Edward Sinclair-Valentine.

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why wait for old age

to wear purple?


[ Full, Official Name ~ Edward Annapolis Sinclair-Valentine.

He is the secondborn child of Oscar Sinclair and Josian Indira Valentine, and derives his forename from Oscar's grandfather, Edmund, with his surname, of course, being a union of his parent's surnames.

Nickname/Alias ~ Ed, Eddie, along with the occasional 'Teddy' or 'Ted'.

Often his name is shortened down, for both ease and general laziness. At times, he is referred to as 'Edmund', when he is being mocked for his general uptightness and his tendency to act like an old man, at times.

Specie ~ Humane, mostly.

His father is usually played as a vampire and, although it may be against Bosie's best wishes, it is more than likely that Edward will be turned at some point in the future, to immortalise him.

Years of Age ~ Five to twenty-five.

He can be played within a range of five years to his late twenties, and so on. In his media, however, he's in his late teens to his early twenties.

Gender of Choice ~ Genderfluid.

Though usually being referred to with 'he' and 'him' pronouns, Edward would consider himself lucidly and loosely fluid.

Biological Sex ~ Male.

He was born with male reproductive organs.

Sexuality ~ Homosexual.

Being eccentric as he is, it is more probable than not that he will engage in flings with women and men alike, within the bedroom. Admittedly, though, his sober attractions only truly lay with men - perhaps the occasional effeminate boy. ]


[ Personality ~ An artistic oddball who takes individuality to a whole new length.

An interesting, queer type, Edward falls in with neither nothing nor nobody remotely ordinary, or mundane. Instead, he more so correlates with that in which is wacky and, debatably, rather abhorrent, these being two words that, generally, do an impressive job of the monumental task that is trying to sum him up. He's a strange character, but, one who knows exactly who he is and what he's about; a lone wolf amongst a world of sheep, alike his father, Oscar, and, to also be alike his other father, Bosie, he drowns himself in self-love and has a strange, innate desire to... distinctively, express himself, through art and fashion alike. Truly, though, he is totally and utterly in love with himself and everything he that does, and can often be heard remarking compliments to himself, either upon catching his reflection in anything remotely radiating, or after finishing a splendid work of art that he is proud and prejudiced about. In this sense, although he is an undeniably a sweetheart to be around with his joyous, happy-go-lucky aura, he can sometimes be overbearing and rather self-centred. A golden child, Edward strives for sickly perfection across all boards of life, usually in rivalry with his elder brother, Angus, who would describe him as nothing more than a 'brownnose' - obsequious. Through this, it could be said that he has a definite competitive streak within him, along with a deeply rooted sense of jealousy; he desires attention, even if, most of the time, he doesn't act as if he does, in order to maintain his likeable, light-to-a-moth persona.

Abilities ~ None of the supernatural sort, yet.

Birthplace ~ Greece.

Although he is classified as a British citizen, given he was born under the Red Cross, his birthplace is Greece; a favourite holiday destination of Oscar and Bosie.

Birthdate ~ 22nd September.

With Libra being classed as the 23rd of September and onwards, he only just classes as a Virgo. He obtains the best and worst from both zodiacs.

General View ~ Open-minded.

Unlike Oscar and more closely relating to Bosie, Edward is especially free-spirited and easygoing. He could rightfully be described as a hippie and would be more interested in drawing any despicable acts you may engage in, rather than judging them. His own moral compass is rather... warped, anyway.

Past Occupancy ~ Home.

The Sinclair Estate, where he and the rest of his family resided and grew up in.

Current Occupancy ~ Home, still.

Edward is... yet, to fly the nest, as he truly has no desire to. He has everything he needs at home, given, everything is readily supplied to him. He will disappear off on little roundabout trips every now and again, but, is primarily based at his childhood home, still. ]


[ Humane Appearance ~ Brunette, brown-eyed, 5'11" and on the slender side of muscular.

A concocted balance of his differing in appearances fathers, it can be said that Edward predominantly takes after Oscar with tinges and hints of Bosie's beauty. Dark, bronzed with the lustrous tint of Bosie's golden locks, his hair falls in waves longer than either of his parental figures. Naturally and when let down, it flows down to just below his shoulder blades where it kinks up and recurves, however, on the rare occasion he might artificially curl it, it'll bunch up wondrously just before his shoulders. Truthfully, he has never attempted straightening his hair for fear it'll never bounce back and so usually styles it into a hasty, rather rambunctious, man-bun. To also take after his father, Oscar, and even his grandfather so, Dorian, Edward's eyes are deep pools of, as a wise person once said; mystery. They don't give everything away, a colour not as bright as tawny, but more so resembling that of a deer; doe-eyed. They consume all the light in a room, but, yet, when chosen to, are capable of glistening with excitement and happiness, alike lighter eyes may do; expressing each and everything that he may be experiencing, at that moment. Captivating, Edward himself is a masterpiece, though, and it should be mentioned, that because of Bosie's lacking height, he will only ever reach the 5'11" point - his lankily toned body will never quite breach six feet, to perhaps slightly dampen the illusion of perfection.

Shifted Appearance ~ None of the supernatural sort.

Edward does, at times, have brief, snappy phases with his appearance and general fashion sense, that could be considered his 'shifted' appearances. He dots about from trend to trend, and from era to era.

Noticeable Aspects ~ His eyes.

Though beautiful, deep within, his eyes hold a spark of nastiness and selfishness to them, despite their warmed and smoothed surface.

Judging a Book by its Cover ~ Insane.

Edward is not mentally ill, although, like his elder brother, ADD is incredibly possible, however to an unknown onlooker... he may seem that way. His personality flickers wildly between eccentric and boisterous, to lonesome and antisocial, where he often locks himself away to paint and reflect, ignoring the world. Due to this, Edward maintains little friendships as he can be rather cold and cruel, alike Oscar, when in his latter mood; people grow weary of waiting on him and putting up with him. ]


[ Background ~ England, primarily.

He grew up and developed in his father's, Oscar, estate, sometimes being sent off with his brothers to spend time at his Grandfather's, Dorian, estate, when both Oscar and Bosie were in need of a break.

Backstory ~ Perhaps, the only normal element of his life.

Edward, generally, had a pleasant and constructive upbringing surrounded by his loving and widely accepting family. His competitive rivalry with his elder brother, sometimes, did and still does become less friendly, however, overall, his childhood was positive and he has fond memories.

Known Family ~ He has two fathers', four brothers and two sets of grandparents.

His parents are Oscar Sinclair and Bosie Indira Valentine, and his brothers ranging from age down are Angus, Jude, Jacobi and lastly Willoughby. Angus is the eldest, then Edward, Jude and Jacobi are twins and Willoughby is the youngest. Carlisle Valentine is Bosie's father and a grandparent he rarely, if ever, sees, and Dorian Sinclair is Oscar's father, whom he sees often.

Likings ~ Art, the freedom to do as he wishes, sex and nudity.

Of course, Edward utterly adores all that is artistic and uniquely designed in life; his passions obviously laying with painting and drawing as aforementioned throughout his form. He enjoys freedom and, although he wouldn't consider himself materialistic, the money his family possesses that, practically, allows him to do as he wishes, without the pressure to have an income to support himself. As well as that, in having an open family, he does adore sex and all things regarding the naked body.

Dislikes ~ Control, commitment, not getting his own way, being inferior to his brother.

Although he adores attention, he despises being pawned over with manipulative and controlling attempts to get him to settle down and conform. Like a wild creature, this behaviour would only cause him to further act out and push said pawning being away until they're obsolete in his life. He hates the thought of normality or 'maturing' into a heterosexual marriage, along with even the mere mentioning of him potentially not getting his own way. He also can't stand if he's not able to complete a task, especially so if his elder brother can.

Time-Passing ~ Artwork, infrequent poetry.

Being an artist, Edward spends the large majority of his time painting, drawing, and even sculpting on the rare occasion. Less frequently, he will attend social gatherings, whenever he feels up to scratch. He sometimes attempts to write, but usually leaves such a skill to his fathers.

Love-Life ~ Non-commital.

Edward has never been and frankly believes that he never will be one for longterm, serious relationships. Whether this is due to fear or trauma is an aspect generally ignored and flickered over; never faced, given, he won't even engage in one-to-one sexual sessions. He'll only attend large scale orgies and has no intention whatsoever to settle down. ]


I paint


 so that they will not die


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