★ Chapter - 3

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Devi woke up to see she smeared all the mehendi on her daughter's face and it was all dried up too. She was trying hard to control her laughter.

She nudged Ram to wake up, he peeked and opened his one eye looking at her questioningly.

Devi showed her hands towards their daughter and he looked towards her. His eyes shot open and he burst into fits of laughter, disturbing Aadhira's sleep.

She stretched her arms and legs and slowly opened her eyes. Devi quickly removed the mehendi on her face. It left random red marks on her face.

"What a good morning",Ram said and laughed again. Aadhira didn't understand why didn't her mamma and dadda didn't scoop her in their arms and take her out as they usually do. She threw her arms towards Ram and he scooped her in his arms.

There wasn't much mehendi left on Devi's hands. She washed her hands and applied oil as it enhances the mehendi colour.

She prepared breakfast and lunch quickly and went to take bath, by then Ram and Aadhira went for their morning walk and came back.

That was their routine, either Devi or Ram take turns in keeping little Aadhira busy.

If it's Ram, they just go on a walk in their community they live. Wish all their neighbors who come for a walk in the morning and get loads and loads of Vitamin D for an hour and comes back home.

Both the daughter and father went to take bath. Ram gave a bath to Aadhira first and then showered and got into his formals. By the time he came he saw Aadhira and Devi trying to play catch catch. Aadhira was crawling quickly, and Devi was running from here to there.

As soon as Ram came, Devi was trying to hide behind him and Aadhira quickly threw her hands in air towards Ram asking him to pick her up. Ram took her into his arms and she tried to catch while  she was in her dadda's arms.

She caught her mamma quickly and giggled making happy noises. Devi closed her face with her arms and Aadhira removed her palms.

"Peek a boo",Devi said and Aadhira giggled more.

After playing for a while, Devi took Aadhira in her arms and served breakfast to Ram. Ram knew she wouldn't get time to have her breakfast once he leaves, she would definitely skip her breakfast.

He fed her breakfast while he was having it too earning a good smile on her face, which gave him a content feeling in his heart.

"Bye Devi",he said kissing her and Aadhira on their forehead one after the other.

"Bye Ram, Aadhira and me are going to supermarket this evening. Do you need anything?",Devi asked.

He thought for a second and nodded as nothing.

"No, think once again",Devi said as if she was hinting something.

"Nah, I don't think I am forgetting something Sri",he said trying hard to remember if he was forgetting something.

"Ayyo, I thought the shaving kit wasn't there in home. That was the reason you weren't shaving this saint beard of yours",she said mocking him and Aadhira giggled as if she understood everything.

"Oh! So you indirectly are asking me to clean shave Sri?",he asked and she nodded.

"It's irritating, okay? And don't clean shave maybe you can shave a little bit so that you don't look like a sanyasi with those black shades you look like a modern saint",she said and he chuckled.

"Alright, if my Devi insists then I have to do it right?",he said and waved bye to both of them.

Aadhira made a crying face and threw her arms towards him. That's when it hit Devi that she forgot to distract her daughter. She looked around and found a glass and a spoon.

She hit the glass with the spoon and sensing the different sound, Aadhira looked at that forgetting Ram was going. Quickly Ram went away and while doing the same thing, Devi fed cerlac/baby feed to Aadhira.

She gave her a few toys and put her on the floor and rushed to take a quick bath and run out before Aadhira does something to herself or her beautiful floor which she sweeped just then.

Aadhira being our cute naughty baby, she slowly crawled in by the time her mamma came from bath and stood holding the support of dressing table. She saw a red color box which her mamma applies daily, she took it in her hands and sat down. The sudden moment hit her bum but it didn't matter then.

She finally found something interesting and she tried to open the box and whoosh the Vermilion box broke making sound, Aadhira looked around and found nobody. She was happy nobody came and took her away. She smeared the Vermilion on the floor, on her face, on her arms and slowly crawled below the bed and settled down their trying to spread the Vermilion more.

Meanwhile, Devi came out and saw the Vermilion box on the floor broken and tiny foot prints that were in the direction of the bed. She bent down to see Aadhira was giving her a four teeth smile. Devi hit her head with her hand and took Aadhira to get her bathed once again and cleaned the mess she made.

It was already 11am by then, she logged in her laptop and tried to work, Aadhira was sitting on the dining table making the same noise which Sri Devi taught her that morning to distract her from Ram.It was irritating of course, but she had no option in her hand at that moment that would stop Aadhira.

After a while, she made Aadhira have her lunch and there you go her red red face making her look so cute that Sri Devi wasn't able to keep her hands to herself.

She had to wait, till she fell asleep. Minutes later Aadhira irritated by her sound, she dozed off. Devi put her on the bed, and sat beside her and worked till about 3pm after having a strong coffee.

She skipped her lunch, and completed the work by 5pm. By then Aadhira woke up and was looking around to find her mamma.

She makes some weird noises to see if her mamma was there. When she tried to get up on her own she fell back on the bed yet again. She started crying and there came her rescue, her mamma. All set in her beautiful dress.

Devi picked her up and changed her dress along with her diaper.

Aadhira wore the above dress and Devi packed her emergency mamma bag which had a lots of things. They locked the door and came out to see Ram waiting for them already..

To be continued..

Hello dear readers,

I am back with an update!

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That's all for the day!

I'll meet you all soon with another update!

Till then, take care! Cya!

- Sakshi Devi

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