-Strung together by -yoonshooky [Rev. Rabi]

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Book: Strung together

Author: -Yoonshooky

Reviewer: Rabi

Cover: ⅗

I know the fan art is used for a cover and it's quite an art , but the face of Jungkook looks unreal.what I meant to say is,Tae's face is looking good but Jungkook's cheek is a bit fat or better say chubby. 

After that,I think the glowing effect on the font is not doing a good job. You can make it simple with a different font or the same font. But make the size a bit smaller as well. It looks like the cover is hovering above the whole cover and background as well as the taekook fanart is not visible enough. 

Title: ⅘

This is one of those factors which attract users the most. I'm happy you did a great job in this. The title is unique and gives off mysterious and good vibes at least to me. It felt like I was going to read a novel but my expectations were turned down when I read further. That's for later, let's discuss about the title. It is well chosen as well as a good title for little one shots you wrote. 

Synopsis: 8/10

It is quite impressive. The first few words impressed me and I smiled through it. Usually the blurb of one shot is not attractive or catchy enough to grab readers. They just come after seeing the title which is mostly "BTS ships one shots' ' or "(any ship) One Shots.But you choose a suitable title as well as a good description to grant reader's attention. Good job. 

Execution: 8/10

Novel,book,story contains a whole plot of well settled events explained briefly. While the one shots deal with the only one event of a character or a small occasion from someone's life. Therefore, most one shots lack emotions, twists and impressive plots. They can't cover the plot and execution is not settled. But gladly, I don't say this for your book. Your one shots are neither short nor long. A perfect length with detail enough to describe the scene and character. Execution is something which makes your one shots unique and able to be read even though they don't contain much plots. 

Plot: 9/20

At this point,as I said before as well, your one shots are good with good depiction skills. But for plot, as it is already discussed that it is the series of events while one shot is that only event. That's the difference between them. Unfortunately, your one shots are only events described in the lives of the main character with not much plot. Sure, your depiction skills and writing gs time makes them unique but they don't have plot. But I personally think it shouldn't be counted in a negative way. A well arranged and explained plot is never being expected in one shots so it doesn't damage the book nor its readers. 

Write style: 18/20

This is something I would like to talk about. I usually don't read one shot books as they are often fast paced as it feels like I am reading a prompt instead of one shot. But I can't say the same for you. Your one shots are simple and deal with the daily life events of character's but they are written beautifully. You described the I nature and characters well as well as covered their lives and events on one go. That's not an easy job. 

Grammar: 17/20

As far as the matter of plot, depiction skills, writing style comes, the grammar comes there as well. A bad grammar and wrong use of phrases can be counted in negatively and lose the reader's attraction. Your grammar is fair enough then most of the writers. And I will give it a rate of 68% out of 100%. But you still have a few mistakes here and there with tenses as well as a few punctuation mistakes. Hope you can work them off. 

Character development: 8/10

It can be seen as the one shots carry on. What I meant to say, the behavior of characters are explained and eventually the change in them is seen. Often the one shots rarely deal.with this aspect but in this book I can see the needed character development throughout the story line. Good job. 

Total: 75/100

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