015┆chapter fifteen

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fifteen. i love you

"I told you I was fine," Wren huffed, her eyes narrowed at Tyler as he held the side of her shirt up so he could get a look at her side.

"Ain't gonna stop me from worryin'," he told her, putting a new bandage over her stitches then he softly kissed the bandage before shifting and trailing kisses across her stomach, then up to her chest as he pushed her shirt up.

"Tyler," she breathed out as her eyes fluttered closed as her hands buried in his hair. "They're gonna-" he silenced her, pressing his lips against hers and she melted against his as his hands gripped her hips and tugged her forward so she was perched on the very edge of the counter.

"Y'all doing – really?"

The two pulled apart, but Wren's shirt was still pushed around her chest as they turned to see Savannah in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyebrow raised. "In my kitchen?"

"Sorry, Sav," Wren mumbled, tugging her shirt down, with Tyler's help. "We were just-"

"I saw," she shook her head. "And you said it wasn't anything."

Wren let out a breath, patting Tyler's shoulder a little, "can you give us a second?"

He glanced between the two before nodding, "sure, thing, baby." He leaned up and placed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth before he grabbed the trash from the bandage and left the two girls alone.

"Why did you say that?"

"Just the other morning you told me that it wasn't anything, but now you're followin' him around?" Savannah kept her voice calm as she poured herself some tea. "Sounds an awful lot like Johnny."

Wren jumped off the counter, ignoring the pinch on her side, "Tyler is nothing like Johnny."


Wren nodded, "really."

"So you didn't meet him in a bar? And you're not jumping at the chance to follow him around like a puppy?"

"That's not-"

"He's gonna hurt you, Wren. Just like Johnny did. And you're gonna let it happen, again."


"No, Wren, I'm just looking out for you. Someone has too. Sure as hell ain't you."


"Is it your daddy issues? Is this why you attach yourself to these dead end relationships? Cause you wanna get hurt? Or is it just the fact that-"

"I love him!" She shouted, making Savannah stop. "I love him so much it hurts. And-and when I'm with him..." she shook her head, tears in her eyes. "You know how I said the only time I really felt truly free was when I was looking at a tornado?" Savannah only nodded. "That's how I feel when I'm with him and not just because he drives into 'em. He makes me feel like anything is possible, like I'm not stuck for once in my life. Like I actually have a future. And a future with him, that's a future I want. I want it so bad.

"He's sweet and kind and smart as hell. And he-he makes me feel alive again, and that's a feeling I haven't felt in years. So, yes, I am going with him. And I am gonna drive into tornadoes with him. And I'm gonna start living life for once instead of this shitty routine that I've had since I was eighteen. And I want you to be happy for me, happy that I finally found someone that understa-" a creak in the floorboard cut her off and she head snapped to the side, her teary eyes meeting Tyler's. And she didn't even see Austin standing at his side.

"You love me?"

She nearly stopped breathing as she shifted on her feet, turning towards him completely. It was too late to take it back, and she couldn't say that she hadn't meant it because she had. It had only been a handful of days but she loved him. So she just nodded as she blinked a few times, hoping to rid her eyes of tears.

"Tyler, I-" he closed the distance between them, his hands on her cheeks as he pressed his lips against hers, her body pressed against his.

"I love you, too, baby." He mumbled against her lips and let out a small, happy sob. "So much." He claimed her mouth in another kiss, not caring much for the audience they had as his fingers tangled in her hair.

"Okay," Austin spoke up, and the two pulled apart. "What the hell is going on?"

Wren chuckled, leaning into Tyler's chest as he rubbed her back, "Austin, this is Tyler. Tyler, Austin. Closest thing to a brother I have."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Austin held his hand out and Tyler shook it firmly.

"You, too."

But Savannah had yet to speak again, her eyes were on her shoes as she held her glass of tea close to her chest. She felt awful, she really did. But from the time that Wren was sixteen, she'd been looking out for the girl.

Someone had to when she walked into Stubby's with a fake i.d. asking for a job. And she was protective, always had been and it had only gotten worse when Wren started hanging out with guys.

She has seen her through her breakup with her first actual boyfriend when she was seventeen. Then again when the bull rider soon got distracted by some blonde in cutoffs. And a couple more times, until Johnny came around.

And that one had made her swear of guys off... until a certain cowboy.

"I'm sorry," Savannah breathed out, looking up and meeting Wren's eyes. Then her eyes moved to Tyler, "to both of you. I'm a little protective. You've been through a lot, Wren."

"Now hug and make up," Austin waved them towards each other, his eyes bouncing between the two girls – who both chuckled a little.

Then slowly, they moved towards each other, their arms closing around each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just... I worry about you and sometimes you drive me crazy."

"I know, but he's a really good guy. Probably the best."

"I'm offended," Austin mumbled, making the two laugh as they pulled apart. "Now, where's my hug?" He held his arm out wide and Wren stepped towards him, smiling as he closed his arms around her. "I'd ask how you been, squirt, but looks to me like you've been doin' alright."

Wren chuckled as she pulled back, "yeah, I'm doin' alright."

"So, what's this about driving into tornadoes?" He asked, looking from her to Tyler, who chuckled a little.

"He's a Tornado Wrangler," Wren grinned proudly.

"What the hell is that?" His eyes nearly bugged out of head and his brow creased, and Wren couldn't help but laugh at the expression on his face.

"It's pretty fucking awesome," she told him, pulling her phone from her back pocket.

"Baby, what are-"

"Showin' him your videos," she swatted at his hand when he reached for her phone, which she poked at until she was on their YouTube page. "Okay, this one is from the other day." She told him, handing him her phone as they moved to sit at the table. And Savannah even leaned over to watch, but her eyes quickly grew wide.

"Are you hangin' out the window of a speeding truck?"

"Yes, she is." Tyler nodded, wrapped his arm around her. "Nearly gave me a heart attack." She merely elbowed him in the ribs, making him laugh as he kissed the top of her head.

And they spent another hour there, mostly just talking and Savannah asked about a million questions about what he did and if it was safe. She'd never admit it, but she always saw Wren as her kid in a way and she wanted to make sure she would be safe.

>>>>> • <<<<<

Wren smiled as she played with Tyler's fingers, his hand in her lap as they pulled into Kathy's driveway. His hand had been on her thigh for most of the drive, but she couldn't stop herself from flipping his hand over and wedging her fingers between his. She'd undo it, press her palm against his, them intertwine their fingers again.

"Can I ask you somethin'?" He asked as he stopped the truck and she reached over to the gearshift and put it in park, her still having his hand wrapping in her fingers.


"Why wouldn't you let me hold your hand before?"

She shifted on her seat a little, a soft sigh leaving her lips, "did you hear when Sav mentioned Johnny?"

"Yeah," he nodded, turning towards her.

"Um, I met him in Stillwater and, well, I liked him. Even went with him on his ride across Oklahoma. I thought I loved him. He had this carefree, give no fucks kinda attitude. And for someone like me, who just wanted to be anywhere but where I was, it was exciting. The excitement wore off pretty soon, he wasn't exactly a nice guy once you got to know him. But I got attached easily, so I stayed.

"We stopped at a motel in Woodward and when I woke, he was gone. I didn't have a way home, I didn't have much money. And I was crushed. Swore off guys, actually, for two years. But you had to walk in with your green eyes, that sexy ass smirk, and that damn cowboy hat. You ruined my plan..." She smiled at him as she leaned head back into the seat. "And I'm happy you did. And me refusing to hold your hand was just me trying not to get attached, because I knew that if I did and you left me too I wouldn't survive it."

His hand tightened around her, and she smiled at the action, her eyes on their interlocked fingers. She was too scared to look at him again, she wasn't sure if her little confession would scare him off and she really didn't want to see it in his eyes if it had.

"Still like me?" Her voice was so low that he just barely heard it.

He reached over the console, his hand on her jaw as he angled her head towards him, "look at me, baby." he pleaded when she kept her eyes down, and she met his eyes. "I more than like you, Wren. I meant it when I said I love you."

She had tears in her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she leaned over the console, pressing her lips against his, "I meant it, too." He smiled as she pulled back, settling into her seat again and just as she reached for the door a car pulled up, honking the horn once.

She opened her door and jumped down, rounding the bed of the truck as Javi stepped out of the Storm PAR car. And when Tyler was by her side, she laced her fingers through his, she smiled up at him but when she heard the front door open, she watched as Kate stepped out onto the porch.

"Come on, baby," Tyler nodded his head towards the house, he knew it was better that he wasn't near Javi. He wasn't sure he could stop himself from punching him for telling her that losing his friends was her fault. She just nodded and they made their way towards the house, passing Kate.

He held the door open for her and she smiled as she stepped into the house, him close behind her, "can I ask you somethin' else?" She nodded, looking over her shoulder at him, a little confused by the smirk that tugged at his lips. "Earlier, you called me your boyfriend."

"You heard that?" She mumbled, her cheek flushed as her teeth sank into her bottom lip.

He chuckled, kissing her flamed cheek, "figure I should officially ask you-" she turned so quickly that he walked right into her, and he had to wrap his arms around her so she didn't fall over.

"Yes," she nodded, not giving him a chance to finish. "Yep, yeah."

He laughed as he leaned down, capturing her lips as his hands sild from her waist to the backs of her thighs, then he lifted her up. She let out a small squeak of surprise against his lips, making him laugh as he pressed her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist, parting her lips for him only for them to jump when the door squeaked.

"Oh," Javi groaned, his face scrunched up as he turned away from them.

"Javi," Wren cleared her throat as Tyler put her back on her feet – he was irritated that they had been interrupted for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

Javi peaked over, making sure they weren't attached before he looked at her fully, "Look, Wren I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean what I said, I was just... doesn't matter. I shouldn't have said it."

"Thanks, Javi. For apologizing." She managed a small smile, but she felt so awkward. "Um, maybe... maybe we can talk later."

A smile tugged at his lips, "yeah. Yeah, I'd like that." His eyes moved over to Tyler, who stood behind her, his hands on her hips, then he looked over at Kate... with an almost pleading look. "Well, I should go." He motioned towards the door.

"Here are your keys," Kate handed him the keys she and Wren had taken.

"You should get that window fixed," Wren added and he chuckled as he left, then Wren looked over at Kate. "You get the data?" The blonde just held up the hard drive she'd gotten from Javi. "Cool, so do we have time for a quicky or do you wanna get to that?"

Tyler laughed, throwing his head back as Kate's eyes went wide and her jaw fell open like she wasn't sure how to respond.

"What happened to no sex in my house?"

Wren looked over at Kathy, who raised an eyebrow at the girl, "we can go to the barn."

"Oh, god." Kate groaned, dragging her hand down her face. "No, Wren. I don't even..." she trailed off, shaking her head as she made her way out the door.

"And Wren, honey, don't act like we don't all know you broke that promise last night." Kathy simply patted her shoulder before following her daughter out of the house with a beer in her hand.

"Of course she knows," the girl mumbled and Tyler tucked his face into her neck, softly brushing his lips against her pulse point. "Kathy knows all."

"Come on, baby." He kissed her neck before lightly pushing her forwards. "don't you wanna help Kate?"

"I'd rather be under you, but okay." She mumbled, moving towards the door.

"You're trying to kill me," he groaned, following after her, his jeans are a little bit too tight now.

She smirked, looking over her shoulder at him, "you doing okay back there, cowboy?"

"Yep, doing great." He nodded, keeping his eyes forward, just over her head as he took a breath. And she just laughed, throwing her head back as she turned so she was walking backwards. He looked down at her, then his eyes moved over at his truck and a smirk pulled at his lips.

"What's with that look?" She asked, still walking backwards towards the barn.

"You'll see, baby." He reached for her, pulling her into his chest and she laughed as she wrapped her arms around his torso but he kept walking. "I love that sound."

"I love you." She hummed and he grinned, leaning down to press his lips against hers just as they reached the barn and he pressed her against the door, making it rattle a little.

"Guys, seriously!" Kate huffed from inside the barn, making them laugh as they pulled apart. Then with one more quick kiss, they made their way into that barn.


as we get closer to the end the more excited i get. i love tyler and wren so much!!

but i'm also excited because my scott miller fic will be up soon!! anyone want a dt??

should i publish it sooner or later??

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