Lloyd Canamara.

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'They say a man is no longer a man when he has been crushed in spirit, for a man's spirit is what keeps him alive, and what makes him who he is. However, how true is that? Now, the Bible preaches that a man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. In other words, man does not rely on food and drink, but spirit.

But then again, who follows The Bible's every word and does not cherry pick their beliefs? No one. A spirit can be distinguished as a soul, a force of energy, maybe even a state of mind. Although, when you have no spirit, and so no soul or mind state, you become a shell.

An unbreakable shell, a shell that is feared. One that has no use for lies, or secrets. One that speaks the truth and is direct, a shell that is true to themselves as well as others.

Human kind has become a deceiving specie. A specie that would rather a lie over the truth, that truth that comes with being a shell, and if they are told a truthful statement, it is labelled as blasphemy. Wars are started by truth. Leaders who are supposed to protect their civilians send them off to fight, die, and never return. Bombing, terrorism, the world has become a place of violence and pain.

This beast feeds off of that chaos; that violence, that created pain. He utterly... adores it. For, he is that shell that reflects the truth of humanity. The ugly truth nobody wishes to face.'.

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Full Name ~

Lloyd Canamara.

Age ~

Physically, a youthful looking forty year old specimen. Mentally, however, is a different question entirely. A question Lloyd himself lacks the answer to, as the reality is rather depressing.

Gender ~

Now, in all technicalities, Lloyd's beast possesses no sex. However, his vessel is that of a male human.

Sexuality ~

Lloyd's orientation is passionately debatable.

Appearance ~

The first thing most people's eyes are drawn to in Lloyd is his utterly pale complexion, being so light, it almost looks to be a tainted grey of sorts. It's truly a ghoulish, deathly shade, perhaps even sickening to some. His hair is long and dark, unruly to an extreme amount, it falls in waves over the side of his head, covering his left eye slightly and hooking around his ears as if it is clinging to a decomposing body. His eyes are, like his skin, an unusually pale shade of blue that almost blends into a grey to create a shade that is edging more towards a white on the colour spectrum. His physical build seems to be healthy; it's toned with defined muscles and bulky shoulders, but it doesn't exactly appear to be all that powerful, of course... a certain demonic element assists in his strength that has gifted him with leadership. He stands at six feet and two inches, perhaps not the largest being in the town, but most definitely one of the deadliest.

Personality ~

Firstly, Lloyd's leadership is that of tight-bound, and strict one. He is dominant, and he puts into practice that his word his law. On the surface, he may appear void and emotionless, and to some extent this is perfectly reasonable. He acts, and makes decisions, without emotions wafting their way into his judgement and altering it. He makes decisions depending on facts, statistics, but never other's opinions. This may seem stubborn to others, but truly, Lloyd is an open-minded male except when it comes to life and death situations for him, and his followers. He is the dictator for a reason; he is a strategist. Now, when times are calmer, he is a character that one of his own could approach and talk to, and he would listen, before further giving them advice on a problem they may have.

His persona is not all that easy to describe in words, as it frequently changes and flickers between beast and man. To a certain extent, he is sadistic in a way many cannot comprehend. But in other scenes, he is one of the gentlest of creatures to ever have existed. He can be difficult to get through to, but will always remain loyal to his group in order to protect them. But, he will also punish them gruesomely if he finds out about any acts of treason, or anything he finds to be offensive towards him. Secretly, he does care for every demon underneath his figurative wing, however he will rarely express this compassion to anyone whatsoever; thus, leading back to his void and emotionless facade he has set in place.

Specie ~


True Form ~

As his demon, it is almost as if the entirety of Lloyd's insides have decimated, and his thin skin in clinging to what remains of the bones he bares. Some parts of his flesh have been torn to expose mainly his ribs, and his cheek bones, but also certain areas of his legs and back. He seems to be a literal corpse; brittle, breakable, fragile. But this is not the case. Antlers grow from where his hair has been lost, them being alike a stag's but bone white in colour with splodges of dried blood here and there, this being the same for certain areas of his back, arms and legs where bearish fur of the same colouring grows. His finger, and toenails are like the talons of an eagle, but it is his teeth that are the true weapons. He has layers upon layers of jagged fangs designed in a way that a shark's are - inwardly. Once he bites something, that something is not getting away without a chunk torn out of them. The last aspect of him is his cloudy blue eyes that insinuate a blindness, however he is in no way blind. His senses are that of an apex predator, his eyesight being one of the greatest senses indeed; one would be foolish to judge a book by its cover.

True Name ~

Cruentus Infernum, quite literally in the Latin language meaning 'Bloody Hell'. For, that is what he rises; hell on earth.

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