10 | My Keys to the Kingdom Are Yours

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Greg cautiously pressed the button for level 19 inside the elevator, uncertain with the apartment he was about to step foot in. It wasn't an address he was familiar with which struck him with a slight sense of fear. He was told by Kendall that he would be meeting Greg inside; apparently. He had also asked him to bring a bag of cocaine to the apartment and gave him the contact details of his usual dealer – who unfortunately never responded to Greg. Kendall had told him that if he brought him coke, he would be 'rewarded', which scared Greg even more. Thinking on his feet, Greg looked elsewhere to obtain the drugs on the way to meet Kendall, not wanting to let down his cousin.

"Ew... Dude, where did you get this? This isn't Coach's usual stuff," Kendall said looking at the small baggie.

"Yeah uh, he didn't reply to me but I've got a connection, in the uh, I got in the park," Greg said nervously.

"You brought me park coke? If my septum falls out because of this, I'm going to make you eat it. I'm going to make you eat my fucking septum," Kendall huffed, tipping some of the powder out on the kitchen bench they were standing at.

With his trusty credit card in his hand, Kendall pushed the cocaine into a thin line and held his finger against one of his nostrils to block it. One line didn't warrant the waste of time rolling up a bank note, so he leant over and snorted it directly. After a few moments of consideration, Kendall spoke, "Mm, yeah... That's the worst coke I've ever done in my life."

"Oh fuck man, I'm sorry I- Should I go and like, take it back?" Greg asked worriedly.

Kendall looked at his younger cousin with obvious judgment, asking himself how anyone could be naive enough to think drug dealers were the types of people to offer refunds. It baffled him sometimes listening to the idiotic things that came from Greg's mouth; it made him wonder how the kid ever got laid.

"What do you think of this place huh?" Kendall asked rubbing the cocaine residue along his gums.

"Uh, of this? I think it's... It's huge. What's the footage? Cos like... It's an abundance of footage," Greg said looking around the beautiful apartment which was flooded with natural light.

"It's yours if you want it. I mean, just until the market starts to move but uh, yeah, you live here now," Kendall said nonchalantly as he tipped out more of his lacklustre cocaine onto the kitchen bench.

"A-are you- What? Dude, what! Are you serious?!"

Inhaling more drugs into his system, Kendall stood up and wiped his nose clean. Greg, wide eyed and in a state of shock, obviously didn't believe Kendall was seemingly offering his apartment to him. Especially since he had snorted cocaine right beforehand. Kendall wasn't living there and because of the rental crisis in New York, nobody else was either; so why shouldn't he let Greg move in? He took the keys out of his pocket and threw them towards his cousin who almost failed to catch them.

"But I was thinking we could hang out tonight. Like uh, we could have a little housewarming party for you," Kendall suggested.

"Tonight? I mean, it's a Wednesday and I-"

"I'll text some people, you text some people and uh, yeah, we can just go crazy. It'll be sick dude," Kendall assured.

One of the first people he texted was Tilly, eager to see her again since they hadn't seen each other since Shiv and Tom's wedding. Desperate to fill whatever was missing in his life with drugs, alcohol and sex, Kendall thought about the younger woman more than he probably should. After all, he barely knew her. The women he'd had several one night stands with since coming back to New York helped fill the void but they hadn't been as good as her. Maybe it was all the adrenaline in his body the night of the wedding, or maybe she was just something else.

Either way, he wanted her again.

Kendall Roy
yo yo party tonight 8pm
67 Franklin st, Tribeca

Kendall Roy
Also, do you reckon you
could hook me up? My usual
guy is out of town and the
stuff Greg brought me is cut
with some gross shit

Sorry Ken, I don't know any
dealers. I only do it when
other people offer it to me

Kendall Roy

Tilly knew that Kendall was fresh out of his very brief stint in rehab. The fact that he was asking her to buy cocaine for him on a Wednesday night was alarming and she didn't want to enable him; she didn't want to contribute to a potential downwards spiral. Sure, she had done drugs with him before but it was always on a weekend and always during a party. She drew the line at taking drugs on a week day, so she pretended that she didn't know any dealers for him to contact.

Throughout the night people came and went, majority of them being acquaintances to Kendall and complete strangers to Greg. Being the courteous man that he was, Greg invited Tom – who declined as he and Shiv were having dinner with Roman and Tabitha. Unlike Tom who ensured he would get a good nights sleep before work the next day, Roman told Kendall that he would stop by the apartment for 'a few drinks' with Tabitha once their dinner plans had finished.

It was almost midnight when Greg found Kendall inside, hoping desperately that the party was going to wrap up so he could sleep. He had attempted to go to his new bedroom and try to block out the noise but to his disgust he found two people dry humping in the bed.

"Yo Ken! Yo, how's it all going?" Greg asked as he approached a heavily intoxicated Kendall.

"You know, looking for pussy like a fucking techno Gatsby. Where's Tilly? She here yet?" He asked. His words were slightly elongated and slurred as he spoke, his eyes glassy and his balance off.

"Oh yeah, I think she's around here somewhere... I saw her just a second ago. Want me to uh, go find her?" Greg offered, praying to himself that maybe she could convince Kendall to take the party downstairs to one of his other apartments.

He had four in the same building after all.

"Yeah, I want to- Just ask her to come here," Kendall mumbled, leaning against the wall for stability as he sipped from his glass.

Trying to make sure that people weren't breaking anything or throwing up in places they shouldn't be, Greg weaved his way through the groups of partiers. He didn't recognise anyone here so when he finally found Tilly again, a wave of relief washed over him. She hugged him and apologised for being late, blaming it on the mountain of work Tom had given her. Greg explained that Kendall was looking for her and she thanked him, finishing her wine before heading inside.

She found Kendall sitting on the couch with his back against the side arm rest, mouthing the words to whatever rap song was playing in the background. He was in his own little world, but he seemed happy.

"You okay Ken? You look pretty drunk," she said with a gentle smile, walking over to him.

"Nup, I'm alllllll good," he said tapping his hands again his thighs to offer himself as a seat. With a sarcastic eye roll she laughed, sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her and hummed happily, "Hey."

"Hey back. You sure you're all good? How much have you had to drink tonight?" She smiled, running her hand through his hair gently.

"God, you're so hot... Should we fuck again? I think we should fuck again. But like, over and over again," Kendall slurred, half mumbling into her shoulder as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"Oh my god, you are so wasted," she laughed, playfully trying to push his face away from her as he planted wet kisses along her skin.

"C'mon, you can't tell me last time wasn't great," he said confidently, his big toothy grin smiling back at her.

She couldn't deny that sleeping with Kendall were some of her more memorable fucks. She wasn't sure if it was the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing that made him so magnetising, or the fact that he had this air of mystery about him that made him all the more alluring to her. He was an enigma. He had so many walls up and she knew he'd never let his guard down around her, but for some reason she didn't care. If it was anyone else, she would probably avoid them like the plague but with Kendall it made him more... fuckable. Maybe that's why she liked it. She knew that it was purely platonic casual sex and the usual signs of emotional unavailability that would normally make her run for the hills, didn't matter.

It was just sex.

"I don't think you'd even be able to get it up you're so drunk. Besides, I think we should let Greg have sex in his new apartment before we do," she giggled, straightening out the collar of his jacket and running her hands down his arms.

"That sounds like a challenge," He smirked.

In the dark, dimly lit room she couldn't help but notice the moonlight hit his face through the large floor to ceiling windows. His eyes wouldn't dare move from hers, until they flickered down to her lips. She could have ripped his clothes off right then and there, but she held her ground. He wasn't winning that easily. Sex when someone was wildly more intoxicated than the other wasn't something she wanted to do either.

"I'm not fucking you until you sober up and can manage to actually see straight," she taunted, with her lips just inches from his ear as she moved over to kiss him.

Tilly was heavily under the influence of alcohol at this point too so making out with Kendall Roy on the couch of Greg's new apartment wasn't something outrageous to her. She didn't particularly care who was around her or who could be watching because after all, it was just a kiss.

Kendall kissed with a dark lustful energy that pulled her in like hook, line and sinker. She melted like putty in his hands and no matter what he said or did, she was wrapped around his finger in moments like this. She completely surrendered to him under his touch, begging for more. Her ego wouldn't ever let him know that though, she'd never be the one to ask to come over late at night or turn up at his apartment unannounced – that was all on him. His large hands snaked their way to firmly grip her ass, squeezing as he groaned into her mouth. Her stomach tied itself in a million knots just hearing that alone and her hips involuntarily jerked forward against his thigh.

"Ew, I don't think I've ever been this turned off watching two people suck face before. What's up bro?" She heard Roman say from behind them, prompting her to pull away from Kendall – which he groaned disappointedly at.

"Roman, you made it," Kendall said to his brother as he held Tilly around her waist. Was it a power move to stake his claim or was he just drunk, she couldn't tell.

"Yeah, well when I say I'll be somewhere, I actually make an effort to go," Roman huffed, letting himself fall onto the lounge opposite them.

"Uh... What's that supposed to insinuate?" Kendall protested.

"You deciding last minute not to come into the office today meant that I couldn't work on any of the shit Dad asked us both to do," Roman spat.

"It's not my fault that Dad doesn't fucking trust you to do anything on your own. Everything you touch turns to shit Rome, look at the satellite explosion, or the fucking movie studio thing. Look at your girlfriend dude, how can you not be fucking that hot piece of ass," Kendall slurred, motioning in the direction of Tabitha who was mingling with other girls across the room.

"Woah, hey... That's not fucking cool Ken, take it back," Tilly said turning to face him with a look of disapproval.

"Huh? Oh, what I said about Tabitha? Sweetheart, you're hotter than her, I'm sorry," Kendall said pressing a kiss to her shoulder blade.

"No, not to me, apologise to Roman for what you said about him. Those were horrible things to say to your brother," she continued, moving off of his lap and sitting next to him instead.

"Tilly, it's fine, don't worry," Roman mumbled.

"No it's not fine. He can't speak to you like that. Kendall, can you please apologise to Roman," she asked sternly.

Kendall chuckled to himself before he realised she was being deadly serious, upset at the fact he talked so cruelly to his brother. He sighed and looked over at Roman with heavy eyes and apologised before excusing himself to get another drink.

Tilly watched Kendall stumble towards the open plan kitchen where a myriad of half poured liquor bottles and discarded cups littered the countertops. He searched through them to find a bottle of Belvedere, pouring the vodka haphazardly into his glass. Roman was sitting crossed legged on the couch and staring down at his hands, picking at one of his cuticles.

"You okay Rome?" She asked as she moved to sit next to him.

"Oh, you mean about before? Everyone talks to me like that, it's nothing," he shrugged.

"Well they shouldn't. There's a difference between joking around with someone and straight up insulting them," she protested.

He didn't respond, he just watched the drunk people move about the room around him. There were still a fair amount of people in the apartment despite it getting late, though majority left at a reasonable hour. It was a Wednesday night after all. The music had changed to fit peoples moods throughout the night, changing from fast paced hype songs earlier on to deeper, more laid back beats now.

"Why aren't you making fun of me or talking about your penis or saying something lewd and wildly inappropriate? It's weird seeing you all quiet," she chuckled, trying to break the silence.

"Well, I feel weird. You, make me feel weird. I dunno... fuck you, I don't want to talk about it," he said leaning back into the couch and looking up at the ceiling as if he was stargazing outside.

Copying him, she held back a smile as she placed her hand next to his on the sofa, her pinky finger gently inching over to rest on top of his, "We don't have to talk about anything then. Also fuck you too."

Roman didn't move his hand.

He didn't recoil. He didn't tell her to fuck off.
He simply just stayed.

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