〔17〕- Where I Ended Up

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ყ/ŋ'ʂ ℘ơ۷
Blue light from the computer kept my eyes glued to the screen. Hacking into the school system was easier than it should've been, and removing my face from its records was done in seconds. I then went onto the government website, put in the IP address and entered my name, and there it came up with my birth date, name and information. I clicked on it, and terminated the document. I typed in my mother's name, taking out my name from the records aswell, only leaving the box of children at one, with no name given.
I heard a knock at my sketchy rented apartment. The landlord had come to deliver the fee for my night's stay.
Oh, I've skipped ahead quite a bit.

After I ran down that hill, I felt a hand over my mouth and was dragged into a van. I struggled, reaching up to rip the hand from my face, but the hand that covered my mouth had one finger off of my skin, which I found peculiar.
His scratchy voice whispered in an urgent tone, "hush, were just trying to get you away from them,"

I glanced up at him, and cocked my head in confusion when a strange hand was covering his face, choppy blue hair intertwining with its plastic-like fingers. He soon let go, once we were in the back floors of the vehicle and said, "go, drive!"
I finally breathed in, coughing because of lack of air.
There were two people in the van with us, the driver, whom I couldn't see, and a girl around my age with dirty blonde hair tied in messy buns and cat-like golden eyes.

"Hey, Y/N! Ha, looks like I won the bet!"

Another person from the front of the van climbed over the front seats and sat in the back with us, Dabi.

"Whatever," he responded to the girl.

"So how many did you burn to a crisp!?" She said excitedly.


"I doubt she's killed anyone yet, crazy," Dabi sighed irritably.

My hair was covering my shivering bare body, and I curled up into its warmth. I pulled it over my face, the liquid maintaining its shape and acting as a curtain of decency over me.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon!" The blonde girl smiled happily.

"Where?" I asked simply.

"We're taking you to a quieter part of town, handing you into a block of rent- available apartments, just for a small bit of time," Dabi explained, and to which I responded with a nod.

"Why?" I, again, questioned with little amount of effort.

"You're just gonna pretend that you ran away from somewhere, and ask for a place to stay," the blue haired man said,
"from then on we'll come get you, you'll know when we do, just don't act up, got it? Just jump straight out of your window onto the lower building next to it and wait there,"

I didn't say anything, I just wanted to get some goddam clothes on. The blonde girl was staring at me with her head in her hands, smiling to herself, then held her hand out and said, "I'm Toga!"

I slipped my hand through the lava and shook hers gently.

"That's Tomura-Kun, he's tired so that's why he's not talking,"

He scratched his neck, his skin looked sore and scarred, and he noticed I was staring, looking away and itching more ferociously.
I averted my eyes back to my lap.

"You'll be in the place no more than 40 minutes before we take you, just to make it seem like we didn't drop you off, a cover up basically," the driver called from the front, a street lamp passed and I saw he looked...well...like a teenage mutant ninja turtle to say the least.

"Sure," I responded.

At the end of a street, they directed me to a building, and I walked over to it, not saying anything.
"See you in a while, Y/N!" Toga waved goodbye through the back of the van as I waved slightly back.

I had to act like I'd run away, what, did they expect me to have run away from, like a prostitute place or something?
I trailed my fingers along a wall and wiped some of the soot onto my face, then kneed the wall, hoping for some blood to show, to make myself more believable. My legs were already messed up from my scars, but the recently bloodied up knees made my whole façade more realistic. I winced and stifled a cry of pain as my knee stung.
I limped to the building, my hair shielding my body, and knocking on the door. A man in his late 40s answered, seemingly irritated that someone was visiting so late, but gasped at my appearance.

"My dear, what happened to you?" He asked urgently.

"I ran away from..." I trailed of, faking fear.

"Oh dear, well, come on in," he took me inside.


I was handed a nightgown and underwear and the man sat me at the table in a small kitchen. He handed me a glass of water and sat opposite me.
I sipped the water, not saying anything.

He asked questions, none of them I answered, other than a small lie saying I ran away from bad men.

He seemed to believe me, and gave me a key to a room a few levels up.

"I'll see you in the morning, but are you sure you don't want to call the authorities?"

"No," I responded quickly, "they'll...the bad men will find me, I'll go later,"

I was lying shamelessly to this man, using a sensitive topic to fool him into giving me what I wanted. It felt sociopathic.

"Well, okay, would you like anything?"

I shook my head.

"Wait," I realised something, "do you have a computer?"

"Well, there is a computer in your room, I'm afraid it isn't very good and it will make noises in the night, but it's really all we've got,"

"It's fine,"

Making my way up the stairs and to my room, I took out the key and unlocked the door that read 'Number 19'.
I shut it behind me and looked around for the computer.
It sat at a wooden desk next to a single bed, a small bathroom next to it.

Now we're caught up.
After I took care of my identity, I shut down the computer and looked at the clock ticking on the wall.
The landlord called through the door, saying,

"I'm just knocking to say that the fee will be postponed, you can pay back when you're ready, okay miss?"

"Thank you," I called back.

They'd come for me in 30 minutes, so I went to the bathroom to take a bath and wash off the stuff on my face.
My hair burned up to my shoulders in ash, so I ran the bath and slipped off my nightgown.

The warm water rushed against my cold skin as I sat down. So much happening, all at the same time, made me crave some sort of relief. I left my phone in my dorm room, but it was undoubtedly burned up like the rest of the girl's quarters. Probably for the best. The school could track me if I still had it, and I was adamant that I was never going back there again. I had no intention of doing so.

"I'm sorry Y/N,"

I heard her voice echo.

"Get out of my head," I growled, grasping my hair and tugging it, small flicks of ash floating down into the water.

I hadn't thought of her throughout this whole time, but now she was all I could think of. Nejire looked at me like everyone else did, like the monster I was. I'm not a monster... am I?
I guess I was, after what I did no one was going to look at me as a hero now. My dream was ruined; no, I can't blame myself, it was their fault.
I let go of my hair, letting the water swallow me up.

The dirt and blood had trailed off into the water. Seeing as I was clean, I stepped out of the slightly janky bathtub.
15 minutes before I'd be out of here.
I put on the nightgown and dug in the closet next to the door for anything.
Thankfully, someone before me had left a black jacket and a white shirt. I was hoping for something to cover my legs, but I slipped off the nightgown and put on the shirt, the large jacket covering me up to my knees.

I looked out the window at the tips of the buildings.
'I'll see you in the morning', yeah right.
5 minutes.
I opened the window, and sat on the windowsill, my legs dangling from the height.
I heard a van pull up, despite being on the opposite side of the building. I heard the man's worried voice, then glass shatter and cries of pain.

"Three minutes early," I muttered, swinging my legs and pushing myself off of the wall.
I fell down to the building in front of me, and turned around, watching the building erupt in bright blue flames. My ankles felt like they'd been shot, and they had a searing pain in them, but I ignored it.

Sitting down cross-legged and watching the view, I waited for them to come get me.

The flames rose and rose, reaching the top of the building and incinerating it, the black tint painting the whole place. It reminded me of the dorms, which hit me with a wave of sorrow, however, I shook my head and pushed the thought away.
You're not going back.
I said to myself.

"This is where I end up," I muttered, "on top of a building waiting for a group of villains to pick me up,"

I chucked and lit up my hair like a torch signal. I sat on the edge of the shop below me, watching Toga skip around the bonfire of a building and wave to me.

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