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- Pilot

Olivia awoke up the next day with a killer migraine, the blonde and her friends decided to stay over at John's B and had a bit too much beer the following night. She winced, turning over attempting to go back to sleep in John's B bed only for the sound of her phone going off causing her to groan in annoyance.

The blonde climbed out of bed picking up her phone that was on the night stand and snapped, " What!" Olivia held a look of annoyance as she grabbed one of John's B hoodie putting it on as she made her way through the house.

"Lovely to speak with you to little sister, you know you could at least inform me that you won't be staying home" Topper responded from the other side of the phone, " I had Mom on my back, something about taking you to a charity breakfast at the club"

Olivia rolled her eyes in irritation letting out a loud groan and spoke, " Topper, how good to hear from you. Have you ever thought that is why I didn't come home last night. Look, I'm fine I'll be back later. You know i can take care of myself, you worry way too much"

Before Topper could say anything else Olivia hanged up the phone walking outside joining John B who was laying down in a hammock causing him to wrap his arm around the blonde, " Do I even want to know who that was?" He asked raising his brows at Olivia who had just ended the call.

"My handler" Olivia replied with an amused smile on her lips causing John B to let out a laugh as the brunette leaned her head on his chest glancing up at him in concern and asked, " how are you doing with everything? You know, since your dad went missing"

John B stayed silent for a moment before letting out a sigh as he explained, " DCS is up my ass, threatening me with froster care on the mainland. I've been delaying it as much as I can but you know how the DCS are like, I have a meeting with them today"

"Everything will work out in the end, John B. I guess all you can do in this situation is to be patient and have hope as it's the only way you'll get through it" Olivia reassured him causing a smile to appear on his face as she always knew the right thing to say and had always been there for him no matter what.

John B stared down at Olivia in awe and amazement, he was blown away how perfect she was, her beauty, her kind and loving nature, she was like a breathe of fresh air to be around and he was so terribly in love with her that he would literally get on his hands and knees for this girl.

He didn't expect to fall in love with the Kook princess but it happened and couldn't get her out of his head, Olivia was the type of girl that either everyone wanted to be or wanted to date but had no interest not since what happened with Rafe.

She was afraid if she opened her heart to anyone else they'll break it along with her trust but little did she know that she meant the world to John B and he'd never even think about cheating on this amazing girl that was in his arms as Olivia was one of a kind, she was special and anyone who didn't think otherwise are idiots.


"Hey, Topper!" Olivia called out as she walked down the marble staircase in the Thornton mansion, " I'm off to meet up with Kie, don't bother waiting up for me" since John B had a meeting with DCS the brunette headed home, hauled up in her room watching full house re-runs.

Topper rolled his eyes as he was with Sarah in the living room with his arm wrapped around her shoulder used to her sister going and staying as she didn't really like to stay in one place for long it's what made others jealous of her as she was adventurous and didn't care what people thought of her and was always dragged into something JJ or John B had gotten her in not that she minded as they were her best friends.

"Okay, Liv"Β  Topper called back causing the blonde to grab her car keys but before she could head of of them house she heard Sarah yell out, " see you later, O" Olivia headed towards her black SUV as she received a text from Kie as her group of friends were all meeting at the wreck.

It didn't take long until Olivia arrived, parking her car before climbing out and making her way inside the wreck unaware of all the eyes that turned in her direction with a look of envy and adoration. Olivia was well known around the island as she was always seen helping out as much as she can and if she isn't doing that she's with her friends causing mischief.

Olivia beamed brightly as she took a seat next to Kie, and sat opposite from JJ, Pope and John B. The five of them easily started a conversation talking and laughing about nothing in particular when suddenly the news came on causing everyone to rush towards the TV.

'Hurricane Agatha continues, it's steady March towards Kildare island on the Outer Banks of north California...'

"You have to be bloody kidding me" Olivia spoke after a moment of silence exchanging a look with her friends causing John B to shake his head in response pressing a kiss to her cheek as he informed them, " No, but this is the perfect. It's on the same day DSC is suppose to do my assessment."

Olivia raised her brows in response watching John B make his way out of the wreck pulling his phone out of his picked causing JJ to nudge her with a teasing smirk on his face, " So, when are you going to finally admit your feelings for Johnny?"

"Not this again, JJ I've already told you we are just friends" Olivia answered with a groan only to receive looks of disbelief like they didn't believe a word the blonde had said especially since they'll all seen the way the two look at one another and act around each other but neither one will make the first move or admit that their relationship is more than just friendship.


The morning after the storm, Olivia made her way over towards John's B house where he was already outside moving branches out of his boat causing the blonde to call out, " Agatha was a bitch, huh. You should see my back garden, if it wasn't from the storm I would of thought someone had trashed the place"

John B couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he turned to glance at Olivia who had decided to help him out taking the branches off the boat as he replied, " Yeah, she did" the sound of the door being swung open caught both of their attention as they turned around only to see JJ stumbling out of the house.

Olivia crunched her face up in disgust turning away when he was retching leaning forward resting his hands on his knees, " God, do you have do be so disgusting" JJ stood up straight with a smirk on his face and greeted the brunette, " Sex on legs"

The Thornton girl rolled her eyes at his flirtatiousness as JJ started to make his way towards the two and questioned, " what you thinking, John B?" John B went silent for a moment taken in his surroundings before he spoke up, " I'm thinking that storm surge pushed all the crabs out out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab"

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" Olivia curiously asked raising her brows at the boy as she crossed her arms over her chest causing John B to shake his head in response, " Nah, they're not getting on a ferry. Come on, think about it. It's god telling us to fish"

Olivia couldn't help but laugh as she glanced between her two friends with a grin on her face before helping John B push the boat back into the water grabbing JJ hand as he helped her on the boat as they made their way around the island to pick up Pope.

The blonde was laid back on the boat wearing her sunglasses and had taken her clothes off leaving her in her bikini as the listened to the boys as JJ teasingly told John B, " it's kind of a smuggler's boat"

"Hey, Courtney! Miss Amy! You guys get through the storm alright?" Olivia questioned the red headed girl who was chatting with the older women causing her let out a sigh turning to face the brunette with a small smile and responded, " Yeah, we were lucky enough. Others not so much"

JJ who was smirking flirtatiously at Courtney who was standing with one of their teacher Miss Amy glanced between his two friends and told them, " she totally looked at me"

"God, JJ get your head out of the gutter" Olivia spoke rolling her eyes causing John B to smirk in amusement before nodding his head in agreement with the maybank boy and muttered, " I saw it" the blonde scoffed in disbelief shoving John B playfully.

Olivia let out a sigh taking in her surroundings in shock looking at what disturbance the storm had done, " Look at this place" Olivia breathed out as JJ hummed with a nod of his head and spoke, " Agatha, what'd you do?"

"She's a crazy lady" John B stated with a shrug of his shoulders which made JJ glance between his friends and added in, " hard-cord, hurricane surge" Olivia shook her head at the two boys when suddenly her phone buzzed alerting an text, just as they were approaching Pope who was standing on the dock with a hose pipe in her hands.

"Well look who we have here" John B called out to Pope before leaning into his shoulder and announced loudly like it was a pta system even adding the static along, " we have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory"

Pope had an amused look on his face as his friends but sighed with a regretful look on his face and told them, " I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown" Olivia couldn't help but let out a small laugh when she spotted Pop's dad behind him as JJ mimicked static like John B had done before and exclaimed, " come on, man. Your dad's a pussy. Over"

"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard" Heyward called out to the blonde teenage boy causing Olivia to snort trying to hide her laughter only to smile warmly at the older man and told him, " we need Pope, Mr Heyward"

JJ nodded his head in agreement shrugging his shoulders and added in, " Yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane's a free day" Heyward scoffed in disbelief narrowing his eyes at JJ and resorted, " who the hell made that up?"

"Uh... pentagon, I think" JJ quickly made up glancing between John B and Olivia who nodded their heads playing along with what ever lie the blonde boy had come up with this time, "We have security clearance. I have a card"

"Pentagon? You all think I'm stupid?" Heyward questioned with a shake of his head before turning to face his son who tried to reason with his father, " I'll do it tomorrow. I promise, tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow"

Heyward shook his head frantically narrowing his eyes at Pope and sternly told him, " No, No, No, No. Hell no. You doing it right now" Pope looked conflicted as he glanced at his friends who were slowly passing him by and his father when John B whispered to him, " get in the boat"

"Make a run for it" JJ added in causing Pope to drop the hose pipe as he rushed over to the boat climbing on quickly before his father could stop him, " boy, if you get in that boat..." Pope had an apologetic smile as he hurriedly told John B, " go, go, go"

Heyward glared over at the teenagers who were driving away on the boat and sternly told his son, " being your ass back up here" Pope looked at his father apologetic and assured him, " I promise I'll do it tomorrow, dad"

"When you get back, you're gonna clean shrimp, clean fish, you'll clean your dirty ass room! I don't like your friends! Except from Olivia!" Heyward continued to yell out to his son as they drove away from the dock.

Pope scoffed as he looked over at the brunette and exclaimed, " How does my dad like you more than me?" Olivia beamed brightly with a shrug of her shoulders and told him, " I help him out sometimes and I guess I'm just a likeable person"

The four of them carried on along the coast line before reaching another doc a couple of moments later as Kie was walking over towards the boat with her backpack and cooler that no doubt is filled with alcohol. " Oh, top of the morning to you" JJ greeted the girl holding out a hand to help Kie into the boat.

"Morning boys, Liv" Kie returned the greeting with a smile on her face as she took a seat next to Olivia as Pope frowned glancing at the cooler she placed next to her and questioned, " Whatcha got? You got some juice boxes?"

Kie smiled with a shrug of her shoulders and replied, "You know, just some yogurts, carrot sticks" JJ had a smirk on his face staring at Kie with a knowing look on his face and asked, "How about my kind of juice box?"

Olivia rolled her eyes but smiled when Kie nodded her head in confirmation as she opened the cooler getting a couple of beers out handing them over to her friends as they clinked their drinks together and cheerfully spoke at the same time, " Salud"

Olivia's outfit

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