13. An Affair of Honour

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bella notte
act i , distant memories
chapter thirteen , an affair of honour

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       Belle fought back a chuckle as she called out to the Bridgerton matriarch, who was clutching onto Colin as she descended into a fit of chuckle, leaving her third eldest looking mildly humoured himself.

       It had only been a hour or so since Anthony and Daphne had departed the Trowbridge Ball, but after seeing the state of Viscountess — although it brought them much amusement — Belle and Colin had elected to make their return and get the woman in bed.

       Colin had assured Belle in the carriage ride that he hadn't foggiest of ideas as to why his mother had become so intoxicated, normally the Viscountess was exceptionally composed at such events. However, Belle was hardly interested in his speculations as she watched Violet Bridgerton gaze out the window gushing about the bright stars above them as they journeyed home.

       Belle had entered the household first so as to hold the door open for the stumbling pair, trying her best to muffle her chuckled so as not to wake disrupt Tyne peace and quiet if the household — however the Viscountess had other ideas.

       "I can assure you both there is nothing amiss!" Violet cried, causing Belle and Colin to shush her as they made their way towards the staircase. "I am hardly inebriated."

     "Of course not. You are clearly sober." Her son mused, earning a heart chuckle from Belle as they reached the bottom of the stairs and she shot the pair a pointed look.

      "And I'm sober enough to know when you're being impertinent." Violet let go of Colin's arm before her gaze softened and she laid a fond hand on both of their shoulders before ascending the staircase. "Good night, my dears."

      "Good night, Mother." Colin chuckled with a shake of his head.

      "Good night." Belle whispered, her smile never fading as she looked fondly after the lady.

      She watched as Violet disappeared up the stairs and away towards her chambers, letting out a light sigh as she thought of the comfort of her own bed.

       "What on—?"

       But before she could fathom actioinibg her thoughts, her attention snatched by Colin who was wearing a perplexed expression as he looked off to his left.

      Belle followed his gaze only to see Anthony peering through a doorway, with a stern expression in his face as he regarded his brother.

       "Come here."

      "Good God." The third eldest groaned, "Did someone die?"

      Belle saw the Viscount spared him an unimpressed expression but straightening up a little and opening the door a little wider, only to reveal that he was not alone in the room behind it.

       The brunette girl let out a loud scoff as her eyes landed on Benedict Bridgerton, the irritability she had been repressed all night suddenly coming to the surface at the sight of him, 

       "Oh, so there you are!" Her face contorted into a frustrated expression as she started towards the room with Colin close on her heels.

      "Belle, go to bed." Anthony told her, as she barged past him into the room, her nostrils flaring as she registered the gormless look on Benedict's face. 

      "I shall not." She rebuffed the eldest, before turning to attention to the man before her. "Where have you been? All day, I have been asking after you and—"

      "Belle, bed now."

       She felt Anthony's hand grab her arm at which she hastily shook him off, turning her irritated gaze to meet the seemingly furious one of the Viscount.

       "He abandoned me." Her nostrils flared. "Without as much as a word—"

       "Belle, this is a family matter." Anthony cut her off, his tone dangerously low. "Leave us!"

      Taken aback by the Viscount's aggression, Belle took a small step away from him, stumbling ever so slightly as she did, trying her best to mask the hurt he had cause.

      It was true. She was not a Bridgerton, she was not family and yet ...

      She observed the sullen expression of Colin, who didn't dare to break the silence that had fallen.

      Her eyes met Benedict's.

       "Nothing?" Belle muttered, her voice a little shaky as she attempted to seek out comfort in the second eldest. "You have nothing to say?"

       His eyes soften a little as he surveyed her, his manner incredibly absent as he looked between her and his brother, swallowing nervously as the attention fell on her.

       "Belle ..."

       His tone held no conviction. Her name was all he could muster before he trailed off, plunging back into their oppressive silence.

      Belle squared her jaw and straightened up, letting out a slow breath as she hardened her gaze and surveyed the brothers.

       "Good evening." She excused herself, her tone bitter. "Gentleman."

       And with that, she hastily removed herself from the room, gathering the hem of her skirt in her head and she made her way up the stairs, desperate to take herself to bed and forget about the evening.

       However, just as reached the top of the stairs, the sound of sniffling caught her attention and turning on the spot, a figure in the shadows caught her eye


       The girl's head turned and caught the light, allowing Belle to see the red eyes and tear stricken face of Daphne.

       "Oh, Belle!" The girl cried, travelling the short distance between them and all but collapsing in the girl's arms as she let out muffled sobs.

      Belle held the girl tightly, her anger now being replaced with overwhelming concern as she tried desperately to piece together whatever had transpired between the Viscount and the diamond.

       "What has happened?"


AFTER CONSOLING Daphne for a good amount of time, Belle had finally been able to calm the girl down and have her provide a coherent explanation as to her distress.

       It appeared that at some point during the Trowbridge Ball, Simon had pursed Daphne into the garden and after some heated words had kissed her.

       Belle had to stomach her pride as Daphne continued, although the notion of her being right about the Duke's feelings for the girl made her feel incredibly smug.

      However, the problem was more so that Anthony had stumbled upon them and insisted that Duke marry Daphne, a request that Simon had refused and as a consequence, Anthony had demanded satisfaction and challenged him to a duel that was to take place at dawn the next day.

       Belle had never hated men nor English custom more.

       Her first instinct upon hearing the news was to march back down the stairs and reason with the Viscount but after their little altercation, she realised that the likelihood of her success would be incredibly slim.

      Both the girls knew that no good would come of the duel taking place, every possible outcome resulting in some form of tragedy.

      There was only one solution: to find said duel and put a stop to it themselves.

      So now they paced along the corridor of the landing, anxiously awaiting the sound of the front door to signal the departure of the eldest two Bridgertons, leaving behind the third who both were convinced should listen to reason if they were firm enough.

      Surely enough after hearing the brief shuffling of footsteps on the lower floor, the two girls heard the soft click of the front door close and quickly made their descent down the main staircase.

       "Where have they gone?" Daphne confronted her older brother as the two of them strode into the room — Daphne in her night gown, Belle still in her dress from the night before.

       "Daph ..."

       "Tell us where this duel takes place." Belle demanded, folding her arms across her chest.

       "Why would I do that?" Colin quickly retorted.

      "So that we may prevent it from happening." Daphne replied, her tone grave as she stared down her brother.

      "Hastings has done you a grave dishonor." Colin regarded her, swirling a glass of brandy in hand. "Surely you wish to see him pay."

      "Not with his life."

      "It will not come to that." Colin explained, his tone unchanging as he addressed the two girls. "The duke will remember his honor once he finds himself on the deadly end of a pistol."

       "And if he does not?" Daphne argued.

       "They will both do the gentlemanly thing and fire their pistols wide." Colin replied nonchalantly, his manner beginning to infuriate Belle as she watched him pay very little mins to their concerns. "Allow them to bring this ugly business to a conclusion themselves."

      Belle let out a loud scoff as her gaze met Daphne's.

       "That is rich."

       "Do you know how many times I have heard that said?" The Bridgerton girl retorted, her nostrils flaring. "To leave the men to their business and to not concern myself with such weighty affairs, whose affairs are my future, my family."

       Belle let out a slow breath as she took a step closer to the pair.

       "Anthony is too angry to fire wide, and Simon is too stubborn to yield." The brunette assured Colin, her tone solemn as she stood by Daphne.

      "You did not see them in that garden."

      "No, I did not, and neither did anyone else." Colin bit back, shooting a pointed look at the two of them as Belle sensed Daphne tense beside her at his words. "You should be happy that no one saw anything."

      Belle's eyebrows furrowed as she clocked the apparent panic that had overtaken the girl on her right, whose stubborn gaze had now transformed into one of alarm.

       "Only, someone did see."

       The brunette let out a small breath as she surveyed Colin's eyes widen a little as his attention was pulled back to his sister.

       "Cressida Cowper." Daphne mustered as she looked back at her brother, her stern expression reinstated on her features. "Colin, you must tell me. Where have they gone?"

       The third eldest faltered slightly, Belle could see him calculate his decisions with the new knowledge bestowed upon him, his eyes still wide.

      The brunette shot him a pointed look, making his decision for him as his eyes met hers.



        BELLE HAD NEVER taken to horse-riding especially. Of course, she was perfectly able, but she took no pleasure in riding as some did. So when it dawned on her that should they wish to stop this duel they would have to travel on horse-back, she was less than impressed shall we say.

       She couldn't even remember the last time she had ridden a horse faster than a trot, so when Colin and Daphne quickly urged their respective horses into hasty gallops, she was, once again, less than impressed.

       However, she was fortunate that the horse she rode — informed by Colin to be Francesca's mare — was rather intuitive and quickly chased after the other two horses so that Belle didn't have to did a lot except hold onto the reins for dear life.

       "Why couldn't we have taken the carriage?" She had grumbled at which Colin had spared her a mere roll of his eyes.

The turbulent journey had been at most twenty minutes — by which time, Belle had managed to catch up to the two Bridgertons ahead her— when they caught sight of a gathering not far ahead of them.

"There!" Colin had affirmed.

With the city far behind them, they broke off the winding country lane they had been riding on and set out across the wide field.

As they rode closer, Belle could begin to make out the shapes of Anthony and Simon who were stood with pistols pointing at the other. Her heart clenched in panic as she contemplated the real possibility that they would be too late.

Moving faster and faster, the trio neared the group. It was only when they came within the last two hundred or so metres that Belle noticed Daphne beginning to pull ahead of her and Colin, showing no signs of slowing as they approached the duel.


In what felt like a blur, Belle watched Daphne rode straight in the middle of the duel and fall from her rearing horse straight to the ground. A large gasp tore through her as she processed the sound of a gunshot, causing her to pull harshly on the reins of her own horse and rapidly descend to the ground.



"Sister! Stand aside!"

Belle bunched her skirts in her hands as she broke into a light jog towards the action, a breath of relief leaving her lips as she saw Daphne stand up with a fierce look on her face.

"Oh, good God."

"Are you hurt?" Simon cried, worry written all over his face. "Tell me!"

"I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots." Daphne spat back, her gaze flirting between the man and her brother who had rushed to her aid.

"What are you playing at?" Anthony snapped at her.

"Says the man who just shot at me!"

"You rode into the middle of a duel!"

Belle let out a small sigh as she stood away from the action, thankful they had managed to delay their activities. She shared a small smile with Colin as she felt him move next to her.

"I require a moment with the duke."

Belle's attention was recaptured by the argument ahead of her.

"Daphne ..."

"I require a moment with the duke." The girl repeated already turning from the discussion and beckoning Simon to follow.

"Make it brief."

Belle heard Benedict's voice chime in. Her eyes landed on his figure, watching as he slowly backed away from his sister and Duke, leading his brother away with him; that was when he caught her eye.

A softness overwhelmed his gaze as he broke away from his brother and strode over to the Grantham girl.

Colin, recognising his expression, laid a soft hand on Belle's shoulder before moving away towards Anthony, leaving the pair be as Benedict arrived in front of the brunette.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, after a brief moment of looking her over.

Belle let out a small scoff, that moment being precisely enough time for her to rediscover her irritation with the man before her.

"A duel, really?" She regarded him, incredulously. "So breaking the law is what has kept you so occupied, is it?"

A slow breath left his lips.


"Perhaps you may think me impertinent for expecting any explanation." Belle pressed her lips together, her tone growing quieter as his eyes bore into hers. "But I rather think I am owed an apology at the very least."

"I am sorry."

A look of understanding passed between them, and Belle stifled a bashful chuckle, a sudden feeling of embarrassment washing over her.

"I've been told I could wear on people." The girl winced, her smile still on her lips. "My uncle especially — the poor man's worn down to the bone."

"You could never wear on me." Benedict spared her a small smile in response.

"Then why did you evade me all day?" She asked, arching a brow.

"It was not my intention, I assure you." He replied, just as a menacing twinkle formed in his eye. "Are my attentions truly so precious to you?"

Belle narrowed her eyes as a smirk emerged on his lips.

"Without them, my wits go to waste." She retorted, "It's terribly upsetting."

Benedict shook his head with a light chuckle, his eyes never leaving her face as she smirked up at him.

"You are something."

Belle arched an eyebrow at his sentiment, before pursing her lips and breaking their eye contact, her curiosity still not quite subsiding.

"Where were you then?" She pressed, her tone light-hearted. "Who was it who stole you from my clutches?"

"A new acquaintance of mine." He replied, leaving Belle slightly speechless as she processed the implication of his words.

"Oh." Her nonchalant facade beginning to slip. "I see."

Though she knew it was absolutely none of her concern, the thought of Benedict having a new acquaintance as he had put it left a rather sour taste in her mouth. She could feel her expression harden a little at his answer — the thought of sharing him with another woman ...

Suppose he jested with her like he did Belle? Did he look at her with the same expression as did her, the one where his eyes glinted over with a hint of something Belle couldn't quite place? The Grantham girl scolded herself for her thoughts — she laid no claim to him after all.

Should Benedict wish to seek out female companionship that was entirely his prerogative — no matter how much she should feel jealousy prickling inside of her.

She could spot him chuckling.


"Don't you fret, dear Belle." Benedict mused, clearly having noted her change in manner. "My activities were nothing as lewd as you may think."

Belle chose to ignore the feeling of relief that crashed over her at his words and instead narrowed her eyes, her interest now well and truly piqued.

"Then what?"

"That I shall not divulge."

"You tease." Belle reached out and gave him a light smack on his forearm.

"A man is allowed his secrets." The man smirked at her, arching a brow.

Belle regarded him fondly as he looked down at her, pressing her lips together to suppress a large smile. She let out a soft sigh, reaching out and clutching onto his arm, allowing her head to rest upon his shoulder.

"I'm too tired to contest." She chuckled, letting out a gentle breath.

"I'd never thought I'd see the day." Benedict chuckled, allowing his head to rest gently upon hers, feeling his own tiredness begin dawn on him.

"Hush." She chastised him with a soft chuckle, her attention catching upon Simon as he strode away from Daphne back towards the group. "What do you suppose they've agreed to?"

"He's adamant he won't marry her." Benedict replied, his frustration at his sister's predicament coming through in his tone.

"Daphne won't let the duel recommence." Belle muttered in response, before heaving a light shrug. "You know being a tarnished woman is hardly the worst thing is the world."

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?"

Belle lifted her head and looked up at the man, slightly taken aback by his expression as her eyes met his.

The tension, as his eyes bored into hers, caused her heart to clench nervously in her chest and a slow breath to leave her lips.

For the first time, she met his gaze and was able to place the look in his ocean eyes — desire.

There was an earnestness in his expression, but there was also a glint of hunger that glistened as he looked at her.

Belle didn't allow herself to break away from his piercing gaze instead she stared back intently, her gaze challenging almost saying tarnish me.

"We must resume before someone should find us."

Someone's voice called out, she was far too enamoured by him to pinpoint who.

"There will be no need to resume." She could hear Daphne faintly say. "The duke and I are to be married."

Now that caught her attention.

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!


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