06. To The Florentines

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
chapter six , to the florentines

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"TONIGHT, A PRIVILEGED selection of only the most fashionable guests will descend upon the most scandal-prone grounds in all of London: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens." Belle read aloud to her uncle as they slowly progressed along the Thames River. "Its shaded garden walls, such as those of the Dark Walk, have covered for the most notorious of trysts. This author wonders which persons of quality shall be discovered there tonight. Or better yet, how many?"

"A truly impertinent woman." Anthony muttered from where he sat facing away, in front of Belle in their boat, barely bothering to turn his head as he spoke.

"Well, I for one find it informative. Whistledown enlightens me far more to this country's strange practices than my uncle does." The Grantham girl hummed, shooting a small smirk at her uncle who sat opposite her.

"Not for lack of trying." Lord Grantham replied, before shooting his niece a pointed look. "Now, put that away, it's hardly appropriate."

Belle gave a soft chuckle as she gently folded the pamphlet before passing it to the gentleman sat beside her, who proceeded to tuck it away inside his pocket, mirroring her meddlesome smirk.

"Now, who is this Lord Allerton fellow that is so desperate to dance with me?" The brunette turned on her uncle once more.


"It's merely a question, is it not?" She chuckled at the older gentleman. "If I am to dance with him, I would like to know what to expect. Bad breath? Drooling?"

At her comment, Benedict gave a muffled chortle which he desperately tried to mask as a cough, earning a pointed look from Leopold.

"You'd do better than to encourage her, Benedict." The Lord warned the second eldest Bridgerton. "Lord Allerton is a very respectable man."

"Respectable men can still have bad breath." Belle countered, "Look at Benedict."


A light bump of the shoulder accompanied Benedict's outcry as the pair began descending into a fit of muffled laughter.

"Maybe save your wit for Lord Allerton?" Leopold grasped their attention once more at which Belle raised a brow.

"I thought I was to simply simper and mince?"

"Belle, please. The whole ordeal is giving me quite the headache."

Just as the Lord raised a hand to his temple, Belle straightened a little, sharing a knowing look with Benedict before turning back to her uncle.

"Well then, why trouble yourself?"

"We've been over this. It is my duty, who else is there to sponsor you?" Leopold sighed.

"How about Benedict?"


"He's a respectable man of the ton, is he not?"

"Of course, but-"

"He knows the right suitors from the wrong." Belle cut her uncle off as Benedict began nodding along with her suggestion. "How about he takes me off your hands for the night? As you say, you're growing weary."

"No. I couldn't ask such a thing."

"Leopold, I'd be happy to." Benedict assured him, a polite smile on his lips.


Belle frowned at her uncle's disbelief, pursing her lips slightly at his insinuation.

"It'll allow you to actually enjoy your evening." The Bridgerton continued, "And I could think of worse company to spend mine with."

Belle gave a light tut and feigned a faltered sigh at Benedict's words

"Always with the flattery."

"A sponsor from your family certainly wouldn't harm the cause." Leopold muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he contemplated the decision.

"And with all due respect, Uncle. Benedict's probably one of the only people whose word I might actually heed." The brunette cut in, sparing a short look at Benedict.

"Is that so?"

"I said might."

"If you're absolutely sure, Benedict?" Leopold spoke up once more, causing the pair to straighten up. "I know she can be..."

"Challenging?" Benedict finished his sentence for him.


"Well, I never shy away from a challenge." The Bridgerton shrugged, sparing a smirk at the girl beside him, who wore a wide smile.

"Then, the matter is settled." She concluded, turning to face her uncle who surveyed the two with a thoughtful look.

"I suppose it is."


"THAT WENT ALL RATHER smoothly, did it not?" Benedict muttered, as he and Belle strolled arm in arm through the beautifully-lit entrance way of Vauxhall.

"Foolish man." Belle chuckled, casting a quick glance back at her uncle who was escorting Benedict's mother along the walk, before she turned back to the man on her own arm. "Incredible work on your part."

"I must return the compliment."

"Why, thank you, sir."

The group promenaded once around the dance floor, surveying other guests of the event, before naturally breaking off into new conversations and dispersing around the venue. However, Belle and Benedict remained together, tucked away in the crowd, wrapt in conversation.

"Ah, there's Lord Allerton." Benedict nudged Belle, pointing towards the dance floor where a rather dapper young gentleman was dancing with a debutante.

"Oh." Belle muttered in surprise at the sight of the man, whom she had highly anticipated to be at least double her age.

"Oh?" Benedict repeated, his eyebrows furrowing.

"He's not what I expected." Belle shrugged nonchalantly, at which Benedict shot her a confused look, crossing his arms.

"In what way?"

"I don't know." The brunette hummed, tilting her head to the side, slightly. "I suppose I just imagined him to be slightly less ... appealing."

Benedict mustered a hearty chuckle, his confusion descending into humour, as a small smirk dressed his lips.

"I thought you had no interest in the marriage mart?"

"Benedict, don't be such a prude." She countered, wearing a smirk of her own. "I can admire a man; doesn't mean I intend to marry him."

"Well, the Florentines certainly have their own way of thinking." The Bridgerton gave a light tut, as his counter part turned on him.

"Stop it. You're reminding me of Leopold." She scolded him with a light smack on the hand. "I happen to believe you would love Florence."

"Yes, you'll have to smuggle me back in a trunk upon your return." He jested, as the girl beside him rolled her eyes with a earnest chuckle.

"You are honestly telling me that you don't enjoy these pretty debutantes?"

"I'm rapidly beginning to regret this whole scheme of ours."

"Don't be such a bore!" A wide smile spread across her lips as the man shook his head with a light laugh, shaking through his shoulders.

As the duo composed themselves, Belle saw Benedict's gaze wandered towards the refreshment table before it strayed back to her and he offered her a knowing look.

"Should you like a glass of champagne, Miss Grantham?"

"That's more like it." She grinned, giving him a light shove to send him on his way, watching fondly as he spared a glance back at her before disappearing back into the crowd.

A soft sigh left her lips at the thought of the worry she had felt days prior, and just how quickly it had dissipated upon the reacquaintance with her childhood friend. She was slowly beginning to think that her time in Mayfair may not be as torturous as she first thought.

"Miss Grantham?"

The sound of new voice startled Belle from her daze, causing her to turn, her gaze landing on the appealing man whom she had spotted on the dance floor only minutes prior.

"Lord Allerton?" She smiled, bowing her head in greeting.

"Quite right." The Lord responded, his eyebrows furrowing in surprise. "My apologies, I wasn't aware we were already acquainted."

"We are not, my Lord." Belle replied with a soft chuckle. "But my uncle informed me that you might be seeking me out for a dance?"

"Quite right, again." He commended, his surprise melting away as he returned her smile. "And quite forward."

"The same can't be said for yourself; asking for a dance through my uncle?" Belle retorted with a small smirk, at which the Lord gave a bashful chuckle.

"Then, allow me to ask you yourself?" Allerton arched a brow. "Miss Grantham-"


Belle pressed her lips together to suppress the sigh of relief that threatened to overwhelm her as Benedict re-emerged from the crowd and stood beside the Grantham girl, sending a loud greeting in the direction of Lord Allerton.

"Bridgerton." Allerton replied with a tight lipped smile.

"Wonderful evening, is it not?" Benedict went on, feigning cluelessness as he interrupted the Lord's attempt to stealing Belle away to the dance floor.

"Yes, the spectacle is rather ... spectacular, is it not?"

Imaginative fellow. Belle caught herself thinking with a slight grimace, as she relaxed her stance, feeling more at ease with the Bridgerton by her side.

"Quite." Benedict replied, with a similar unimpressed grimace.

"I was just about to ask Miss Grantham for a dance, Bridgerton."

"Ooh, a brave venture, my dear man." Benedict tutted, letting out a hearty chuckle.


"I can assure you there are a dozen debutantes in attendance tonight that would make more graceful a dance partner than Miss Grantham."

Belle pressed her lips together to stop herself from bursting into laughter at his words - or more so, the appalled look on Lord Allerton's face.

"Bridgerton, you forget yourself-"

"No, no, he is quite correct, Lord Allerton." Belle interjected, deciding to play along with Benedict's narrative. "My dancing capabilities leave much to be desired. Just the other night, I was compared to- what was it again, Benedict?"

"A bull in a china shop, I think was what I heard?" The Bridgerton mused.

"And that's putting it lightly." Belle agreed, as the duo looked on each other before turning back to Allerton, who was looking a little on the alarmed side.

"But I commend you nonetheless, Allerton." Benedict cleared his throat, making a gesture at Belle. "Take a whirl."

Lord Allerton made to speak but faltered, pressing his lips together in a defeated expression as he surveyed the clearly amused duo, before clasping his hands behind his back and offering them a short bow.

"Good evening to you both."

And with that, the Lord walked away, quickly disappearing into the thriving crowd as Belle and Benedict looked after him with satisfied smiles.

"A bull in a china shop?" Belle quirked an eyebrow, as Benedict shrugged in response.

"It deterred him, didn't it?"

Belle conceded with an indifferent expression as her counterpart moved around her, masking her from the view of the other guests as he withdrew two flutes of champagne that he had smuggled from the refreshments table, and offered her a knowing smirk.


Belle's lips broke out into a wide grin and she reached forward with both her hand, one taking a flute from him and the other lingering upon his arm which she gave a grateful squeeze.

"You wonderful, wonderful man."

"To your terrible dancing." Benedict toasted, as Belle narrowed her eyes at him, playfully, before she quickly countered.

"To the Florentines."

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
she's short but sweet,
but hey, i missed
my little besties
to lovers duo


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