ClanGen design #1 - Scorchstar

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I've been addicted to ClanGen lately. Maybe it's because I crave a sense of control, or maybe it's because it's a funny silly little game and I enjoy it.
ANYWAY, I've decided to start designing/drawing my ClanGen cats!! Starting with CelestialClan. Then I'll move onto HeatherClan & JewelClan if I have time.
So. CelestialClan is my largest and most successful clan. I would say my favourite, except that title might go to HeatherClan because I created a shit-ton of lore for it. Also, fair warning, the names of CelestialClan cats do not follow the rules of standard warrior cat names. I named them all after celestial objects n space/sky stuff, which normally they'd call different things than humans, but idc <3
Ugh I'm getting off track.
Before I lose myself, here is Scorchstar!!

I might write quick little stories & lore about the happenings of my clans but. For now, I'll just share some details:
Scorchstar lost two of their four kits. The first was Galaxypaw, he got abducted by a twoleg. Scorchstar & Moonspring we're devastated, but realized that he's probably safer in a twoleg nest. The second was Pulsarpaw, who got hit by a car. His mentor was leading the patrol when it happened & was double traumatized, because her former mate had also died on the thunderpath.
Scorchstar & Moonspring are getting old now, with their two remaining kits: Orbitheart and Cosmoshade.

Scorchstar's design isn't my favourite, but it's alright because she's not a character I'm planning on drawing a whole lot. I just wanted to have some representation of them besides a cute little pixel cat :)

Next will be Neptunecloud, the master mediator!! I would normally do the deputy next, but I already have this specific pixel cat pose sketched out so I'll just do all the cats with this pose.
But I also have to work on commissions & I won't have much time tomorrow since I'm going to the beach with my friends after school, so we'll see when I get around to it.

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