01 | Damon Salvatore

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After the other side collapsed, you lost Damon and Alaric gave you pills to let you see him.


❝If you take the pill, you will see him,❞ Alaric told you, handing you a small bottle of pills. You didn't want to take them because you knew the consequences, but you missed him more than you could handle and was losing your mind.

Ever since Damon died, you haven't been the same. You've locked yourself in your room, avoiding any social interactions and spent most of your time in your bed, blankly staring at the ceiling.

Damon was the only one who wanted to survive in this world with you. He was your best friend, your brother, any title-related has been applied to you guys ever since the beginning of your friendship.

Alaric watched as you took the red pill in your mouth, swallowing it. It went down easily but nothing happened at first.

❝It will take a little time for the pill to work, just wait, [Y/N].❞ he said and patted your shoulder, leaving your bedroom to give you space.

The room started to spin as soon as Alaric left, and you had to hold onto the nightstand for support. You felt your body drop to the floor and your eyes began to close. You heard footsteps getting closer, and everything around you went black.

❝We don't wanna be late, [Y/N]!❞

Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind you. Slowly opening your eyes, finding yourself covered in blankets. As you sat up, you noticed you were in Damon's bedroom. You slightly gasped when you saw him walking out of the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around his torso.

❝You're here,❞ you whispered, mainly to yourself. You watched as he fixed his hair in front of his vanity mirror. Every few seconds you kept glancing at him, making sure the pill worked.

❝I know that I'm attractive, but you're staring too much,❞ Damon said looking at you through the mirror with a smirk. When he didn't get an answer, his smirk faded as he turned around looking down at your shocked face.

❝You okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost or something,❞ he said, sitting down the bed next to you while having a hand on your shoulder, his icy blue eyes staring into yours. His touch felt so real that you almost started to cry.

Clearing your throat, you took his warm hand into yours and gave him a soft smile. ❝I'm fine, for now, Dames.❞

❝Did you have a nightmare?❞ Damon asked you, his eyebrowed furrowed, something he would do when he was confused. Your heart sank because this wasn't real, it was only in your head. Your body was drugged and the pill only created this world filled with your wishes.

❝I-I, no.❞ you managed to say, sadly looking into his eyes.

❝Okay, well then get up, we're going out.❞ he jumped up from the bed and kissed your cheek.

❝Where are we going?❞ you asked, getting out of the bed.

Damon blankly looked at for a second and walked over to his closet to get dressed. He didn't answer you. You paused, mentally facepalming yourself. Of course, your conscience didn't create a place for you guys to go, and he had no idea where to go because you didn't know where you were going.

❝Can't we just stay here, Dames?❞ you suggested, sitting on his bed.

❝Sure,❞ his blank expression turned into a smile as he sat down the bed next to you. You held his hand, caressing it gently.

❝I-I need to tell you something,❞ you said with a nervous voice, giving him a small smile.

❝I know what you're gonna say,❞ Your heart sank, looking down at your hands.

❝This is not real, I'm not here. You have to let go, [Y/N].❞ Your eyes started to water, shaking your head.

❝I-I can't, Damon.❞ you croaked out, looking at him. He frowned and put his hand on your cheek, softly smiling.

❝You can. This place created in your head isn't healthy, [Y/N]. You're gonna be okay and everything will fall back into place. Let me go, not just for me, but yourself.❞ You sniffed and wrapped your arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

❝I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without you.❞ you murmured into his chest. He put a few hair strands away from your face and kissed your forehead.

❝You can do this. You're so strong, [Y/N].❞

You woke up gasping for air, startling Stefan who's been watching over you. Your head started to spin and sat up, groaning.

❝Look who's back from dreamland,❞ the younger Salvatore joked as he walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder giving you a cheeky smile. You sighed and tiredly rubbed your face.

❝Don't even start, Stef. I know what you're gonna say.❞ You jumped off the bed, walking over to your closet to put a hoodie on. You heard him sigh behind you. You turned around and looked down at him, his face filled with sadness.

❝I miss him too, you know.❞

You nodded, fidgeting with your fingers. You walked back to the bed and sat down beside him, putting a hand on his thigh. He held your hand and leaned his head on your shoulder.

❝I know you do, Stefan.❞

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