〔𝐕〕- Her, It's Always Been Her

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.•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° 🎀 𝒩𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝒫🍬𝒱 🎀 °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

It's maddening. Seeing the open door and window of my room had stopped being a sad but comforting reminder of Y/N, and had turned into a sore and bitter memory. It hit me with the realisation that maybe she never wanted to see me again, that she really has moved on and that...

That she forgot about me.

I was distressed and restless. I rocked myself in my bed, my knees hugged close to my chest as I watched the door. I willed it to creak open and reveal her. I wanted her to walk through that damn door so much it hurt. My throat tightened with the upcoming scream of agitation and impatience. Bedsheets kicked to the foot of the bed, the door remained still. I leant back and shifted my gaze to the window, but the strange hope I'd had on this weird night in particular had faded away with each minute I spent staring at the lifeless door, the person I missed the most never appearing behind it. I yelled into my knees, sniffing loudly.

As if on queue, the door opened.
Was she here!? Did she come?
I snapped my head up, my eyes wide and desperate to see her.

"Nejire-san? Are you okay?"

Her hair was the wrong colour. It didn't fizz and bubble with excitement, it didn't glow a beautiful vivid orange. Or give of ashy remnants of magma.
It spiked up in small pink tufts.

Her eyes weren't the same. They weren't a deep e/c that you could get lost in if you even caught a glimpse of her, they weren't the enchanting yet peaceful shape that blinked with ash-black eyelashes. Instead, they were a familiar dark reddish-brown.

Last of all, she wasn't the same.
Her small, nervous stature was replaced with a slightly curvy and confident one, her bandaged, thin legs were healthy, slightly tanned ones.

"Yuyu..." I whispered, my voice more of a statement then a question.

She opened the door more to let herself in, wearing a baggy grey jumper and baggy white shorts. She then shut it fully, to my dismay - she seemed to pick up on it, and opened it slightly again.

"Nejire...you can't keep doing this to yourself," my friend sighed, worried, "you're getting less and less sleep,"

She made her way to my bed and sat beside me while I still cradled my knees to my chest. I shivered, my bottom lip quivering as I tried hard to keep my overflowing volcano of emotions inside.

She stroked under my eyes with her thumb where eye bags got increasingly darker each night I'd spent forcing myself awake, to see if she'd return.

With her back to the door, Yuyu shuffled closer, and held her arms out, to which I threw myself into. She stroked my messy hair as she held me in her arms. Facing me open window, the small, cold breeze of the late night made me curl up tighter into her embrace. I guess I was desperately reaching for something that wasn't there, something that was missing from the touch.

The warmth of her skin.
But my friend was not who I'd wanted her to be when she walked through that door; nonetheless I needed comfort from someone I had known for a long time.

Not someone I'd known for what was a few weeks, only making friends with the new part of her as the old her was long since forgotten. But the years of friendship I'd had with Yuyu couldn't seem to compare to the weeks of friendship I'd had with Y/N, if friendship was the right word. I'd felt something in my heart whenever I was with her, everything always seemed to much brighter when she was around, like the world and it's colours I was used to suddenly brightened to vibrant pastels as the surroundings felt like a fantasy, a dream. It was different to how I felt around Yuyu and Ochaco.

As the small amount of light from the moon shone through the door, I swore I saw a shadow peek in for a moment, then out again, orange light travelling with it.

ყ/ŋ'ʂ ℘ơ۷

I... was so excited.

I was so stupidly excited.
Of course she'd move on. Why would she wait for me?

I crept down the hall towards the girls' quarters, my hair mostly rock, but between the cracks it swirled around restlessly as it knew as well as me that my craving would soon be resolved, and the impatience was too much to bare. I walked faster, reading the names of the girls in the class until I saw a door ahead of me to the right that was cracked open.

"Nejire Hado" it read on the plaque next to the door. I smiled, making my way silently to the dorm room.
However, I caught a glimpse of another door that was open, the room belonging to Yuyu Haya.

Confused, I peeked in Yuyu's dorm first, and saw no signs of her being in her room. I shrugged it off, I wasn't here to see some random girl, I was here to see Nejire.

My hair seemed to flare up under t he rock, almost... angry? No, that couldn't be right, why would it be angry...?

Before I looked through the room, I embraced the sweet musky scent of roses, peonies and lilacs; the butterfly-esc smell floating from inside enchanted me as I peeked through the door. I did that just incase she was asleep, I didn't want to wake her, but she wasn't.
My head half-hidden behind the door, I watched in despair as the situation became apparent.

My Senpai... wasn't mine anymore.
Her smooth, silky blue hair was being combed through by another's fingers.
Her perfect, attractive body was being held by another's embrace.
Her trust and love was put into another's hands.

I grasped the edge of the door, a single tear trickling down my cheek as my face contorted into a silent sob.
Her hands held Nejire's slim waist and shoulders, facing her back to me.
Get off of her.
Her short, spiky head of hair rested on Nejire's soft fringe.
Stop touching her.
Her arm was wrapped around her fair-skinned neck.
Leave her alone.
Her other arm rested on Nejire's exposed thigh.
Stop it!

I couldn't look any longer. I let my fingers brush against the door one last time as I left the room.

Why was I so stupid?
Why did I come back here? She obviously was too perfect and too precious to care about some villain that betrayed her and her school, she could get anyone she wanted, so why wouldn't she?
The way that girl held her, I couldn't ever do that when I was here months ago, I couldn't ever do that now. My new proud and more dominant personality had shattered as soon as I understood that I was forgotten about. Why didn't I hold her while I had the chance...

She'd be happier with her.

That...goddam stupid bitch.

If I'd had come sooner, maybe I could prevented those uncaring hands from harming my senpai. Then she wouldn't have someone else, she'd still be mine. That girl could never care and protect her more than I could. She's nothing compared to what I could do for her.

But there I was, running out of the 3-A dorms, not bothering to be as quiet now. I kicked the window, glass shattering onto the floor. I jumped out of it, the silver necklace falling from my neck. Oh well.
Here's a souvenir for you.
I heard some of the students freak out as they woke up from the noise.

.•°¤*(¯'★'¯)*¤° 🎀 𝒩𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝒫🍬𝒱 🎀 °¤*)¯'★'¯(*¤°•.

I jumped up from my place on the bed, startling Yuyu.

"Nejire! What is it?" She whispered urgently.

I ignored her, wiping my face as I ran out of my door. A glowing light was passing down the corner.
Before I could run after it, Yuyu grabbed my arm.

"Nejire, what's going on?"

"It's Y/N!" I tried to explain, but she just looked at me, not believing a word I said.

"Please just come back inside, you're tired and you were seeing things," she tried to usher me back inside.

I pulled my hand away.

"No, I know it's her!"

I ran down the hall as soon as I heard footsteps ahead, also running.

Before I could run down the stairs to the ground level, I heard glass shatter.
I froze, scared. Yuyu ran up behind me.

"Nejire that's someone breaking in!"

She grabbed my arm and lightly tugged.

"No, It's someone leaving," I responded, "and if were in the Hero course we have to protect everyone,"

I ran down, where I saw a broken window and a silver cross necklace, the remains of glass spread along the carpet, along with a glowing orange footprint. I ran over to them.

"Y/N..." I whispered.

I picked up the necklace, looking out of the window. I saw her... I saw her running into a separation in between a gym and another building. I saw her delicate frame, still sickly thin, the jeans she wore still had bumps from bandages underneath.

The school alarm rose up from silence, blaring in our ears as I saw teachers run after her.

"Y/N..." I said again...



ყ/ŋ'ʂ ℘ơ۷
I heard them behind me.
Although I was too far in front of them to be caught, the alarm still startled me, my feet sprinting faster than I thought I could from the pursuit.
I was, for the first time in a long time, afraid.
My hands were shaking as was my breathing.
Suddenly, I felt like prey, the predator close behind, the jaws of death nipping at my tail.
My heart thumped like a drum in my chest, my mouth dry as phlegm in my throat rose. I ran faster, distance getting wider from the frantic steps of the teachers that were accompanying my own.
I weaved through the buildings, out of aerial sight and made my way towards the gate in the wall I burned open as soon as I caught sight of it. I jumped through it with the last amount of stamina I had left.
I fell to my knees, breathing heavily.

I heard the teacher's confused voices as they congregated around the empty green space, and I knew I'd got away. Barely.

"Lost them..." I muttered, sighing heavily, resting my rocky head against the wall.

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