5 | what the holy hell is that

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𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵

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"It had a tail. I don't have a tail, Al," Meilani reminded the brunette next to her as the two climbed the rock wall during their gym class. Originally Scott wanted to climb with her, but Allison needed to talk to Meilani about the attack on one of her father's friends the night before. 

Chris had kidnapped his daughter and tied her up to train her to be a leader. According to him, the sons were the soldiers that went out and killed the werewolves while the women stayed back and lead the decision making process. Allison's mother ordered the kill for Isaac and Meilani wanted to stab an arrow through her chest to see how she liked it. Isaac didn't hurt anyone so why hurt him? 

When Allison managed to escape her ropes two hours later and left, something attacked the man that originally helped Chris kidnap his daughter. It could be possible that it was the thing that they saw in Isaac's house a week ago. Which sucked because Meilani still had no idea what the thing was.

"Maybe you just haven't grown it yet," Allison teased and scaled the wall a bit higher than Meilani, but only because the wolf girl paused to shoot Allison a deadpan expression.

"I'm never growing a tail. Wait, are you trying to distract me so you can beat me up the wall?"

Allison lifted a shoulder in a shrug and continued to climb faster. "Maybe."

Meilani rose an amused eyebrow and was at the top of the wall in a matter of seconds, Allison coming up behind her a few seconds later. Allison stared at the wolf girl in shock who merely shrugged.

"Can't outsmart me, sister."

Allison shot her a challenging look before swiftly shooting her foot out and detaching Meilani from the wall, sending her flying to the mat below. The harness stopping her from hitting the ground and she hung a few feet from the ground before it loosened and dropped her to the mat. 

Coach Finstock laughed as he sat on the mat next to Meilani. "You know, McCall, times like this I really see how you and Scott are twins."

"Thanks, Coach," Meilani groaned, rolling off the mat and unhooking the harness from her body, letting it drop to the floor.

"Next two! Stilinski, Erica, up the wall," Coach called.

Stiles passed his girlfriend and kissed her on the cheek. "I'd like to think you fell for me, babe."

Meilani scoffed lightly and punched his arm, pushing him towards the wall. "Shut up, dork, and go climb the wall."

"I hope you like the view," Stiles wiggled his eyebrows at her, backing his way towards the wall.

Stiles and Erica, a blonde curly haired girl who typically kept to herself, climbed the wall. Stiles climbed the wall fairly quickly and Meilani couldn't help but be slightly impressed with her boyfriend. With how spastic the boy could be, she for sure thought he'd take a bit longer than that to get to the top. 

By the time Stiles scaled back down the wall, Erica was still only half way up the wall. She glanced down at the ground below and her already shaking form only shook more. From where Meilani stood, she could hear the girl's heart beating erratically. 

"Something's wrong," Meilani mumbled to Allison and her brother who stood on either side of her.

Coach rushed over to the wall where Stiles stopped in unhooking himself to glance up worriedly at the blonde girl. Meilani, Allison and Scott stopped next to Stiles and all wore the same worried expression as him. "Erica, are you dizzy? Is it Vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear," Lydia informed Coach. "She's just freaking out."

Meilani shot Lydia a harsh look for making fun of the clearly panicked girl. She turned back to Erica as she assured Coach she was fine, but she could still hear the erratic pace of Erica's heart. "Coach, maybe you should her down. She's epileptic."

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" Coach whined even though he should have already known the medical information of Erica since Epilepsy was pretty serious. "Erica, y-you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There is a mat to catch you."

Erica slowly released her grip on the blue rock and pushed off the wall, landing softly on her feet on the mat. She allowed Coach to unhook her from the wall as he assured her she was okay and safely on the ground. 

Meilani felt her heartbreak for Erica even more when she walked through the crowd of students and they all laughed at her. It wasn't her fault she had a condition that disabled her and got in the way of her doing certain things. Meilani understood her situation better than anyone and maybe that's why she had a soft spot for the girl.

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"Listen up!" Coach yelled to the locker room before lacrosse practice that day. Meilani had originally gone to the girls' locker room to change but was ordered into the boys' locker room by Coach before she could even place her bag down. "If any of you see Isaac Lahey, you are to immediately notify the principal, get a teacher, or you call me. Except you, Greenberg, don't you call me for anything."

"Isaac?" Meilani asked the boys, following Scott over to his caged locker where his jersey hung on the rack and his equipment sat on the top shelf.

"He's Derek's problem now."

Meilani leant against the side of the cage, glancing around at the boys that were about to start getting ready so she only had another minute with the boys. "I don't think we should do that double date tonight. It's just not a good time."

"What do you mean not a good time?" Stiles pouted at his girlfriend. "You have been so stressed lately with Gerard you deserve a good time. Allison and Scott are having a good time. You know who else wants to have a good time? Stiles. Stiles wants to have a good time many, many times. In many, many different positions."

Scott grimaced at Stiles' words, gagging at the thought of the type of fun Stiles wanted to have. "Please never reference to you having sex with my sister in front of me ever again. Or I will deball you."

"Easy there," Meilani pushed on Scott's shoulder to sit him back down on the bench that sat in front of Scott's locker. "It's just... with everything with Allison's grandfather, Derek and Isaac, I just don't think we should - "

Meilani paused as a tingling sensation ran down her spine and her hand began to shake on its own accord. She furrowed her eyebrows as her gaze fell to her shaking hand, a sense of panic coursing through her. Even though there was nothing for her to be panicked over.

"Mei?" Scott's voice cut through her racing thoughts. "What's the matter?"

Without responding to her brother or her boyfriend's voicing concerns, she rushed out of the boy's locker room and down the hall towards the gym. How she knew where to go, Meilani didn't even begin to know how to tell. However, she was glad she did because Meilani made it to the gym just in time to catch Erica who fell off the rock wall due to a seizure.

Meilani dropped to her knees and placed a convulsing Erica on the ground, quickly turning her on her side so she wouldn't choke on any vomit or saliva that could come up and to keep the airway clear so she wouldn't suffocate. She made sure to not press her to the ground because stopping the convulsing wouldn't only harm Erica and make the situation even worse.

Stiles and Scott rushed into the darkened gym and stopped behind Meilani, both shocked to see her trying to help Erica calm down. "Babe, how did you...?"

Meilani shook her head, holding Erica's hand to let her know she was here and that it'd be okay. "I - I don't know. I just... got this feeling."

Another thing to add to the list of things Meilani didn't know she could do with this new wolf life.

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"Got 'em!" Stiles announced as he walked over to the table where Meilani and Scott sat at the lunch table. Allison wasn't at lunch because she had to make up a test she had missed when out sick the other day. "I'll pick you guys up right after work tonight and we'll meet at the rink, cool?"

Meilani opened her mouth to respond but froze when she saw Erica walk into the cafeteria as if she were a whole new person. Instead of wearing baggy clothing that made her seem smaller than she really was, she had on sparkly heels, a black leather skirt that stopped mid-thigh, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Her usual mess of blonde curls now sat beautifully on her head and stopped at her mid-back. It was as if she had done a total three-sixty the night prior.

Erica walked over to a table full of boys and grabbed one of their apples, biting into it seductively and sent the boys at a table a wink.

"What... the holy hell... is that?" Lydia asked, slamming her hands onto the end of the table as she approached the trio. 

Meilani, Scott and Stiles scrambled out of their chairs as Erica walked back out of the cafeteria without a second glance and they followed her outside to the parking lot where a few of the kids chose to sat outside in the nice weather for lunch. Meilani froze just outside the door when she recognized the black sports car Erica was about to get into, the blonde girl sending Meilani a knowing smirk.

Derek merely sent Meilani an innocent smile and peeled out of the parking lot once Erica was seated inside the car.

Meilani could feel Scott and Stiles' gazes on her, but she couldn't find it in her to move just yet as all the pieces clicked together in her head on why Erica was so different now.

Erica Reyes was now a werewolf and was yet another problem on Meilani's already growing list of issues now that Derek was alpha. 


Hi hey hello

So, fun fact (or i guess not really fun honestly, more sad) my dad is epileptic like Erica so writing the seizure scene was like second nature to me because I've had to help my dad through his seizures my whole life. It's a scary experience no matter how many times I've had to experience him have them. 

ANYWAYS, next chapter is going to be cute as hell during the double date scene for a bit because Meilani deserves at least a few minutes of happiness with her brother, boyfriend and newfound best friend, aka Allison Argent. Our girl has gone through way too much to not get some relaxation, even if it's only for like ten minutes woops.


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