst in the dorms, the massive circle of students what surrounded me whilst I met everyone again.
Yaoyorozu making everyone food, Bakugou helping and then getting really embarrassed about it when she announced it.
Nejire and Ochaco sat by my side, all laughing at Monoma being hit by Kendou.
Sweet little Eri being so glad that I was back and safe.

A smile crept to my cheeks, a sad one as the whole atmosphere of nostalgia washed over me.

Walking up the stairs, I crept silently down the halls, looking for her name. When I saw it, I noticed her door was open a crack, and muffled sniffling and sobs emitted from the space between the doorframe and the wood.
Slipping my hand through the crack, I pushed it open slowly to see her, tangled periwinkle hair spilling onto her bed like rivers leading to a hot spring, and her face smushed into her pillow.

I was sure then and there that sight was enough to make me snap. Tears spilled from my eyes, and I reached my hand to her shaking shoulder.
She flinched from my touch, and drew her face from her pillow to look at me.

Her eyes were red and sore, her cheeks were soaked and pink from the humidity of her room.
I traced my thumb up and down her skin, stroking it - it felt as smooth as porcelain.
Her teary eyes met my own.

"Hey, senpai," my voice whispered, to avoid cracking.

Shock was plastered all over her face, before it shifted into a sobbing expression and she pulled me to her lap, swallowing me in a suffocating hug.
Instantly, my hands wrapped around her waist and my head buried into her neck. I didn't return her hug when I woke up at the hospital, and I wasn't going to make that same mistake again.

"I've waited so long for you," she fingered the ashy ends of my hair, stroking them against my nape, "I never thought you'd come back,"

Her grip was so firm, like you were holding onto a branch to avoid falling off a cliff. Like it was your last hope.

Completely disregarding the lava under the rock atop my head, her temples rested against my ear as she whispered words that I'd always wanted to hear.

"I love you Y/N, I never knew I needed you until you weren't by my side anymore,so please ... don't leave me again,"

I dropped my hands, and looked up at her. She wasn't lying, her face spoke all her feelings even if her mouth didn't say everything she wanted, and I could tell she wanted to say more.

But I didn't want to hear it.

I put my hands around the back of her head and pulled her towards me, where our faces were centimetres apart. I gazed into her eyes, the royal blue like the night sky, glittering with stars.
She pushed the rest of the way, disposing of the distance between us as her fragile pink lips met mine.

It didn't matter how taboo it felt, because it also felt right.

I closed my eyes and returned her long-awaited kiss.
During our time spent together, a part of me always wanted to kiss her, but I always shook off the urge because I thought it would be weird to her.

I mean...she's a girl...
Wouldn't she be grossed out by me?

But, now that it was finally happening, I knew that the little things like that didn't matter as long as you deeply loved the person.

It doesn't matter who you fall for, because if you love them, there's not much you can do to convince your heart otherwise.

I snaked my fingers through her messy hair.

Euphoria seemed to have pierced me all over, hundreds of needles, as I felt so tingly inside.

The kiss broke, as more tears dripped from my eyes and steamed up. I grabbed her cold hands, never wanting to let them go again.

"I don't want to be like this anymore!" I cried.

"I want to come back!"

I'd been loud enough that the teacher had woken up, and I heard him running to Nejire's room.

I curled up on her lap, seeing as I was a few inches shorter than her, wrapping my arms around her and grasping onto her desperately.

"I don't want to be a villain anymore!" I shouted.

Nejire's teacher, Cementoss, was the first to get to her room. Then followed 13 and soon many others, all to see me...an infamous runaway, curled up against their student.

I thought that this was it.
I thought that I'd be taken away.

But the scenario must have been so obvious to the heroes.

The villain no longer wanted to hurt people.

And it was true, I wanted to come back.
Nejire's words were the most important thing to me, I didn't care if she'd lied to me. I just wanted to be with her.

Instead of getting angry, the teachers ... they smiled at me.

"Welcome back, Y/N." Thirteen said.

I looked in surprise.

"We're so sorry about lying to you... what we wanted was to protect you from the league..." Cementoss explained.

All this time... all this time I'd thought they'd lied to me because....

Wow... I never really had a reason.

"You wanted to protect me...?" I stuttered.

Nejire stroked my cheek with the back of her hand.

"But we should've told you the truth... just please don't burn down the rest of the school," she laughed.

Laughter burst through the room, where I saw two heads pop from behind the teachers.

"Mirio! Amajiki!" I recognised them at once.

They ran into the room and jumped onto me and Nejire, pulling us into an even bigger embrace, one that I was sure they didn't want to let loose.

"You scared me!" Tamaki muttered to me, close to tears, his arms around me and Nejire's necks.

"Us! You worried us! " Mirio corrected, squeezing us all a bit too tightly.

They really cared about me...
They really worried about me.

"I'm sorry~" I cried out.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so both ended up happening as we were all a crying heap on Nejire's bed.


Part One of Three~

~Thankyou for 3K! It's absolutely crazy how people like reading my trash, so thank you so much.

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