Sabre Grail.

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Anyone who loves their life will lose it, whilst those who hate their life in this world, will keep it for eternity.

John 12:25

always remember, to smile. Don't come over as threatening.


[Full, Official Name ~ Sabre Grail.
Nickname/Alias ~ Due to his unusual, frightening, naming, he is known as the more professional 'Shiloh Webb', or sometimes a mere 'Edmund Grail', by the humane over-world. A polite, reserved man with a successful business, and a tendency to... work from home.
Specie ~ Demon, specifically typing to the Each-Uisge. A shapeshifter whom feeds on the flesh of mortals and can take the forms of humans, horses, or a raven. The name can be translated to 'water-horse' in technical terms, and is believed - in folklore - to be one of the most dangerous monsters to have roamed the lands, as well as, swam the waters. A viscous beast, disguised by a pretty face.
Years of Age ~ If he was to count back, he would find himself being born around the fifteen or so hundreds. His age is beyond uncomprehending, yet, he lives each day as if it is his first.
Gender of Choice ~ Male.
Biological Sex ~ Male.
Sexuality ~ He has no real preference and will swing both ways, however he has found men are less whiny than the women. ]

play a little... game, don't wear your heart on your sleeve.


[Personality ~ Sabre considerably enjoys his solitary, and by a far length would prefer to spend his time galloping the woodlands, or gliding within the lakes in order to terrorize stray swimmers, than conversing with the vermin that crawls at this sycophantic, dying earth. Although these are his truthful... mm, feelings, he spends the majority of his time out in the streets, or the more publicized areas of the forests. He's spent centuries of his life in solitary, and so, for a few sweet decades, as decided to avenge a 'normal' lifestyle. If he's feeling particularly optimistic, and you are a small, brittle little wallflower (one of course, that he is attracted to) he will come across as a harsh, humorous man with little to no tact, and a tendency to speak his mind. He will be blunt when it comes to his opinion, and is a strong advocate for freedom-of-speech; this meaning, whether you have sparked his sexual desires or not, he will be frank about you, and your appearance.
Abilities ~ Cryokinesis ~ Sabre can manipulate elements such as the cold, as well as rainy weather/water. He can bend things such as ice, snow fall, and even hale to his will. And, yes, he has impaled quite the many men with nothing but an icicle. He is also gifted with a sense of low level telepathy, and is particularly agile in... everything.
Birthplace ~ America, however the Native side, before the country was invaded. His accent has changed over the years, though it still is leaning to the old American accent. He adores putting on a British accent, still.
Birthdate ~ 19 October, 1509.
General View ~ Sabre could not care less how people choose to live their lives, as long as they leave him out of their drama. He despises of drama.
Past Occupancy ~ America.
Current Occupancy ~ Germany. ]

push away the emotions; titter sadistically. Stall, if needed.


[Humane Appearance ~ media ~
Shifted Appearance ~ media ~
Noticeable Aspects ~ Sabre's hair used to fall just below his collar bone, when allowed to fall, and was an ashy brown with darker and lighter tones running through it. He found the length of it to be normal, given his different phases an his ancestry. However, when he was accused of a multitude of murders, and rapes, he decided to bleach it, and crop it.
Judging a Book by its Cover ~ Depending on who it is gazing upon him, depends on what they will take from Sabre. Perhaps some will glance over his appearance. In he past, they may have decided allowing his hair to grow out is lazy and unfashionable, thus so judging him. Others may look a little deeper into him; think he's been hurt or broken before, and that is why he acts out, or orders his coffee black like a psychopath would do. None of the above is true, Sabre is just a dick. ]

pain is a relief, not a curse.


[Background ~ The mountainous lakes of American lands of the Natives.
Backstory ~ Sabre ceases to remember much of his few years of childhood that existed centuries ago, maybe this is because of him blocking it out or purely for the innocent reason of it was so long ago. He has spent most of his time roaming secluded areas, as well as hiding in the bottoms of lakes and seas for decades, he has only risen now because of the crisis the humans are in - he couldn't not watch it, to him it's rather amusing in a sadistic way.
Known Family ~ None, he's far too old to have any human friends still living and the rest of his family has most probably been hunted down and exterminated.
Likings ~ Sabre thrives when surrounded by those of higher intelligence whom can talk to him freely, and snap back with his snarky comments with sarcastic remarks and put downs. He also has a strong adoration for knives, and has a rather cute hobby of collecting them - whether they're antique, or merely look... beautiful, to him.
Dislikes ~ Sabre utterly despises of, to say it politely, of stupid people. And won't hesitate to strike them down with how useless they are. He also dislikes loud people, or those who interrupt him. Rude people, to be exact.
Time-Passing ~ Sabre, as mentioned, adores his time alone. Though, if he was to be questioned as to what he does whist alone, he wouldn't quite know how to respond. He thinks, sits in his mind's capabilities and in a way, talks to himself. After all, he does not annoy himself.
Love-Life ~ It is his belief that love is overrated, and so he is not on the search for a partner and currently does not have one. Sexual partners, though, he has all around the globe. ]

don't make eye contact. Drink. Smile.





get the fuck out of my sight.

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