006┆chapter six

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six. wear mine

Wren hummed as she made her way across the parking lot, people were still everywhere, but she hadn’t seen Tyler yet. So she made her way towards the fire pit, smiling as a few people played and sang a Luke Bryan song.

She hummed, swaying along as she sat down at one of the picnic tables. She couldn't help herself as she seamlessly matched their harmonies, getting smiles from them as a few peopl cheered, raising their beers a little.

As the song came to an end, people clapped and cheered. The girl with the guitar that was closest leaned towards Wren, her smile wide, “know any other songs?”

Wren grinned, “yeah, um, y'all know Home?”

“Absolutely,” the woman smiled, leaning into whisper to the other before they started strumming as they whistled, then she nodded towards Wren.

Alabama Arkansa, I do love my ma and pa, not the way that I do love you…” As she sang nearly everyone was in awe, smiling and swaying along. It was nice, singing like that.

Sure, she loved being on stage and the rush of the crowd but this reminded her of the nights she’d spend with her friends. They’d all drive out a field, light up a fire and just sing songs; it was the only part of her high school years that she even dared to think of.

She waved her hand a little and soon everyone joined in, singing the chorus, even if they were a little off key. 

Tyler smiled, his eyes on the girl. She was enchanting when she sang, he couldn’t look away. Hell, he couldn’t look away when she so much as took a breath. He had found his eyes glued to her more often than not since that morning, so much so that Boone had made several comments about it.

As the song came to an end, everyone clapped and cheered, a few letting out whistles. Then the spot next to her was filled, warmth flooding her space, “hat thief.”

She turned, her smile wide as his shoulder brushed against hers, “figured I make sure I got to see ya again.”

“Could’ve just asked,” he chuckled as she turned towards him a little more, her knee brushing against his.

“Mmm, I like my way better,” she reached up, adjusting it on her head – it was too big, way too big. “How’s it look?”

“You look real good,” he hummed, his voice low as he reached over. She thought he was gonna take it, but he just shifted it forward a bit, “if you’re gonna wear it, wear it right.” She giggled, and he loved the sound. He loved how her whole face lit up when she smiled, how her eyes crinkled around the edges, and the way her nose scrunched. “Gonna sing me another song?”

“Depends on the song,” a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “I have one in mind, but… not sure I could do it justice.”

“I don’t see there being any song that you can’t do justice. “

“We’ll have to agree to disagree,” she raised her shoulder in a shrug and he chuckled, making the corners on his eyes crinkle. They fell into a comfortable silence as she glanced over at the three playing a Zach Bryan song and a wide smile tugged at her lips as she hummed along. 

He watched as she swayed a little, her foot taping to the beat and her lips simply mouthing the words, “you know, I was actually gonna call you this morning.”

“No, you weren’t,” she waved him off.

“No, really,” he insisted. “I was gonna tell you about the live we were doin’, in case you wanted to watch.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“You flashed me.” 

She laughed, throwing her head back, “yeah, I did,” she hummed before a shiver rolled through her and his eyes moved down her body. He took note of the fact that all she wore was a crop top and a pair of shorts with her boots, and his eyes lingered for a moment on the scars that ran from her shoulder to her forearm. He had seen them before, but he still found himself following the trail of one in particular.

It was a little bigger – angrier – than the others that seemed to twist all the down her arm. It was jagged and harsh, slicing right through a tattoo, and he hated that she had gone through that… even if he didn't know what had happened.

He imagined it must’ve been hell.

She shivered again as a breeze blew over them and he quickly wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his side. She leaned into him, the lyrics leaving her in an almost whisper like she couldn’t stop herself from singing along.

“Your singing under your breath,” he mused, his fingers dancing up and down her arm a little.

“Oh, sorry. I do that alot.”

He chuckled, “no, don’t apologize.” He met her eyes, holding her gaze then he swallowed hard. His next words seemingly tumbled out of their own accord. “You know, you’ve been stuck in my head since the moment I saw you on that stage.”

Her cheeks flamed, tinting pink, “Well, I haven’t thought about you once,” she hummed jokingly, turning her eyes to the fire and he scoffed.

“I know that’s a lie, baby,” he muttered, leaning close to her ear and her breath hitched, making his smile grow. “I bet I’ve been your every thought,” he brushed his nose along her jaw as his fingers lightly drifted up her thigh.

His touch was featherlight and it drove her insane. “Tyler,” she whimpered almost pathetically, leaning into him a little more.

He smiled, bringing his hand up to her cheek, “that’s the first time you’ve said my name.” his thumb slid over her cheekbone before his hand moved down just a little. “I like the way you say my name,” he whispered against her lips as his thumb slowly moved up and down the column of her throat. “I like you wearin’ my hat.”

She couldn’t believe this man had her so needy, she had never once felt so desperate. Especially not before a man had even kissed her.

All he had done was talk, but, damn did he have a sexy voice. And his hand, she never let any man do such a thing. But now, with him, she wanted to wear his hand like a damn necklace.

“Tyler, please.” She hated that she sounded so pathetic, but damn it, she couldn't help it. 

He smiled, a mere breath between them, “tell me what you want, baby.”

“Where’s your room?” she rushed out.

He chuckled, a raspy sound, “second floor.”

“Let’s go,” she stood up and started back towards the stairs and he followed behind her, his hand on the small of her back and a cocky smile tugged at his lips. 

She leaned into him a little, smiling before she heard cheering and she glanced over to see Boone, smiling wide at the two before he let out a wolf-whistle. Her cheeks flamed as she glanced up at Tyler, who shook his head a little and he couldn’t help but laugh at his best friend.

“He’s like your own personal hype-man,” she mused as he led her up the stairs. “Can I borrow him sometime?”

“Need a hype-man often?”

She shrugged, “sometimes my crowds are less than enthusiastic.”

“I find that hard to believe,” he told her, pulling her to a stop just three doors away from the room she shared with Kate. “You’re amazing,” he crowded her against the door, his hands on her hips. “And you’re not leaving this room until you remember that,” he pressed a searing kiss to her lips. She hummed against him, her arms winding around his neck. 

Then he opened the door and her arms tightened around him as she went backwards just a bit. He kept his mouth on hers as wrapped his arms around her and led her into the room, then he kicked the door closed behind them.

>>>>> • <<<<<

Wren groaned a little, pressing her eyes closed just a little tighter as a small sliver of sunlight landed right in her eyes. She shifted a little only to have a pair of arms tighten around her. 

She peeled her eyes open, smiling a little at the way Tyler had his arms around her and his head on her chest. She let her fingers slowly explore the expanse of his back. The dips of his muscles, the broadness of his shoulders, and the few scars that decorated his skin. 

She traced her fingers lightly over a scar that ran across his side, started close to his hip bone and trailed toward his spine, stopping just a few inches shy. 

“Baby,” he groaned, tucking his nose between her breasts. 

“Come on, cowboy, it's time to get up.” 


She laughed, dragging her hands up into his hair as she tilted her head down and kissed his forehead. “You got tornadoes to wrangle.” 

He shifted a little so his body was between her legs as he looked up at her, his chin on her chest, “I'd rather wrangle you.” Again, she laughed and he just smiled at her. “I love your laugh.” He hummed, his eyes falling closed as she lightly scratched at his scalp. 

“I love your hat,” she teased. “And your truck.” 

He laughed against her, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses in his wake as he crawled up her body until his lips met hers. But she turned her head. “No, baby, none of that.” He softly gripped her chin and turned her head but she covered her mouth with her hands. 

“Morning breath.” 

“Fuck that,” he mutter as he shifted onto his knees, forcing her legs to open a little wider as he gripped her wrists and pressed her hands into the mattress above her head. “Let me kiss you,” he leaned down, ghosting his lips over hers then she turned her head and he groaned. 

She giggled at his frustration as he buried his face in her neck, pressing soft kisses against her skin. “Okay, cowboy, let me up. I gotta shower before I meet Kate.” 

“Can I come?” 

“What? To breakfast? With Kate?” 

He pushed himself up, his smile gone as he nodded. “Unless you're embarrassed.” 

“Hey, ‘course not. I showed up in our room last night with your hat, she knows.” She told him, tugging her hands out from under his. “Everyone in the parking lot last night knows what with me practically begging and Boone pretty much announcing it to the world.” 

He smiled, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to her lips, “so, can I come?”

“Yeah, but if you and Kate start talkin’ about wind speed and shear and cape or whatever else, I’m leavin’.” He laughed and she narrowed her eyes at him, “don't laugh. It makes me feel dumb ‘cause I can't keep up.” 

“You're not dumb,” he drug his nose across her jaw. “And you seem to hold your own with the Storm PAR guys just fine.” 

“Bravado,” she mumbled as he kissed her cheek. “My knowledge of tornadoes begins and ends with those clouds are twistin’ and wow, that’s beautiful.” she hummed softly when he kissed the underside of her jaw. 

“Then you're halfway there,” he murmured against her ear. She moaned quietly as he kissed the spot below her ear, breakfast momentarily forgotten. “I can teach you if you-” then her phone rang and Rodney Atkins’ If You're Going Through Hell cut him off.

He groaned as she reached for the device, then he let his body rest against hers. His face tucked into her neck again.

“Hey, Kate, I'll be-” 


“Sav?” She pulled the phone back, her eyes squinted at the screen a little before putting it back to her ear. “Hey.” Tyler titled his head a little, not having heard that name before. 

“Tell her to hurry up, I’m hungry.” 

“Wait? That's Kate. How are- what?” 

“You stopped answering me yesterday, got worried, called Javi.” Savannah told her, “now get your ass over here. I've been driving all night.” 

“Yeah, no, yeah, give me a minute.” 

“And Wren, I missed you.” 

Tyler watched as a smile pulled at her lips, “I missed you, too.” With that she hung up and let her phone bounce against the mattress. “Still up for breakfast?” 

He smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to her lips, “absolutely.” He finally pushed himself up and she watched as he crossed the room in nothing but his plaid boxers. “Hurry up, baby. We can shower together.” He looked over his shoulder at her and she pushed herself up, his flannel hanging loose off of her small frame. His steps faltered for a moment, watching as she made her way towards him.

“I don’t have any clothes.”

He smirked, wrapping his arm around her, his hand on her ass, “wear mine.” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips and she giggled as she stretched up onto her toes for a moment, then she pulled back.


>>>>> • <<<<<

Tyler smiled, following behind Wren as she held onto just two of his fingers. She wore her shorts from the night before, but his shirt hung low on her legs and it was a sight he couldn’t get enough of. The walk to her room was entirely too short, at least he thought so.

Wren raised her first and knocked, glancing up at him as she waited for Kate to open the door. He shifted his hand in hers, angling to wedge his fingers between hers. But she seamlessly avoided the move, much like she had the second they stepped out of his room – which is how she ended up only hanging onto two of his fingers.

Before he could ask why she wouldn’t hold his hand, the door opened. “Wren!” Suddenly the girl was tackled in a hug and Tyler was quick to steady them as they laughed. “I’ve missed you.”

Wren chuckled, her arms tightening around the girl, “Missed you, too.” She tucked her nose into her shoulder for a moment, and Tyler was sure he had never seen her so… at peace.

But it quickly ended as the taller girl yanked out of the hug, her face stern, “why the hell haven’t you called me? Why didn't you tell me about Javi and Kate, and what the hell are you wearing?”

She finally got a good look at the girl, seeing that she wore a flannel that was obviously not hers. All that could be seen of her shorts were a few loose threads. And her neck was covered in purple marks, “and who the hell attacked your neck?”

“Ever classy, Sav.” Wren mused, before her eyes flickered to Tyler and Savannah followed her gaze. She tilted her head back a little, her brows pinched, she wasn’t sure how she had missed the giant in a cowboy hat before. “Ty, this is Savannah. Savannah, Tyler.”

“Ma’am,” he tipped his cowboy down just a little, a smile on his lips.

Savannah grinned, her eyes meeting Wren’s, “I want one.” 

“Oh, God.” Wren chuckled, shaking her head at her best friend. “You're married.”

“That’s what you're wearing to breakfast?” Kate asked, making her way towards the door. “Is that...” 

“Kate,” Tyler greeted when her eyes landed on him.

“Please tell me he’s joining us,” Savannah mused, almost eagerly.

“If y’all will let me in to get dressed,” Wren nodded, pushing past them. The she turned and looked up at Tyler as they stepped into the room, “you gonna be okay if I leave you with her?”

“I think I can handle it, baby.” He smirked, doing his little tornado wrangler thing with his finger, “Tornado Wrangler, remember?”

“She's worse than a tornado,” she patted his chest, stitching up to press a kiss to his jaw. “I’ll just be a minute.” She turned and grabbed her bag before making her way into the bathroom.

Savannah grinned, flopping onto one of the beds, “so, Tyler, how’d you meet our little Wren?”

He chuckled, pulling the hat from his head, “saw her singing at a bar last week.”

“Is that so?” She hummed, and he knew this was just the beginning of the questions. But he was glad that Wren had someone in her life that cared enough to ask even the most embarrassing of questions. 


i may or may not have
another twisters fic idea...

only problem is not sure
who the love interest should be

scott or boone??

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