Human tutotrial

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Hey guys I finally did it :D
This example is a lean gender-neutral human, but of course there are many ways to draw bodies, so I'll probably do a tut for a more chubby body shape later.

Draw a basic head

Draw the neck, and then a sort of curved rectangle for the chest

Then add another smaller section for the torso / ribs area

Draw the pelvis, with lines starting at the torso and going at an angle, then a curved point at the bottom

Make what you have so far smaller, in preparation for the legs

The legs should be the same height as from to top of the head to the bottom of the pelvis

Draw the thighs a little less than halfway down the second line

Draw the shins, leaving space for the feet

Draw sort of squares, tapered at the top, for the ankles

Draw rounded triangles in front of the tapered squares

Draw slightly larger more rounded triangles in front of the last ones

Draw the upper arms, stopping at the bottom of the torso

Draw the forearms, reaching just below the bottom of the pelvis

Draw more sort of squares slightly tapered at the top for the base of the hands

Draw the fingers (should not be longer than the knees!)

Lower the opacity

Fix up the sketch (I realized that the hand on the left was a little too low, so I lifted it up a little)
Always remember that your hand (with your fingers stretched out) is the same size as your face!!
I know the pose is pretty boring, but that's ok

Face tut will be in the next chapter!!
I hope this helped :)

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