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I spent WEEKS on this bc I'm indecisive and I can only accept perfection for my child
And of course I went with lavender, because by this point I can't design a character without it :')
I was originally going to make them gray-brown & green, which I really liked the idea of bc it reminded me of their first ever design, but it just wasn't working out. I may still use the scrapped colour palettes for other characters, though.

So, along with Eclipse's new design, they're essentially a new character.
Their former personality used to be like,, curious ig?? Always up for some sort of adventure.
NOW they're prissy and rude, & their one motive is to prove themself (mostly to their father).
As half-blood Lupinor are becoming more and more common in Myreah, pure-bloods tend to highly value their heritage. Although none as much as Storm Quail and his family.
Storm and his wife, Star Falcon, had three pure-blooded Sky Lupinor offspring. Their oldest son, Solar Falcon, their middle-pup, Eclipse Falcon, and their youngest, Lunar Falcon.
Storm puts a lot of pressure on his offspring to live up to his expectations, just as his parents pressured him.
Anyway, this pressure causes Eclipse to join in on the main events of the story and do everything in their power to succeed, even if that means sabotaging others along the way.

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