episode 1

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glimmering dust fills the air. they float like broken glass particles where time is slowed. it did feel like that. slower.

the fluttering wind, though faint, tempts the pear-coloured blades of grass to hold hands, and sway from side to side in an enchanting rhythm.

elm and willow leaves in all the colours autumn sung, sage green, honey, copper rose, juniper, they fall elegantly like rain, spinning as they descend to his feet.

whose feet? 

the feet which carried across the blanket of may a mind which had been the one to observe the nature as he had before, in hopes of ignoring something less beautiful.

no. it was not at all, by any means, beautiful.

'name: satoshi tajiri

economy class

date: 22 may 2020 

kalos, usa --> kyoto, japan'

it was too ugly to look at, but how could clemont take his eyes off it?



"...according to leaked sources, professor augustine sycamore, a researcher of mega evolution based in lumiose city, plans to convert his lab into some sort of an academy, with the primary aim of welcoming immigrant students into america who can dismiss the worries of language and even a few culture boundaries for the sake of a better educatio--"

the screen shut off into clemont's black reflection. even if that reporter would still be talking to millions of others across the region, if he had a choice, she wouldn't be talking to him.

the edges of his blanket were stretched to wrap around his face. he sunk into it, like a diglett plunged into a hole, to try and escape from the world outside of it that moved constantly.

his safe space would've been of a bigger area: his robotics lab, where he should've been able to treat as a sanctuary. but he found himself retracing the steps of one who could not be there to retrace them himself, and preferred not to be reminded of that.



lumiose city was reputable for being a vastly tech-driven metropolis, but with the collaboration of two of its best mechanics, it couldn't lose with this new device.

"...not only does it use holographic technology, which students from poorer countries would be amazed by when they come here, but it translates the languages they speak and hear in real time. every student will have one of these", the professor explained excitedly with an ear-to-ear grin as he strapped the watch onto his wrist, "you speak a little french, right? say something for me"


"aussi innovante, pratique et sophistiquée que soit cette technologie, je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée compte tenu de son coût"

above the watch was a picture of light, composing a sentence with words added the moment they were spoken.

'[as innovative, practical and sophisticated as this technology is, I don't think it is a good idea considering its cost]'

"ah. well, don't worry about that, clemont. alain was happy to donate his prize money from the kalos league towards this project. not just this device, but the revamping of my lab into a school as well. i think we even had a little left over!"

hearing those words spilled an acrid taste onto his tongue. it seems that wherever he went, he was constantly reminded of the one thing, or person, rather, that wasn't there.

"what'd you call it, professor?"

"it's basically a holographic general purpose system with additional built-in features you'd usually get through the internet such as translations, definitions, or identification. just a whole A.I. packed into a watch through pictures. so i named it the IOAI"

'[image of artificial intelligence]'

"think of it as having clembot on your wrist"

clembot. clembot was destroyed a few weeks ago. who comforted him after it was destroyed? 

someone who was nowhere to be seen and was simultaneously found everywhere. perhaps that was the kind of effect someone like him left behind.

"this technology is groundbreaking, not just for the features, but for the use. we'll no longer have people worrying about not understanding their schooling in america, when everything said has subtitles in real time! hopefully it'll be the trigger for international relationships as well. like, you know, not having to say goodbye to your friends..."



clemont refused to take his hands off of the other's shoulders. as if his hands alone had the power to prevent him going back home.

"do you have to go? i mean, you speak english pretty good, right?"

"but my friends--"

"you have friends in america too, don't you?! you have me!"


"i don't know why, ash, but i have this feeling that if you leave, i won't know what to do, i'll--"


clemont looked down into dark, endearing eyes which emitted an aura of safety and warmth. 

"you're acting like as soon as i leave, i'm gonna forget you! clemont, that could never happen. we've done too much for me to forget. we can always call, and i can visit during breaks like i did this summer. now, come on. bonnie and serena already said goodbye at the gate, so that they wouldn't drag it on. i can't be that important, right? you'll be okay, i'm sure"

he had to wave with a smile on as ash was pulled away from him by his own two feet. 

but no. it wasn't really ash that took himself away. it was time; the treacherous marching of days that made things too valuable to leave, except some of them, we had to.

and professor sycamore understood that when he saw them. usually he'd think 'they're just kids'. or perhaps, 'they'll get over it'. but he felt a sense of familiarity within their goodbye, of the chilliness that followed afterwards, and was unnerved by it.

"alain!", he blurted out, holding his hand out to the champion turning to find his voice.

"alain, you don't really wanna do this, right?", he huffed after having sprinted across the airport hall, "you don't actually want to go on this trip. i know--"

"but i have to"

alain's lack of reaction was no less expected, he was always cold even towards his loved ones.

"alain. just listen to me, for a second. i'm sure you didn't take part in the kalos league to be a champion..."

no. it was to battle a certain someone that, unexpectedly, alain was wishing could've stayed a little longer. 

"...because you're hating every second of it. i know first-hand that you've never had a favourite place as long as you're isolated; but now you can't go anywhere without being hoarded by paparazzi! and for whatever reason you did participate in the league, i can tell it's over by now because you're not passionate in anything anymore. you've always believed that it was stupid to waste time, so why are you forcing yourself into something you hate? come on, i'm not wrong here, right?"

and then there was a rare, possible, but still rare occurrence. alain had absolutely nothing to say.



"as long as you're sure you have the budget, i'm definitely excited for the idea", clemont concluded as he stepped into the doorway, "see you later, professor"

sycamore's chirpy wave gradually slowed when he heard a firm step enter behind him. he grinned at the sense of not even having to see who it was.

"isn't this a waste of time? no one even knew about this school until a week ago"

his smile faltered a bit; but alain was always cold.

he turned around anyway.

"well you can agree that our time is more useful for this school than on that champion tour, which you wouldn't have declined if you didn't believe that too"

stepping closer as he spoke, "i know you don't have much concern with making friends, or even just making connections. but you'd prefer it over being a bored champion where the only people you meet are looking for an autograph. so, regardless of what you think of it, can't you support me? can't you attend for a while and see what happens?...if you're open to it, you could go back to studying--"


sycamore halted and stumbled slightly back. that was sudden, but not unexpected.

"what was that?", the professor questioned, trying at least for a little respect.

but alain wasn't having it, "i told you already. what i want is to travel and conduct research along the way. alone", he growled, "and don't even ask why, because we both know you don't need to. don't negotiate with me either. never again, even if you beg me to, will i step into another classroom. so don't try to tell me what i like and hate like you used to"

without missing a beat, he charged towards the door, pausing for a moment when he was in line with sycamore on his side.

"and don't act like you have no idea who's fault it is"

he flinched as the door slammed into the wall following alain's hand.

he still wasn't ready yet.


outfit on the left was way too shiny. oh, but outfit on the right wasn't shiny enough. maybe she should just give up with shiny. 

"or maybe i should just go home and not buy a new dress"

that's not an option. your current performing attire is atrocious, serena. we need to take action.

"just get both, and if you get sick of one of 'em, return it", shauna proposed.

"aw, but then i have to keep the tag on", argued serena, "and it'll scratch my back while i'm dancing. agh, this is impossible!"

shauna chuckled secretly. she was always so dramatic.

"well, how do you usually buy clothes?"

"in times like this, when i like them both the same, i play a game with ash where i send him both and ask him to pick in five seconds. he always texts back really quick. but it's not the same when he's not here to be happy for me after buying it"

"aw, that's kinda cute. like you're best friends--"


shauna's smile shook as serena realized her outburst.

"w-what i meant was...we're not gonna be best friends. in a romantic way, yeah, if that's what you mean. it's just i always thought that game was a couple-like thing. like he's picturing me in the dresses!"

shauna forced a smile, knowing full well that there was someone picturing her in those dresses, someone who was close to her, but it wasn't ash.


the screen of clemont's phone finally went black after all the hours of low-battery anticipation, and bonnie had borrowed the charger.

"i need the charger--what are you doing?"

on the floor of bonnie's room was a collection of pieces of paper which had been severed from each other, each with the same message messily handwritten and signed with a love-heart.

"bonnie, valentine's was in february"

"it's not valentines, silly. they're goodbye cards"

"good...bye...to who?"

she brushed them into her hands and wrapped them in an elastic band before placing them carefully into her bag.

"to someone at school?"

"to everyone at school, since we're going to that new place now"

"new place...? what are you talking about?"

"dad didn't tell you too? he said professor sycamore's building a school. we're gonna go there when they're done building it"


"don't panic, clemont. you won't be completely alone like you are in school now. serena's going too, and so is trevor, sawyer, tierno, shauna, and i think alain and mairin. dad says it has a computer lab, so you won't need to work at home anymore"

clemont didn't feel like moving. he wanted to stay safely in one place. that's what he always wanted, but things just kept changing. people having to leave, or having to leave people. inconveniences like the value of money or the definite battery of something as important as a phone. the things he knew were fading more and more into grey.



some places the sky was cloudy, other places it wasn't; every place was the same colour. the bustling and chattering of new students evaded clemont's ears. he just wanted to go home, to his safe, quiet home, where he could reminisce the times where clouds and skies were coloured differently, and the voices of others were not drowned.

either coincidentally, or by chance (whichever you feel better to believe in), his eyes met another that was dearly missed, yet familiar

and his senses expand.

cherry blossoms showered in sun fills the air. they float like broken glass particles where time is slowed. it did feel like that. slower.

the fluttering wind, though faint, tempts the pear-coloured blades of grass to hold hands, and sway from side to side in an enchanting rhythm, watching the pavement beside it which was flooded with footsteps.

elm and willow leaves in all the colours autumn sung, sage green, honey, copper rose, juniper, they fall elegantly like rain, spinning as they descend to his shoes.

whose shoes?

shoes that were black and looked comfortable for walking, which travelled until just above the ankles holding a thin, fit figure. there was no need to look at their face twice for a familiar device had presented him with a gorgeous holograph where he could see stars.

it was, by all means, beautiful.

'[name: サトシ田尻 (satoshi tajiri)

age: 15

grade: 10th grade/sophomore

origin: japan]'

it was too beautiful to look at. how could clemont take his eyes off it?

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