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✧ JUDGE : armykoyola ✧

A Shiny Future by Jahools

The cover doesn't stand out as much as it should. I know that BTS is an important part of the book. And so is Mirae, it would be great to see her on it and maybe with some backdrop that suits the book. You can make it look more creative.

It's a title full of love and hope from what I can see. But it's too simple for a book like this. You can try to come up with something much better.

BLURB : 10/10
The blurb is written well. I loved it. It perfectly states the situation and makes a reader curious about the book.

My first impression was that the book is about a couple and their journey through the highs and lows of their past. And it's perfectly depicted in the story. I feel the title and the cover can give a great first impression. It lacks somewhere there.

PLOT : 20/20
I wish I had friends like Mirae has. I enjoyed the way they supported each other. But honestly, sometimes simple plots come out to be great. This is that one. A story about two individuals and how they overcome their hardships while they feel attracted to each other. The way it is shown is beautiful. It's not easy to write about anxiety and the way it's felt by an individual but the plot is progressing great. The emotions and conversation shown felt so real.

The characters are written well. And they are progressing well. I see a lot of character development for Yoongi. And other BTS members are given such a great character of their own. I loved them.

I loved the easy writing style. It was so heartfelt. I was able to understand every emotion. I cried a lot, I felt like I could relate with every emotion the characters are going through. It was not just Mirae, through the dialogue and scenes written by the author I was able to relate to every character in the book. They are so descriptive and so well written.

PACE : 10/10
The pace is going great. I thought that since it's a long book then maybe it's too much to read but every chapter is needed and important with correct pace. I feel every scene was needed to give this healthy and sweet progress to the story.

There is no visible mistake. It's perfect and the vocabulary makes it easy for the reader to catch the emotions.

I enjoyed the book. At first, I decided to only read 30 chapters but the book was so engaging that I couldn't stop myself from reading it further. I laughed at times when Mirae annoyed Yoongi, and cried when she and Yoongi went through tough times. Felt sad and bad for other BTS members and angry too sometimes. I felt every single emotion, these are some topics that we go through in our daily lives. These are some people whom we encounter in our daily lives and sometimes our rudeness can hurt someone and our kindness can build someone. These are some things that this book teaches.

I felt like I was experiencing it in life. While reading I felt like I was a part of that scene. Either I am the one counseling sometimes or in need of counseling. These are some situations we face in life. This is a simple book with deep emotions and I felt everything due to the author's beautiful writing style. Mistakes, love, sadness, unsaid pain, grief, happiness, friendship, togetherness, understanding. These are some of the emotions which we can find inside the book. You have done a wonderful job. I loved it. Keep writing, well done. All the best!

TOTAL : 96/100


Caused by Scientist by Sugaga777

The cover is great. I loved the background, font, color theme, and especially the subtitles used. They are all perfect on the cover.

The title matches the story well and it's meaningful. Not unique but catchy and memorable and different.

BLURB : 10/10
The blurb was insightful about what the book is going to be. It made me interested in reading it. It's good.

I had a good impression about the book when I came to know about the concept of the book from the blurb and this excited me to read it further. The blurb is good enough to explain the book and generate curiosity in the reader's mind to dive into the book.

One thing I felt bad about is the author asking to skip the book to the 6th chapter. Please don't write it, this made me feel like it's not necessary to pick the base from the initial 6 chapters whereas those are the most fun parts of the book and kept me engaged and entertained in the story. This made me feel like you were not confident about your story. You have worked hard to write and develop the base for the story.

And for those people who left in the middle, they missed out on the best parts, their fault. So, kindly don't write anything like that in your book, and be confident.

PLOT : 18/20
Kudos to the plot!! I enjoyed the plot so much. It was interesting to read something like this after days. It's definitely not unique, there are many hybrid books. But I guess the twists are still expected which will make it awesome soon. I am waiting for them. I loved the way you executed it, keeping the sanity and innocence of the plot. There are still things left to be revealed but so far the plot is going great, the author has explained everything in great detail,

The character of Yana is descriptive and beautiful. I love the fact that when they change into humans their behavior develops well. The characters are progressing well and the emotions come out amazing with the help of the author's great writing style. All BTS members are there on the cover so I thought then why is this a Yoongi book? But the chapters clearly show the chemistry starting to develop more between Yana and Yoon. And I liked how the story is coming forward through this character development.

In chapter 4 and many others initially, the POVs change suddenly. But the good thing is there is an improvement after chapter 9. But please edit the wrong POVs that would be great.
Other than that, the writing style is so cute. I loved it, I love that the author highlighted the dialogue and mentioned things before the chapter so the readers do not let any confusion happen. I liked the way the detailed description of every scene is written, making a reader imagine every scenario. This makes the books come out with great emotions and every dialogue is beautiful. I love the convos between Gi and Ho being a cat.

It's tough to translate meow and barks but you have done a great job explaining them and not letting the readers get confused with your great writing skills.

PACE : 8/10
I feel the pace is getting a bit slow in the end. I was reading quickly hoping for that twist, I was still expecting something more to happen.

Well, there are no mistakes. The author's vocabulary is great. I learned a lot of new words while reading the book.

As I said, I enjoyed the initial chapters the most. I was laughing and enjoying them, they are the best part of the book and when they turn back into humans is another best stuff. I enjoyed the book throughout. But I still kept waiting for the twists, I was expecting them to be kidnapped. Or Yana kidnapped and turned into some hybrid by the scientists later. Something of that sort that would turn things upside down. But I will be waiting for them soon. Don't ever feel demotivated, you are doing great. Keep going, all the best!!

{Just army suggestion, you could have made Hobi an orange squirrel. Ignore it, I know it's kinda stupid but me being army woke up here.}

TOTAL : 94/100


My Eyes Calls You by Dreams047

The cover is beautiful. I genuinely loved it. It's so gorgeous. The font and color theme are so good. And the subtitles are so good. But I think it would be better to add something about the plot. You can try to make it more creative. Like adding a mask to depict the different personalities or some mysterious vibes to the story.

It's a romantic title I feel and the subtitle given on the cover matches it well. You can come up with something that replicates the story better. I know I have said the same for the title as well but I will mention this point in the plot with detail as to why I am saying this.

BLURB : 6/10
The blurb has some grammatical errors. It gives a view of what's inside the story to the reader. but I think it can be shaped better. The emotions are written in quotation marks which don't bring out the emotions well.

You can write 5 different dialogues from each personality or two one from Yoongles and one from Augstd. And then you can add a line or two.

For example:

"Hey, you want to go out with me, kitten?"

"You want to die or what? I told you a million times I don't want to see your shitty face in front of me." Ellie's happiness is turned into scariness once she hears him.

What would you do if you started falling for someone who switches himself and turns into a monster from time to time? Will you fall for him or leave him? And what if he has a sad past?

Well, if you don't have answers then there is a tale similar to this inside the book. A person who has a disorder.

However, God never leaves anyone alone. I don't promise a beautiful end but a beautiful forever. If you want to know then the book is open for you. Come and become a part of this journey.

This is just a suggestion. You are free to ignore it but I just want to see those emotions which I saw inside the book. This will make readers more interested in it. This book deserves an excellent blurb.

To be honest, when I saw the blurb, I was confused reading the dialogue. If I were just a normal reader, I would have skipped the blurb because of this and the lack of no emotions. But I read it further and then those lines made a huge impact on me. The title and the cover didn't give any impression as to what the story will be but the ending of the blurb was so interesting.

PLOT : 20/20
The plot is mind-blowing. I have never read anyone writing about personality disorder before. There might be someone who has written it but at least I didn't read it until this book came to me. This takes away all the points. And the way everything comes to the forefront in the book is amazing. It's tough to write about different personalities and I could see them in every phase. I enjoyed this plot extremely very much.

Now, why I said that the title, cover, and blurb can be better than what they are now is because I am highly impressed by the plot. And this book deserves much better. This is not a plain love story, it's much more than that. It's not just a disorder but we also switch our personalities from time to time due to stress and someone writing this sensitive topic deserves all the praise. Please give a better blurb and cover to it, that is what I honestly want.

The story is left a lot but all the twists were very interesting and they were brought at the right time.

I love the characters of Hobi and Meow. I love these two. Hobi comes at the right time and his character is so supportive and correctly written. The characters have depth in their emotions, story, and backdrop. They are written well. The female lead, Ellie, has good character development.

I love the fact that as the male lead switches personalities they don't mix up. As I said it's tough to write a book on personality disorder because then you have to write every detail of that particular character but the author doesn't miss anything like that. The emotions come out correctly. All the characters are depicted pretty well.

It's a good writing style. The dialogues are written with great emotions. The scenes are detailed and come out in great shape. There isn't much problem with it but the whole structure of the writing style is damaged by two things. One, grammatical errors, and second, writing emotions in quotation marks. This doesn't look good at all while reading.

PACE : 10/10
The pace of the story is perfect.

As I said earlier, there are a lot of errors. The vocabulary is great. But there are too many grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes in almost every line.
The book needs good and heavy editing. At first, I thought about writing a wrong paragraph and correcting it but then I realized it would become too lengthy since there are a lot of mistakes. Therefore, I am mentioning some below.

Episode 5 entering Γ— uttering, the spelling of fucking is written wrong in one line and correct in the next.
Episode 6 dicided Γ— decided
Episode 8 drom Γ— dorm (it's wrong at many places)
Episode 10 freank Γ— freak
Episode 18 papering Γ— preparing
Somewhere the name of AugstD is written correctly and somewhere wrong. Please take care of this.

At least the dialogues were separate before from the para but from episode 17 they have become congested and this looks so bad. This chapter holds meaning and importance in the aspect of emotions but this makes it look bad.
I know we are all learning in this process of writing but if these mistakes are corrected then this book will become great.

I loved the story. I felt so excited to read such a beautiful theme for the first time. And some places made me laugh, those sharp punch lines and conversation between characters made me feel all the emotions. I loved three scenes especially one when Meow was scolded, then one where her mother dies, and the third when Ellie realizes that she is falling for him and she has a conversation with Hobi.

These scenes are very beautiful. If there are not that many mistakes then those emotions can come out better. The scene when his mother sets fire has a spelling error and I had to read it twice which made me come out of the emotion that the author wanted me to be in due to that error. I fell in love with the book. Please give it a proofread and it will be awesome.

I will be waiting for its next chapter, do update soon. All the best and keep writing like this!!

TOTAL : 78/100


Opposite Attractions by Anu7790

The cover is beautiful and looks so well made. I love the graphics. The font is visible and it's creative. However, it doesn't resemble the story so far. Maybe it will soon but as of now.

I liked the title. It made me interested to read the book. But till now I couldn't relate it to the book, maybe soon it will be revealed what the meaning is but not yet.

BLURB : 5/10
The blurb is interesting and will make a reader think to read the story due to the conversation shown between a couple. But there are some punctuation errors. So far what I have read it's different from what's inside the story. It doesn't match the plot and doesn't tell what the book will be about.

The blurb, title, cover, and preface don't match with each other. Seeing the cover and the title I had a feeling it would be a mafia story. Then the blurb and preface look like a romantic story about two adults. I had a mixed first impression because I thought it to be a romantic story seeing the blurb and preface whereas the title and cover give a sense of mystery, a mafia kind of book.

PLOT : 17/20
The plot has a very interesting story. Once you read it over and over again then you understand it and it's a unique and good story that deserves all the points. But the plot is executed very confusingly.

The reason - there are two pasts shown, one in which Yoongi is taking care of Hazel. Two- About Yoongi losing his parents. This is the main confusion here. Like, we don't know the chronology, things are quite jumbled and not shown clearly. I know it might be a mystery to be solved in further chapters. But still, if ages were mentioned there wouldn't be that much confusion. There wouldn't be much confusion if that was mentioned and it feels so.

The female character Hazel is progressing well. I can see different aspects of her life and her feelings. She has good character development. The male lead is kept somewhat mysterious. I was expecting something more from where he is coming from or something from his background a bit, but I guess that is yet to come. I also think that it would be great if before Yoongi came for the interview there was a scene of how Hazel works to understand her character, right now, better.

I would love to give a special mention of the magic wand that the author holds to change the time. I love the way you have used different fonts and other things. I like the way the chapter looks.

The POVs are very clear but the tenses change in between. Sometimes it's written in past tense then it continues with present tense. I could have mentioned this in grammar but it's an important point for writing style too because then a reader gets confused.

The dialogues are written well because I was able to understand the emotions. I would suggest one thing when you end the chapter and you wish to talk to your readers then either take a gap between the last line of the chapter or mark it with some line or something so that we can know it's the author talking to us.

PACE : 10/10
I like the pace of the book. It's perfect and going on the right track.

There are grammatical errors. The vocabulary fits perfectly with the book. Some mistakes might have happened while writing thoughts fast, which I understand but please take care of them. Somewhere the dialogues are written in italics and somewhere in italics with double quotations. Somewhere there is nothing to separate dialogue from para and this becomes hard for a reader to understand. Kindly take care of this. The writing style is good but the grammatical errors distract from reading the story.

Prologue: Promise me "that" you will. Kept the letter "on" the table. Inside it "were" my favorite chocolates and a stuffed cat toy.
Chapter 1: it's were not was, please take note of this as there are problems with was and were at many places. I "am" here for the personal interview.

Chapter 3: Hazel called Yoongi inside her cabin to have lunch together this time. You can write it like this. Or it should be "At lunchtime, Hazel called Yoongi inside her cabin".
Chapters 4 and 5 also have some similar mistakes.

Chapter 6: Listen, Hazel, are our "men" following Yoongi? "As you'll are curious why is the banquet for aren't you'll?" This sentence should be - "You're all curious about what this banquet is held for. Right, aren't you?" You'll is written in short for you will not for you all.
These are some that I have mentioned because they felt to be important but many need correction.

I feel the story is different from what is written in the blurb. As I said, I thought it was a romantic story about a couple. However, the blurb doesn't give any idea about the angel or anything of that sort that is inside the book. Though I enjoyed the plot, I enjoyed reading the scenes between Yoongi and Hazel. How strong the character of the female lead is shown is interesting. I know nobody is perfect and we all are learning. The plot has great potential if executed well and given some more depth. I am sure this book will reach greater heights. Keep writing like this, you have been doing great so far. All the best!!

TOTAL : 75/100

βŠ°α―½βŠ±β”ˆβ”€β”€β•ŒβŠ - βŠβ•Œβ”€β”€β”ˆβŠ°α―½βŠ±

Thank you so much for participating in the BTS September Awards. I was really happy to host this Award and it's been a new experience all along.

I would like to show my gratitude to the Judges for helping me out throughout this and to the participants for making this Award a competitive one with their amazing books.

Rewards will be given to you soon once you comment down your views in this chapter to mark your attendance.


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