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live a little.

JULIETTE, ELENA AND DAMON were at the high school, where Rose had killed a maintenance man. Damon was talking to Sheriff Forbes about the vampire, while Elena and Juliette pretended not to be involved.

Elena had just finished making a call to Stefan before she hung up and sighed, holding her head in her hands. "Hey, it wasn't your fault she got out, she's not in the right state right now." Juliette comforted, patting her sister's shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Hey, have you heard from Stefan? Do you know what he's up to?" Elena asked Damon as he walked over to the two Gilberts.

"My baby brother is not exactly my priority right now." Damon said as he looked around the area before handing the two girls a stake, "Take this."

Juliette just hoped that they wouldn't have to use it on Rose tonight.

"Come on, let's go." Damon gestured while he began to walk away.


THE THREE HAD BEEN searching at the school for a while but had not seen or heard from Rose. That was until they heard a woman screaming and they all immediately knew who it was.

While Elena and Juliette ran as fast as they could to where Rose was, Damon's vamp sped over to her. "Rose, Stop!" Damon shouted at the vampire, pulling her off the woman who dropped to the floor.

"Rose, it's me! It's Damon."

The vampire's face turns normal, and it looks like everything just weighed down on her, as if she just realised what she had done. Juliette stared down at her sadly as she sobbed, looking at the two bodies next to her.

"Did I do this?" She sobbed, her voice breaking as she spoke. "I never meant to hurt anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone." Juliette's heart broke as she turned away slightly.

"I know," Damon said softly, comforting the hysterical vampire.

As Rose repeated apologies over and over again, Damon announced that they were going home. "No, I don't have a home. I haven't had a home in so long."

"Oh make it stop, please make it stop! I hate it! make it stop!" Rose screamed out in pain, she was growing more and more weaker as the venomous bite took over her body.

Juliette was the first to walk away as Damon picked the crying vampire up. She couldn't bear to listen to Rose's heartbreaking sobs. Juliette knew that today was the day the vampire would die, Damon would kill her because the police knew there was a vampire in town.

He will kill her and then bring them her body, acting all heroic. She just wished that Rose got peace in death; she deserved it so much.

When they got home, Juliette immediately went into the bathroom to calm herself down. She couldn't help but think about everything that's been happening lately. The blonde pulled her sleeve up to look at her mark, it was still there, and still very obvious. The only good thing was that it hadn't hurt her since the day they were at Slater's house.

That thought made Juliette also realise that she hadn't had a dream with Elijah for a while either. It was like now that he was in her life, all the signs that were showing him to her had stopped.

Maybe the dreams were a sign. A sign that Elijah would enter her life.

"Juliette?" Elena called out, forcing the blonde to groan as she left the bathroom, walking into the living room where her sister was standing.

"What's up?"

"Do you think Rose is going to die?"

Juliette just nodded sadly, "You think Damon will let her live after what happened today? Sheriff Forbes knows that there's a vampire in town." She shrugged, falling onto the couch while she picked at her chipped-away red nail polish.

"It just sucks you know? Rose is a good person and she doesn't deserve this." Elena sat next to her, leaning her head onto her sister's shoulders as they both just sat in silence, lamenting over the cold reality.

People die all the time. All over the world, people die. But why did everyone in Gilbert's life have to die? Why did everyone have to leave them?

All three siblings had been through so much grief and pain, that's all they had known ever since their parents died.

It was like a never-ending domino effect, one person died one after another.

"Have you heard from Stefan?" Juliette asked.

"Nope, he hasn't called all day. I don't know how Isobel is going to help." The brunette replied, sighing as she crossed her arms over her chest. Stefan trying to find Isobel had made Elena paranoid, she truly didn't believe that her mother could help her.

But Juliette did, she may not like Isobel but she knew deep down that she knew everyone about everything, she helped track Katherine down so she may be very capable of tracking Klaus down.

The Gilbert sisters sat in silence for a moment.

"Come on, let's go say goodbye to Rose."


Β  Β  "FIVE HUNDRED YEARS ON earth, you'd think I'd be used to death, but I'm not ready to die, Juliette." Rose cried, tears rolling down her cheeks as she gripped onto Juliette's hand.

Damon had finally let her talk to Rose before he inevitably killed her. Juliette just wanted to make the vampire feel at peace and loved for her final moments, she at least deserves that.

"Nobody gets used to death, it doesn't matter how long you've lived," Juliette mumbled, smiling sadly at the vampire. "I just wish we could help you in some way, it's sucks watching you just die without us doing anything to help."

Rose shook her head, "You've all done enough for me, especially you."

"It's not fair, Rose. You can't just die, you've just got your freedom back after so long, you have to at least live some of it."

"My short time with you and Damon has meant more to me than anything else, with all that's going on, it's felt like an eternity."

Juliette sent her a smile, tears brimming her eyes as she heard Damon's footsteps from the stairs, she knew she had to say goodbye. "I hoped that you would stay longer, you know, help me deal with this lots idiocy."

Rose chuckled quietly, "I don't know how you deal with it all." The two just stare at each other in silence.

"You do so much for everyone, please make sure you are thinking of yourself. You matter too." Rose gripped her hand tighter, "And please for the love of God, you better end up with Elijah or I will haunt you."

"What?" Juliette scoffed.

"I may hate the man but don't think I can't see the way he looks at you. All I'm saying is give it a chance." The vampire shrugged causing Juliette to playfully roll her eyes.

"I can't, everyone would hate me," Juliette whispered, staring down at her hand interlinked with Rose's. She heard the vampire scoff, shaking her head as she smiled at the blonde. "Remember to put yourself first sometimes."

"Okay Juju, it's my turn. Move it." Damon announced as he walked into the room. Juliette rolled her eyes as she stood up from the bed, wiping the few tears that had fallen from her eyes.

"Goodbye, Juliette."

"Goodbye, Rose."

Juliette sent Damon a small smile as she brushed past him, walking down the stairs and into the living room, where Elena was sitting on the couch.

They both just sat down and stared into the distance, waiting till Damon came back down because that's when they would know that Rose was dead.

Juliette felt like she failed the vampire, she didn't bother looking for something to help her. Just because an ancient legend said that a werewolf bite kills a vampire, it doesn't mean that there isn't a cure.

Maybe if she just actually bothered to look for one, then maybe Rose would still be able to live.

Just maybe if she wasn't too focused on everyone else's issues, including her own, she could have helped Rose.

When half an hour passed by, Damon walked down the stairs, shocked to see the Gilbert siblings still in his house.

The blonde sighed as the weight on her shoulders just got heavier. Rose was dead.


ELIJAH ARRIVED AT THE Martin residence after his outing with Juliette. His mind was whirling from what she told him. She was ready to attack, but Elijah didn't expect it to be so soon.

He had to protect Juliette from her, she will not back down until she gets what she wants.

"I need you to look into something for me," Elijah told Jonas who immediately grabbed his grimoire, placing it on the table as he awaited instructions from the original.

"Juliette Gilbert has been-"

Jonas Martin stopped what he was doing, looking up from the book with a shocked expression on his face. "Juliette Gilbert?"

Elijah furrowed his brows, "Yes, do you know her?" He asked.

"Everyone in the witch community, old enough, knows who Juliette Gilbert is."



Two chapters in one week? I will never do that again.




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