-2 negatives makes positive by _mikromosmos_ [Rev. Rihana]

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Title: 2 Negatives Makes Positive 

Author: _mikromosmos_

Reviewer: Rihana ( @taelovee30 )

Reader interaction: 4/5 

With context to your reads, I could see that you have a positive amount of comments. 

Cover: 2/10

I didn’t find it aesthetically pleasing at all. Firstly, the award sticker is covering a part of Taehyung’s face which makes it look bad. Secondly, the title font isn’t matching the cover. Also, the book title is originally ‘2 Negatives Makes Positives’ while the title in the cover is ‘2 Negatives Make Positive’.There is a difference. 

 Half of the author’s name isn’t clear either. Please change the cover as the book cover is what first attracts the reader. 

Title: 4/10

I found the title really creative but it isn’t grammatically correct. 

The correct phrase is, ‘2 Negatives make a positive.’ 

Do correct it. 

Description: 1/5 

There are just three lines and it doesn’t intrigue the reader or catches their attention at all. It is grammatically incorrect too. Add a phrase or quote from your book, something that’ll make the reader want to read the book. 

Plot: 6/10 

It was interesting to read and was different from other fanfics for sure.The two main leads having inabilities isn’t something that's common, so good job with the plot. The end was really good too, authors rarely end the story on a bad note but that is what made your story more emotional and realistic. But character development wasn’t evident at all. Like, why did Taehyung fall for Shri? Her being blind and optimistic can’t be the only reason. You should’ve described why and how they fell for each other, that was something that was missing in the book. 

Characters: 5/10 

I liked your characters and became somewhat attached to them towards the end, but again, character development was something that was prominently missing. 

Grammar: 10/20 

It was fine, I didn’t find any major mistakes but there were some typos. But, what I noticed is that you’ve used lowercase in the beginning of some sentences which isn’t correct. Also, your usage of ellipses was wrong, only three dots (...) are enough while indicating that you’re omitting something in the sentence. 

Your vocabulary is too basic, that is something that will bore the readers. Use unique and different words.

Writing style: 4/10 

There were too many time skips and flashbacks.There is room for a lot of improvement, especially while describing emotions.

Attraction: 5/10 

It could’ve been better. I won’t say I was hooked, but yes, it was indeed interesting to read. Work on your vocabulary and descriptive writing. 


 Overall, I liked the plot a lot but you have to improve your writing style. Cover and title has to be changed and the few typos have to be corrected. Other than that, everything is fine. You have a lot of potential and your book is definitely worth reading. I hope your book gets the attention it deserves! 

Total Marks: 46/100

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