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Instant waving could be seen as the video flashed to start, the almost exasperated face of Acedia's leader, Seeia, being plastered front in center on the scree, "Hello, everybody! I'm Seeia and today I'll be introducing myself a bit more during the anticipation for our debut!"

"If I'm being honest I'm not completely sure what this video will be called, it's all a bit last minute, you see, first it was lineup changes and then a concept change so our debut got postponed for a while, and now I'm filming this? I don't suspect the name of this docuseries will last long either if I'm being honest so as of now I'll be calling this 'The Making of Seeia', which I'm sure you're all excited to see, right?" a half-way smile occasi0onaly appeared as she spoke, making it appear as if she's still wary of the camera.

"Now, on the topic of my representative sin," she begins as if reciting a well-practiced monologue, "If I'm being honest I've been practicing how I'll explain this in front of the mirror for a while now, basically, I've been assigned the sin of sloth! Which doesn't look that good on my side, of course since we represent literal sins some of us aren't going to get the most, how do I say in younger terms, aesthetically pleasing sins but I took one for the team, something I'd like to say makes me a good leader," she awkwardly pats herself on the back as she speaks, giving a downturned smile as she pleads with her eyes for the viewers to understand.

"I'll get back to leader-related things soon but I think it's best if I talked about the concept in itself and my representative sin, I'll make sure to romanticize it enough so it doesn't sound like I'm lazy! Instead of carelessness, I'd like to interpret sloth as meaning peace, being able to take a break both physically and spiritually, and allowing others to find salvation within me. That sounds pretty smart, doesn't it?" Seeia sat back slightly as she complimented herself;f, visibly getting more comfortable in front of the camera.

"I was wary when our new concept was unveiled since we originally had quite a bright concept but made a whole 360 when we switched to this concept, but after learning more about the meaning behind our new concept I like it more than our old one! Our new story speaks of finding and repurposing what was once lost and, not to trauma splatter, or whatever that saying Minsoo says whenever I get emotional, maybe dump- trauma dump? Anyways, back to the topic, I'd say I relate to the topic. I once felt quite trapped within the path of my career when I was in my last company but, as all fairytales go, I was saved by my prince in shining armor, KQ entertainment, and the rest of the girls!"

"I guess you could call me a veteran since I've been in the industry for quite a while, not like there's anything you'd recognize me by like some of the other members, but I've been a trainee for, what, nine years?" a hand brushed against her chin, resembling someone deep in thought, before her facade fell, her nose scrunching and lips pursing as she continued, "Ok, I give up trying to act nonchalant and cool, I mean, I've started keeping track of the days until my debut like some sort of prisoner awaiting the day they get freed, to be honest, I don't think the comparison is that far off."

"Anyways, enough of the self-pity," she claps her hands together as if she were addressing a bunch of rowdy five-year-olds, "Something else you should know about me is I'm Acedia's very own leader! Oh, please, stop the applause!" she feigned embarrassment before smacking her palm straight on to her forehead, "Once again, maybe I should leave the dramatics to the younger members since this isn't me, I'm more of a laid back person. I don't get angry easily or typically 'punish' the members if they step out of line, it's a waste of time in my opinion because, at least knowing my members, showing distaste for something only makes them do something more so I've learned to only pay attention to good behavior or softly tell them off."

She sighs as she looks into the distance, a look of mortification appearing on her face, "Oh my god, I treat them like puppies," a hand clutches her mouth, another placed tightly over her heart, "Why didn't anyone tell me?! I thought I was running a tight ship, I don't know if that is a pirate term but it applies, OK, let's look at it logically, this puppy parenting isn't all that bad, the members do occasionally listen to me, or they at least feel comfortable to give into the whole puppy thing, I mean, with the amount of biting and weird growling, I head in our dorm maybe I've trained them right? 'Seeia's guide to puppy parenting', it has a ring to it, I guess."

"I feel like I've been talking too much about professional things so maybe it's time to talk about me as an individual. my birth name is Sato Rei, I'm the eldest member, and before you guys start with the granny jokes trust that I'm immune to them after living in this environment for years. In case you can't tell, which is ok, I'm Japanese and I'm also trilingual. I'm talking to you in Korean right now so it shouldn't be too hard to put two and two together that I can speak Korean, I'm not claiming that I'm an expert or anything though! Other than that, I speak Japanese and I'm fairly good at speaking English, I'm one of the four members of Acedia who speak it and I'd consider myself to be semi-fluent," she holds her hands in thumbs up sign as she speaks, as if making sure the invisible viewers in front of her are on the same wavelength.

She makes a tutting sound as she looks at her surroundings, the typical KQ practice room making up her surroundings, not exactly an idea-inducing area due to the neutral colors, but if there's anything Seeia can do, it's making use of her surroundings. She stood up, the camera in her hands shaking, making her loudly grimace and look at the camera as if it murdered her family whilst she readjusted it. After her mini-technical difficulties, she can be seen walking over to the large mirror, scaling over one side of the room, "This is the said mirror I practice my speeches in, remember kids, practice makes perfect, never forget that!"

"Other than being organized you should maybe know that my love language is acts of service, well, according to the quiz Chรฉrie made me do the other day, but I can see it! I like doing things for other people to make them feel comfortable, for example, I've attempted to cook quite a few times due to Gyulmi's love of food but it hasn't ended the best the past few times and the members don't seem all that appreciative of it either, they're always murmuring something about n0t letting me in the kitchen but it's not like I hurt anyone with my cooking so I don't see the harm, I guess I'll just leave the cooking to Jewel though."

Seeia looked deeply into the camera before snapping out of it, flinching as if scared by the connotations of her suddenly freezing up, "whoever's editing this please cut that small part out otherwise Minsoo and Cassie will start shouting at me for doing the millennial pause, which doesn't make any sense, by the way?! I'm not even that much older than them and am not a millennial, no offense to you guys out there, stay safe!"

"Anyways, I was planning to talk about how I love to compose music before I was rudely interrupted... by myself?" she shakes her head to herself before snapping back into action, "But, this leads to a more interesting note, that is my solo. This is going to sound familiar, but as a part of our debut project we've all been given a solo to introduce our music styles to you guys!"

"My solo should be released alongside this video so either you've come here after hearing it, are about to listen, or have no intention to listen which, if that's you then boo. I worked hard on this song and tried to portray a different side of myself through it, which is pretty ironic considering you guys don't really know me at all. However, you'll hopefully soon appreciate it since it's pretty different from the things I'd release in the future. I'd describe it as very strong if that makes sense? There's a big build-up and then the actual chorus has some rock elements if you consider electric guitar rock, but that's up to you."

"Training for nine years and all, I've picked up on a few skills and, not to brag, I have an official position in all elements: vocals, dance, and rap, this is something I tried to accentuate in the song," she informed, not being able to keep the proud smile for sliding across her face, "As for the title, 'No Dot', it means not to end a sentence and leave things unfinished, just go straight towards them!"

With a final clap of her hands, which must've been about the fifth time she'd made the said movement within the video, she looked into the camera, a bit of resentment towards the piece of technology still showing in her eyes, "that's all from me today then, see you soon, bye!" With a kiss to the camera, she was gone.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

a / n : this was so rushed and i couldn't be bothered to reread so ignore any mistakes and if i missed out a
whole paragraph or something so it doesn't make sense just pretend it does ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ

i'll try get the next one out tomorrow but it'll realistically not be out until sunday

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