15. Take My Words Seriously

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Sooo Today this book won the second place in 'Sweet creature Award' hosted by Jaegucci_ and 'Boss Baby Community'. I'm very happy and grateful to the respected judges for their hard work, and special thanks to the lovely judge who judged my book AmberMikilson. Now no one likes long Author's notes so go to the chapter....

🔱𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐🔱



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"Don't tell them what you're going to do, show them how it's done."

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[Y/N's POV]

I descend the stairs tiptoeing as I glance around to make sure there's no one that should not see me. When I'm sure they indeed left, I exhale in relief hopping off the stairs, and regretting the reckless action immediately as the gunshot wound reminds me of its existence once again. I'm lucky he's not here, otherwise, I'd get yelled at again, and let me say I don't like when someone is yelling at me.

Well, if you haven't guessed it's Hoseok I'm scared of. Yes, scared.

Why? He's a tyrant, that's why. Since our deal about breaking Yoongi out a week has already passed, and in that whole week, Hoseok didn't let me walk on my own for more than two meters, saying that I'll tear my stitches apart -ruining his precious work- and, I quote, will end up crawling around the house and leaving a bloody track behind me.

And he ended up calling me names alongside: irresponsible, unmindful, careless, thoughtless, brainless, mindless and so many other words when I tore the stitches apart last time I had a quarrel or rather a fight with Jimin when we ended up throwing books at each other. In case you ask, I won.

The dude seems to absolutely hate me, but who cares? I sure don't. Throwing objects at each other is a tad bit childish I'll admit that, but would I do the same if I had a second chance? One hundred percent yes!

Well, the things about breaking Yoongi out turned out much more complicated than what we thought. But Mr. I-am-the-smartest-person-in-this-house, aka Park Jimin, who has his head shoved up to his ass so far he already forgot what daylight looks like, was able to come up with a plan, a crazy one, but a plan nonetheless. But the preparation will take time, a lot of time which I don't have, and which seems to be a problem with Mr. Park,  who claims that other than doing as I please, they still have their job to do.

Which they were doing during the whole week. They've come up with a certain technique of work while they're hosting me. They usually leave for a certain job in a group of three or two, making sure someone stays here to keep an eye on me. In the last five days that someone, woefully for me, was Hoseok, and after he yelled at me and Jimin last time, I wouldn't dare to get on his bad side again by doing something stupid and ruining his work again, so I stayed in the bed for freaking 5 days, doing nothing but watching crappy TV shows. Turns out I'm not the only intimidating person in this house.

But luckily for me, it's Jungkook who was left in the role of my babysitter today, and I figured out the younger one is way easier to corrupt, so I'll be able to convince him to let me leave. They're not the only ones who have things to do, I have a life too. Old places to visit, old debts to pay off, a little retaliation would be great too.

I look carefully around me once again as I fix my clothes, but my hands freeze in the air when someone clears their throat behind me. I slowly turn around, wearing an innocent smile as Jungkook stares at me, his arms folded in front of his chest. "Where are you going?"


He raises an eyebrow. "Really?" His tone of voice says that he didn't fall for it, not like I was waiting for him to. "Because that looked like you were going somewhere."

I let out an exasperated sigh letting my hands fall on both of my sides. "Well, I have a business to do,"

"You can't leave."

"Oh! really," I tilt my head as I give him a skittish smirk. "And who's going to stop me?"  Slowly taking steps towards him, I speak as he tenses. "You?" My face comes inches away from his. I notice a glimpse of pink on Jungkook's cheeks as he starts blinking rapidly. My smile vanishes leaving my face blank, as a stern look enters my eyes. "What are you going to do, Jungkook?"

After a moment he turns his head away, not being able to bear the tension, as I chuckle stepping away. "Look at you all flattered." I pat his arm "cute"

He clears his throat again, now finally looking in my direction. "Do you have to leave. . .now?" He asks in a soft tone, taking me by surprise. I thought he'd play tough. "I was going to call you down anyway," he says scratching the back of his head. "I made dinner, thought you'd like to join."

"Do you really want me to accompany you?" I ask not being able to hide the surprise in my tone.

Jungkook simply shrugs in response. "I don't like eating alone, and I bet wherever you should go, can wait." I frown as I study him, his posture is relaxed, his eyebrows are raised, as I spot a genuineness in his eyes, but there's something else hidden in the depths of his gloomy irises, fear, but of what?

I sigh letting my shoulders sink as I give him a small smile. "You'll regret it if you try to poison me, Jeon!"

He chuckles running a hand through his pink hair making an unruly mess on his head. "I won't try. Let's go." He says as I follow him.

'Dinner' is a feast spread across the kitchen table with too much food for two of us to finish, all looking beyond delicious, I take a seat around the table as the scent of grilled meat reaches my nostrils. I haven't eaten anything worth eating in a while. "You can cook?" I ask, genuinely surprised by the new revelation I just made.

He smirks making an 'impressed' facial expression. "You don't know that?"  He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "You seem to know everything about us."

I roll my eyes. "I'm trying to make a conversation. And you may think your sarcasm is charming, Jungkook, but it is not"

"Oh, come on!" he whines "I'm Prince Charming himself,"

"Then why don't you kiss my ass you royal highness?" I muse as I stuff in my mouth a piece of steak, earning from him a snickering. "So. . .?" I trail off as he looks up waiting for me to ask my question. "Why so much food?"

He shrugs, keeping his focus on his plate. "Cooking calms me when I'm nervous or have something on my mind," he mumbles, starting to eat as well.

"Something bothers you?" He shakes his head in response, and I give him a flat look. "You just said cooking calms you down, that means something is bothering you." I glance around the table. "And based on the amount of food I see on the table, you aren't just nervous, you are freaking out, dude!"

"It's nothing." Jungkook murmurs, still not meeting my eyes.

Putting my chopsticks down and propping my elbows on the table, I lean my chin on my hands, watching him as he reaches for the plate of duck spring rolls, popping one whole in his mouth, still not meeting my eyes. I watch him as if he's a fascinating reptile in the zoo. Minutes pass by as he continues to eat, still oblivious of my observing gaze on him.

That's when it comes to me, I know about them everything, yet nothing at the same time. Facts, that's what I have, but there's a story behind every fact, that thing never occurred to me before. In other words, I know about them, but I don't know them. And the desire to find out more is blooming inside me with every day I spend here.

"You're afraid," I state finally without any trace of doubt in my voice as his hands freeze in the air and he slowly lifts his head, gleaming eyes staring questioningly at me from under his fringe. "Of me," I clarify casually. "You're afraid of me"

He doesn't answer, as if I stung him with my statement. It takes his brain a couple of seconds to start working again. "Who said that to you?" He says as if I just said the dumbest thing ever.

I smile at him, my eyes wrinkling in the process. "You didn't deny it," I croon softly.

He clears his throat shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "Well, can you blame me?" It seems he decided to ditch the pointless bravado and go straight to the truth. Good. "Your name was whispered in the streets of Seoul for too long, and the stories about you were never nice ones."

Then why ask to have dinner together?

I chuckle going back to my food. "Who said I blame you? That's a good sign, it shows you're in the right state of your mind" he says nothing staring at me, as if not comprehending my words.

"It shows you have common sense, a rare thing among criminals, I must say. Even though hurting any of you is not in my interests." I say softly, yet the words are strong. "But the rule, 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' doesn't work for us." I give him a balmy smile "though you can be sure I won't do anything to harm you if you don't get on my bad side, and so far you're doing a great job" I gesture to all the food spread across the table. "So you can relax."

A deep chuckle rumbles from his chest, lips curving up slightly. "Hoseok seems to be," he murmurs as I shoot him a questioning look. "He seems to be at ease around you."

I shrug continuing to enjoy my food "that's how we know he hit his head a little hard."

"Yeah," he breathes out as his full lips position to a thoughtful smirk. "V says the same."

I frown a little as my mind searches for the name V and comes up short. "V who?"

For a split second surprise flashes on his face, before turning into a loose grin. "I'm surprised you don't know-"

"Don't even start again"

"-Okay, okay" he holds his hands up in mock surrender. "It's a code name," a scowl creeps up to my features as he notices my confusion. "We all have code names we use while working," he explains. "V is Taehyung's code name."

"Why V?"

He shrugs in response "It stands for something but he won't tell what exactly."

I nod thoughtfully, "what is yours?" I mutter, raising the glass of water to my lips.


"Boring!" Rolling my eyes I take a gusty gulp of water. "Others?"

"Hoseok's is Hope-" I smirk at the choice of the name, it seems to be in his spirit. "-and Jimin's is Christ" I choke on my water, spitting half of it out as the name slips off his tongue. I erupt into laughter and he visibly flinches at my loud cackling.

"Jesus!" I manage out between my laughs "how the hell he ended up with a code name like that. Did he lose a bet or something?"

"His American name is Christian, so it's the shorter version of it."

"You want to say he chose that name voluntarily?" He nods snickering under his breath, as I continue giggling until someone's low growl has my attention off the topic.

"May I ask what's going on?"

My eyes travel towards the voice that interrupted us, and land on a face, face so beautiful it would have brought Zeus down from Olympus to chase after him. His silky blonde hair shine under the bright lights of the kitchen. I thought they're not coming back until tomorrow, odd.

I don't give a reaction to Taehyung's sudden appearance. However, Jungkook makes a guilty face, like a kid who screwed up badly. Taehyung gets his phone out of his pocket, giving a view of glittering rings that adorn his white fingers, and opening something on his phone he reads it out loud.

"I quote. 'Hyung you need to come back now! She's leaving" he turns his glare to the younger one. "Does this look like she's leaving to you?" Taehyung spits out pointing at me. "I had to leave those two alone halfway through the work, to rush here, dumbass!"

Taehyung's statement makes everything click together in my head. That's why Jungkook wanted to have dinner together, to buy time. Well, I must admit, it was smart, he tricked me, but if he thinks the angry douchebag over here, who's talking about me like I'm not in the room, can stop me then he's indeed a dumbass.

I continue eating as the two idiots start yelling at each other back and forth. I doze their meaningless bubbling off as I mentally go over the places I should visit today, and the things I'll need. Finishing the food I stand up.

"Thank you, Jungkook." my velveteen voice slips into their argument, like a knife through butter, making their mouths shut close, momentarily their attention is on me. "You're a good chef," I say, giving him a warm smile, before turning to leave the room.

But as I walk past Taehyung, he grabs my upper arm, stopping me from going away. My reflexes kick in instantly, as I twist my arm out of his grip, and kick the back of his knee, making  him kneel down. "I advise you to reconsider your actions next time you'll want to touch me," I announce, my voice is calm yet there's a promise in my warning. "Because next time it won't be just a simple kick." Taehyung lifts his head, and when our eyes lock I swear I can see sparks of fury in his dark brown irises.

Oh, if the looks could kill. . .Let's face it, he'd be dead first. I don't avert my gaze from his, in the gap between my eyes and his there's a battle being fought, and I'm never the one to lose. I swear the look I'm getting from him can be the dictionary definition for "glaring." It's the kind of glare that harbors an intent, more precisely, to bite my head off. Yeah, good luck with that.

Finally, he turns his head from me, groaning in annoyance, which sounds more like a growl of a hungry predator. He stands up brushing the dust off his knees, as I walk past him to the corridor. I wear my coat as I spot a scarf on the shelf, taking it I wrap it securely around my neck. I don't know who it belongs to, and I don't care, because the winter air freezes the blood of those who go out of the comfort of their houses without sufficient layers of woolen clothing. I already forgot how cold winter can get in this country.

"You're not going anywhere," Taehyung spits out, as I glance at his angry form standing in the doorway.

"Sure," I say, crouching down to tie my shoelaces.

"I am not joking, you're not going anywhere."

I stand up, a tired sigh leaving my lips as I give him a flat look. "I'm your guest, not your prisoner."

"Yet you're not allowed to go out," he states firmly. "I don't trust you, and I'm not entirely sure that you won't just ditch us and run away."

I scoff rolling my eyes. "You know, I admire your logic," I say  "We plan my friend's break-out for a whole week, for me to just get up and run away just two days before the action should take place" I clap mockingly. "Taehyung, did you forget to pay your brain bill, again?"

He clenches his jaw, rolling his eyes so far I worry they can get stuck there. "You're not funny."

I snort in disbelief. "I beg your pardon, Mr. Kim, but am I supposed to be entertaining you?" He pinches the bridge of his nose while breathing through his nose, his entire posture screaming 'I'm done with her'. Well, then why doesn't he just leave me alone?

"You.are.not.going.anywhere." He states through gritted teeth, each word with precise accuracy. I hate when someone tries to control me.

"Watch.me." I turn around making my way out as someone grabs my arm from behind.

I haven't moved so fast in a while. In a second I twist my wrist out of his hold and press him against the wall. The switchblade that was hidden in my sleeve is flipped open and pressed against his manhood, as my other arm is pressed against his neck with painful force.

"I warned you not to touch me." I hiss at him, feeling how the anger takes over my judgment. I feel his body tense as he flinches, feeling the sharp end of the blade that pokes on his family jewels. "If you want us to get along you have to start taking my words seriously, Taehyung"

"Take that away from me." He whispers glancing down at the knife in my hand, as his face visibly pales. I feel how fast his heart pounds against his ribcage. From this closeness, I can clearly see the thickly lashed eyes that give the impression of being lined with kohl. His eyes are lovely, disdainful, sour, angry, and afraid all at the same time.

"I said take it away," he hisses angrily though it's nothing but a shield to hide his fear. He moves slightly as my arm on his neck presses harder and the blade goes dangerously deep. "One move and this time I'll make sure you won't be having kids for good and all." I mutter, my breath fanning on the side of his face.

"Y/N?" Jungkook's concerned voice breaks the tension.

I take a deep breath in, loosening my hold on him and giving him some space I step away. Turning my back on them I hide the switchblade in my pocket again, as I feel how the anger slowly goes away. I shouldn't have acted on my emotions, I keep allowing the anger to take over my judgment.

As I turn around again to face them, I inhale and exhale deeply. "Look," I speak, trying to sound firm. "If you don't trust me that much, why don't you just come with me?" I ask as Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise. "I'm serious, I don't have the nerve and the time to argue with you here, and I am going to leave, whether you want it or not. So just come with me. Of course, if you're not afraid." I say the last part in a challenging manner as he rolls his eyes.

Taehyung doesn't answer, staring at me, like trying to understand where exactly I want to con him. "So. . .?" I trail off.

"I don't believe everything is that simple." He mutters still looking at me skeptically.

"And I believe you're just overthinking."

"Am I?" Taehyung questions as I walk past him, and opening the door I look back. "So are you coming or not?"

He shoots me one last glance before nodding and following me out into the night of this arctic winter, as he stretches out his hand, giving me the car keys. I shake my head. "You're driving," I mumble as the cold air makes me wrap the scarf around my nose and mouth tightly. As the tiny droplets of freezing rain slowly start to cover the ground.

"I'm not your Uber." He grumbles displeased.

"Or I can drive, of course in that case ditching you somewhere is way easier,"  I say reaching to take the key as he takes them away.

"I'll drive"

I smile to myself. "My thoughts exactly."

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I really enjoy reading your comments so don't be a silent reader,pleaseee🧸

Till next time. Purple yaa. . . 💜💜

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