𝟎𝟎𝟑. steal the wand

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chapter three
steal the wand

"This is way nicer than our room." Scarlett stated in annoyance once the three girls pushed open the doors to Carlos's and Jay's room later that night. Carlos was playing video games in the tv, which was controlled by toe light up joysticks in each hand. Jay dumped a bunch of stolen clutter onto his bed. Scarlett admired the room that felt more spacious and more too her liking than the girls. "Jay, what are you doing?"

"It's called stealing."

"Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked, approaching Jay's bed.

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." Scarlett rose an eyebrow when Jay procured a laptop that was somehow hidden underneath his clothing.

"Okay. So, you can do that, or you could leave all this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal suggested sarcastically. "You sound just like your mom." Scarlett told the purple haired girl in a sing-song tone.

"Thank you!"

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine."

"Die, suckers!" Carlos's yelled at the tv before turning around to the approaching boy. Jay, come check this thing out! Man, it's awesome!"

Jay wordlessly took the two joysticks and laughed as he played the game. Scarlett rolled her eyes, yelling to get all their attention, "Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy Godmother... Blah, Blah, Blah." Jay responded, turning towards her than back to the video game and then back to her, clearly not paying any attention. "Magic wand... Blah, blah, blah." Evie and Carlos laughed. Mal frowned, stepping beside Scarlett.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" Scarlett stated loudly. The three suddenly halted in their movements, mood deflating as the three turned to her. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?"

"Yeah." They all mumbled.

"Evie, mirror me." Mal commanded the girl as she and Scarlett sat at the table that was given a bowl of popcorn in the middle, a vast difference from their room which only had two desks.

Evie sat beside Mal as the two boys gathered around the girls. She held the mirror up in her hand. "Mirror, mirror on the — in my hand. Where is Fairy Godmother's wand stand? There it is!" The mirror displayed the wand floating.

"Zoom out."

"Magic mirror, not so close." Evie ordered, rolling her eyes when the magic mirror showed Earth. "Closer. Closer. Closer."

"Can I go back to my game?" Carlos's gestured to the paused game behind him, disinterested with how long this was taking. "I'm on level three."

"Stop!" Jay yelled when the mirror finally zoomed in on the building it was in.

"It's in a museum! Do we know where that is?" Scarlett turned to Carlos who began to type rapidly on the opened laptop. "2.3 miles from here." Carlos's answered, flipping the laptop screen around to show them

The five villain kids snuck out of the dormitory's and ran towards the museum. Evie used her want to help navigate the outside but once they reach the doors to the building, they saw through the door mirror a security guard swirling in his chair as the computer screens monitoring known artifacts from every royalty and villain, like the Beauty and the Beasts rose and Cinderella's glass slipper. The spinning wheel was right behind him, on a platform and only guarded by blue silk rope.

They all hid against the wall when the security guard swiveled around on his chair.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay chuckled humorously at the sight of the wretched thing. Him and Carlos laughed. "Yeah, it's kind of dorky." Carlos added with a snort of laughter.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal responded, opening up her Mother's spell book. "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." All the guard did was sit back in his seat.

"Impressive." Jay hummed.

"I got chills." Carlos mocked.

"Lay off." Scarlett growled to the two boys, pinching them both in their sides. They yelped, hands flying to their mouths to muffle their voices.

"Okay, you know what..." Mal rolled her eyes at the two scheming boys, eyes flickering back to the spindle. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep."

They all watched as the guard stood up and in a daze trance, approached the spinning wheel and pricked his finger on the spindle. He yawned loudly before curling up into a ball on the same platform the spinning wheel was on and falling into a deep sleep.

Mal sent the boys a smug look. "Not so dorky now, huh?" Mal tried opening the door but it only proved to be lock the more times she tried to jiggle it.

"Stand back." Jay told everyone as he walked backwards to get a head start.

Mal ignored him as she read off another spell form the book. "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick."

The door flew open just as Jay sent himself into a flying kick to break open the door, only to fly through the threshold and land harshly on the ground. Scarlett laughed loudly along with the other girls as they walked past him, snickering at him.

Jay pushed Carlos off of him when the boy tried to help and the two scurried after the three girls. Evie led the way with her magic mirror up the stairs and into the Gallery of Villains. They all stopped shortly when they rounded the corner into a room where there were life-like statues of each of their parents, all showcasing them in a sinister and evil light.

"Mommy?" Evie looked at her Mother's statue.


"I'll never forget Mother's Day again."

"Murderer." Scarlett muttered as she stared at the statue of Scar in his human form although his eyes resembled the green of a cat, his claws were extended and his teeth were bared as if he were about to attack someone. His platform resembled the dryness of a pride land, two fake hyenas stood behind him laughing.

"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce." Jay announced, the only one to step out of the frightened trance. "Let's go." They all reluctantly followed.

Scarlett ran back for the room where she noticed Mal still stood. "Hey! We found the wand! Let's go!"

Mal quickly followed her to the others in the next room where a railing stood around a hole in the floor, a magic blue force field keeping the magic wand floating just the room beneath the one they were in. Jay cheered, being the first one to run out of the room.

"Thank you, kind sir." Scarlett smirked, dramatically curtsying with her nonexistent princess gown at Carlos's who held the door open for the three girls. Carlos nodded, mockingly bowing like a prince as he said, "Anytime, Princess."

They all hollered in laughter when they ran into her lol where Fairy Godmother's wand was. Scarlett's eyes narrowed when she saw Jay about to jump over the railing and get the wand himself.

"Jay, don't!"

Jay didn't listen to her protest, jumping over the railing and reaching a hand into the magic force field. But as soon as his hand went through it, and before he could touch the wand, he was thrown backwards and alarm was triggered, wailing loudly. Their hands all flew over their ears.

"A force field and a siren?!"

Jay groaned on the floor, "That's just a little excessive."

"Let's go!" Scarlett roared as she ran off, her friends following behind her.

They ran past the spinning wheel, the guard gone, probably having woken up and went to check what triggered the alarm. Carlos stayed back when the phone rang to cover for them but Scarlett was too busy escaping the museum with the others to pay attention to what he said.

"Way to go, Jay! Now, we have to go to school tomorrow!" Scarlett scolded the boy as they all ran back to the dormitories.

It took everything in Scarlett to keep from dozing over in Remedial Goodness 101. It was the only five of them of them sitting in the classroom with Fairy Godmother at the chalk board. Every now and then Scarlett would get a nudge from Evie beside her when she noticed Scarlett's eyelids closing. The lioness leaned back in her seat, arms crossed over her chest as she pretended to listen to Fairy Godmother whilst using her extended claw on her pointer finger to carve underneath the desk the girls sat at.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart? Evie." The woman called on the girl who raised her hand.

"What was the second one?"

"Oh. Okay. Anyone else?" Fairy Godmother got only clueless and bored looks from the other's. She looked to the curly haired girl who was preoccupied with something under the desk. "Scarlett?"

Scarlett looked up, glancing at the board before answering, "C, give it a bottle."

Fairy Godmother grinned at her. "Correct. Again."

Carlos whistled, "You are on fire, girl!"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders, going back to carving long live evil into the desk with her claw. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."



"That makes so much sense."

Mal looked over when a girl with a terrible bob haircut squealed as she walked into the classroom and down the aisle, past the two desks with villain kids sat at them. She scurried over to Fairy Godmother.

"Hello, dear one." Said woman greeted her. The teenage girl glanced behind her fearfully at the VK's as she handed Fairy Godmother a paper to sign. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation."

Scarlett paused her movements, looking up when Mal nudged her in the arm. Scarlett notices the look on Mal's face replicating in her's.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

"Mom, no!" Jane whisper-yelled to her mother.

"It's okay." Fairy Godmother handed her the signed sign up sheet back, holding her daughter by her shoulders to present her to the VK's "Jane, this is everyone."

"Hi." She mumbled, her bottom lip quivering as she shuffled closer, afraid to past them. "That's okay, don't mind me, as you were." Scarlett smirked lightly when Jane squealed again once she passed.

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother cleared her throat. "You find a boss of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple?" Evie shared a giggle with her two female friends at that. "Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Everyone beside Mal and Scarlett rose their hands enthusiastically. Jay used his free hand to forcefully pull Carlos's hand out of the air, which resulted in Fairy Godmother picking him to answer.

He smirked smugly. "C. Turn it over to the proper authorities."

"I was gonna say that!" Carlos hit him into the bicep.

"But I said it first!" Jay mockingly whined before putting Carlos in a headlock under his arm and rubbing his fist on top do his white head of hair. "Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?"

Scarlett chuckled as they fell onto the table with Jay holding Carlos down whilst trying to give him a wet whilly.

"Boys." Fairy Godmother smiled lightly, tapping the pointer stick on the podium. The boys ignored her, continuing to wrestle on top of the table. "Boys!" They paused, both looking up at the headmistress. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy in the tourney field."

"Oh, no. That's okay." Carlos said as Jay got off him, before Carlos gave him a final push. "Whatever that is, we'll pass."

Scarlett leaned forward, her claw retracting back into her normal nail as she leaned closer to Mal who was drawing a sketch of Fairy Godmother's send. Scarlett simply tapped on the paper to get the purple haired girl's attention, who returned her smirk as they thought of the girl who previously came into the classroom scared to death just by being near the VK's.

"Did you hear Jay totally demolished all the boys on the tourney field earlier?" Scarlett mused to her two female friends as they stood by Scarlett's open locker between classes. Scarlett filed down her outstretched claws as she faced the inside of her open locker which had 3 freshly deep claw scratches permanently engraved on the outside to signify it was her locker.

"Ha, I would've killed to see that." Mal commented as she laughed evilly.

Evie nodded before bidding goodbye to her two friends, "Bye Mal, Scarlett."

"Bye." The two responded in sync. Mal leaned against the locker besides Scarlett's, her Mother's soell book hugged to her chest.

Scarlett's ears picked up a conversation only a few lockers down from the snobby Mr and Ms popular of the school and Ben exiting one of their classes.

"Those kids are trouble." Chad placed his hand on Ben's chest to stop the boy from moving and turn to the two last remaining VK kids at the lockers.

Ben shrugged, smile faltering. "Come on, Chad. Give them a chance."

Audrey scoffed as sweetly as she could, pushing her sunglasses on top of her head as she took Ben's hands into her own. "No offense, Bennybear, you're just too trusting. Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother. And Uncle Simba is always going on about his own uncle who killed his own brother. The other girls father."

"I think you're wrong about them." Ben denied with a smirk. He bumped Chad's chest. "I'll see you later."

Mal's eyes widened when she saw Ben approaching them from behind Scarlett. Her eyes sparkled when she saw Jane pass them with scared squeal. "Uh, I'm gonna go deal with Little Fairy Godmother... Good luck!"

Scarlett's eye brows furrowed when Mal ran off into the girl's bathroom after Jane, but when she turned she realized why Mal had said good lucky in the first place; the encroaching prince.

Just as she gathered her books in her hands and closed her locker door, she was immediately greeted with Ben's smiling face as he leaned against the locker next to hers. "Hey!"


"How was your first day?" He asked.

Scarlett pursed her lips dramatically as she hugged her books to her chest, clutching the mail file in between her fingers. "Super."

Ben's irises flickered to the outside of Scarlett's locker where the long claw slashes were now. "You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into sculpting class, something tells me you'd like it. I could sign you up. What do you think?"

"Way to take all the fun out of it." Scarlett cracked a smirk. Seeing no words leave his lips as he just stared into her brown irises, her shoulders tensed uncomfortably, not used to this much attention from one person, let alone a boy. Her eyes grew wide a fraction when she saw Mal pop out of the bathroom over his shoulder, silently gesturing for her to follow with a satisfied grin, meaning her plan worked.

"Sure, why not?" Scarlett responded with a nod and smile, to Ben's previous words about signup her up for sculpting. At least she could destroy molds of clay and people would call it Art.

Ben's eyes lit up as he watched her push herself away from the lockers and walked around him, joining Mal as the two walked off, whispering to each other.

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