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ೃ⁀➷ ᴡᴇɴᴛ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʀɪᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʟᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ

SMILING TO HERSELF, LORELEI WALKED carefully towards the elevator. She held four mason jars with her forearms and four spoons in her right hand as she waited for the elevator to go down. After their encounter the night before with Adam, Bree, and Chase, Lorelei went to the kitchen and made some overnight oats with the intent of giving them to the three bionic teenagers before going to school. She already knew Leo was down at the lab, she just hoped Mr. Davenport had already left. The blonde didn't know how he would react if he saw her feeding Adam, Bree, and Chase something other than those weird pellets.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Clutching the jars and spoons Lorelei walked out of the elevator to find Bree, Chase, and Leo standing beside one the desks with luckily no sight of Mr. Davenport. "Hey, guys! Did Mr. Davenport left?"

Bree grabbed her water bottle from the floor and turned to look at the girl curiously. "Yeah, he left like five minutes ago."

Chase walked closer, raising his finger with a smug look. "Actually, he left about four minutes, thirty-five seconds, and twenty nanoseconds ago."

Lorelei raised her eyebrows while Bree turned to glare at her younger brother. "And I'm about ten nanoseconds away from throwing this bottle at your face."

"Oh, I'll love to see that!" Adam said, from across the room. He was running in some sort of wheel. Similar to the ones hamsters use to exercise with. If Lorelei wasn't holding so many jars she would've ran to join him on the wheel.

"Is that your Nutella overnight oats with strawberry pieces?" Leo's eyes widened and a grin formed on his lips as he moved to stand in front of the girl to take a look at the food.

"Yup." Lorelei said, popping the 'p'. She placed the jars on the table before explaining. "There wasn't much I could work with on the fridge so this was the only thing I was able to do. Sorry."

"Sorry?" He scoffed. "This are my favorites!" Leo opened one of the jars and Lorelei passed him a spoon. Taking a spoonful of the oats, he took a bite and let out a sigh of content. "Yeah! It hits every time."

Lorelei laughed, and passed a jar and spoon to Bree and Chase. "I thought you guys deserved some real food. So, try it out!" The two siblings hesitantly opened the jars and were about to try them out before they were stopped by Adam yelling.

"Stop! Wait, for me guys!" He jumped off the wheel and ran towards them before grabbing the last remaining spoon and mason jar. Leo and Lorelei looked at each other with giddiness bouncing on the balls of their feet as they waited for the trio's reaction to the food. They took a small bite, slowly chewing as they weren't used to the new texture before their eyes widened in delight at the different flavors swirling in their tongues.

Quickly they reached to take another bite, this time grabbing a spoonful. "Oh my god! This is amazing!" Bree exclaimed.

Chase nodded, with a huge grin. "Patented protein pellets? Don't know them!"

"I already want more and I'm not even finished!" Adam chuckled.

Lorelei giggled and high-fived Leo. "And my job here is done."

•◦ ◦•

It hadn't taken much work for Leo and Lorelei to convince the three bionic kids to join them at school. Though Lorelei wasn't sure how they were able to sneak in Adam, Bree, and Chase into school without Principal Perry noticing but here they were. The group of five walked through the halls with Adam, Bree, and Chase looking around and waving at everyone they saw. They could barely hide their excitement and Lorelei couldn't be more happier for them.

Bree turned to Leo and Lorelei with a grin that hadn't left her lips since they left the house. "I can't believe we're actually at school! I'm so excited!" Her grin widened when her eyes catch sight of a lunch lady. "Oh, my first lunch lady!" She embraced the woman and Leo and Lorelei had to pull the girl away with a few tugs before she could embarrass them any further.

"She smelled like fish sticks." She spoke happily.

Leo tighten his grip on his books, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Do us both a favor and try to act like you've seen the world. I have a reputation to uphold." Right when the words left his mouth, one of the football players walked behind him and gave him a wedgie. "Ahh- good to see you too, Steve!"

Lorelei and Bree glanced at each other before the latter walked up to two girls and offered her hand. "Hi! I'm Bree! I like ponies and girl things." The unknown girls shared a weirded out look and walked away leaving Bree with her hand in the air.

Feeling bad, Lorelei grin and shook Bree's hand before she could put it down and said, "Hi! I'm Lorelei but you can call me Lori. I like anything food related and I also like ponies and girl things. Can we be friends?"

"Yes!" Bree nodded and pulled the girl into a hug. "Now I have a bestie! I can't wait to stab you in the back!"

Lorelei didn't understand the meaning behind her words but she slowly nodded, "That's not in my bucket list but when you plan on doing it give me a heads up. I would need to write my goodbye letters for you, Adam, and Chase. "

"Goodbye letters?" Bree and Leo asked and Lorelei looked at them as if the answer was obvious.

"Yeah, in case I ever die." With that the girl left the other two alone and walked to her locker to grab her book bag. She tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Did I forget the password again? Lorelei tried the combination again, turning the wheel slowly and squinting her eyes to make sure she was putting the correct numbers but no matter her effort the lock didn't open.

"Here, little lady, let me help you out with that." Lorelei hadn't noticed Adam standing beside her causing her to jump at his voice. Surprised, she watched him pull the locker door off the hinges. She had completely forgotten he had super-strength. He handed her the door with a smile and Lorelei returned it before leaning the door on the lockers beside hers.

"Thank you, Adam! Now, I don't have to worry about forgetting the combination." She beamed and grabbed her backpack, which didn't even have much inside, from her locker. "Also you can call me Lori."

He nodded. "Gotcha! You're welcome, Lori." The pair shared wide smiles before Chase's voice broke their eye contact.

"Adam!" The boy turned around and walked towards Chase while Lorelei did her best to put the door back into place before joining her friends again. "Would you two quit goofing off? We're supposed to not draw attention to ourselves." Just when Chase finished scolding Adam and Bree the bell rung and Chase let out a scream, covering his ears with his hands as he rolled on the floor.

The four looked down at him with amused smiles before Leo leaned towards Bree, "What's up with crazy?"

Bree smiled. "He has ultra-sensitive bionic hearing."

Chase who had stopped his screaming fit when the bell stopped ringing and asked, "What was that?"

Offering a sarcastic smile, Leo spoke, "It's called a bell. It rings every eight minutes eight times a day. So, have fun with that." Leo, Adam, and Bree walked away and Lorelei looked down at Chase given he was still on the floor.

"Don't worry, Chase. I know someone who has a hearing aid. We can ask him to borrow it for the day and that way you can put it on and turn off your hearing before the bell rings."

Chase gave her an incredulous look. "I don't think-"

"It's okay. He's nice he'll say yes."

•◦ ◦•

"Absolutely not. I'm not gonna give my hearing aid to some random guy." Lorelei watched the boy walk away and sighed in defeat. She had spotted him walking out the gym and followed after him in hopes of borrowing the hearing aid for Chase but the plan didn't go as she had expected. A pout was on her face as she return to gym class where Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo were. The moment she walked in, she saw Adam grab Leo by the back of his shirt and launch him in the air.

Leo flew through the court while holding the basketball and everyone's eyes followed him. He let go of the ball which fell right through the hoop and wrapped his hands around the rim, holding on with all his might until he couldn't anymore and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Lorelei grimaced at the sight when she finally reached Adam, Bree, and Chase. The trio send her a few smiles before the four of them watched Leo quickly stand up and pat his clothing from any dirt as every student kept their eyes glued on him. There was a moment of silence which was broken up by Lorelei who started clapping for her brother causing everyone else to follow her actions and cheer Leo on.

"Yeah! I got mad skills! Yeah!" Leo bragged clearly enjoying the new found attention.

The blonde smiled and turned to Adam, Bree, and Chase. Leo was popular now, and it was all thanks to them. "Congratulations guys, you made the possible impossible."

Bree frowned, looking at her new best friend in confusion "Isn't it the other way around?" Chase only shook his head as a way of telling her to let it be. "Um never mind."

Lorelei shrugged not finding anything wrong with her sentence and Adam didn't seem to either as he shuffled her hair. "Thank you, Lori!"

•◦ ◦•

To say Lorelei was confused was an understatement. A lot had happened in the span of two hours. One second everything was going well. The day was almost over and they had successfully sneak Adam, Bree, and Chase around without anyone noticing they didn't belong. Leo had his moment of fame thanks to Adam and Lorelei hadn't had that much fun at school in a while.

That of course was until Adam's bionics glitch thanks to the school's mascot. Which Lorelei still didn't understand. This caused the whole gym to go into caos resulting on a cheerleader getting injured and the Dingo's head was burnt off, thankfully the girl behind the custom wasn't injured but still.

Now Leo, Lorelei, Chase, Adam, and Bree in that same order were huddle up on the couch inside their living room while getting scolded by Mr. Davenport who was passing around the room like a mad man. Lorelei was starting to get dizzy from following him around with her eyes. "I had to write a check to that school for 30 grand to make this go away."

"For 30 grand, I'll go away." Leo suggested while Lorelei stared at Mr. Davenport wondering why he was so angry. He barely spend any money.

"At least it was 30 and not 30,000." The blonde said causing Mr. Davenport to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

Adam spoke in agreement "Exactly!"

Bree decided to step in before anyone could say anything else that would throw them deeper into the end. "We're sorry. We just wanted to be normal for a day."

Her words seem to spark some sympathy into Tasha as she placed a hand on Mr. Davenport's arm. "Oh, come on, Donald, they're just kids. When I was their age me and Fiona Micklejohn, we snuck out and we crashed-" she stopped once she noticed the disapproving look on Mr. Davenport's face. "You know what? I'm not helping."

Giving up, Tasha sat on the arm rest beside Bree, while Mr. Davenport continued his rant. "Look. I designed you guys to go on highly classified missions, not tryout for the cheerleading squad."

"Oh well, there goes that dream." Adam's comment received amused looks and Lorelei hugged the throw pillow on her hands as she mouthed him an 'im sorry' which the boy dismissed with a shrugged.

Leo stood up from the couch. "Look, I know you're mad, Big D, but these guys performed the impossible today. They made me popular. I got game!"

"And I cured male pattern baldness with a biology rat." Chase bragged with a bright smile, also standing up.

Bree's face lifted when she remembered something. "Ohh, and I got invited to my first party!" She turned to Tasha with giddy smile. "By a boy!"

"How exciting!" Tasha took Bree's hands and raised from the arm rest to look at Bree's appearance. "We gotta get you clothes and shoes. Although I think Lori has some stuff that can fit you. Then we'll do-" Yet again Tasha stopped herself from continuing knowing Mr. Davenport wasn't appreciating her input. "Again, not helping."

Mr. Davenport looked away from Tasha. "That's it. Leo, Lorelei, you are banned from the lab." The blonde straighten up from the couch ready to protest. She could tell Leo didn't like that idea either as she watched him open his mouth and close it again. "And you three are to have no contact with the outside world. No talking. No texting. No nothing."

Adam stood up from the couch. "But we won't be able to eat that oatmeal again."

Mr Davenport frown turning to look at Lorelei with wide eyes. "Did you give them food?!" The girl nodded avoiding eye contact and the man sigh.

"Yeah, and it was the best thing ever! Right guys?!" Adam looked at his siblings for support and they nodded their heads in agreement.

"But you guys love your pellets."

Adam shook his head and placed a hand on Mr. Davenport's shoulder. "Your pellets are nothing compared to Lori's overnight oats."

The man looked up at him with wide eyes. "That's enough! Go to your tubes!" The three quickly scrambled out of the living room not wanting to anger Mr. Davenport more than he already was.

•◦ ◦•

If you would've told Lorelei that she was going to get scolded once again in the same day in the same place she would've laughed in your face but no here they were once again getting scolded for doing something they shouldn't have. Taking advantage of the adults absence, Leo decided to bring the party everyone at school had been talking about to their house as a way of saying thank you to Adam, Bree, and Chase. Lorelei had baked a cake and prepared some snacks and drinks while Leo decorated the house with some stuff he had found in one of Mr. Davenport's room.

Lorelei changed from her old clothes to a pair of black shorts and a long sleeved white t-shirt. She curled her blonde hair and put some light make up and she was good to go. They were able to party for a bit. They danced and completely devoured the cake Lorelei had made and Leo had a whole car in the living room.

They were having a blast until Tasha and Mr. Davenport came back from the dinner they were supposed had been gone for the whole night and ruined everything.

"You kids have really done it this time." He pointed at Eddy whose screen was full of cake. "And who gave Eddy cake?!" Slowly Adam and Lorelei raised their hands with a small smile. Pieces of cake were around their mouths but the two didn't care. There were more important things at hand.

Leo sighed, this wasn't the way he thought the night would end. "I just wanted them to have one more night of fun before you put the back in their display cases." He took off his hat as he moved to stand beside Lorelei.

"Biologically regulated atmospheric chambers." Mr. Davenport corrected, looking at Tasha with a look of can you believe this?

Lorelei spoke. "Didn't you call them tubes a few hours ago?" The rest of the teenagers made sounds of agreement but they were ignored by Mr. Davenport as he continued.

"Look, the fun's over. As of tomorrow you're all being relocated permanently."

"What?!" All of the teenagers said.

"What part of 'No contact with the outside world' did you not understand." Lorelei shook her head, none of it was fair. Adam, Bree, and Chase deserved to live normal life's.

"Where are we going?" Bree asked her tone full of frustration.

"To one of my remote research facilities. Where you can complete your training."

Turning to Mr. Davenport, Adam said, "But this is home. This is where I get my meaty-flavored pellets."

"Not anymore. Now go downstairs and pack your stuff." Mr. Davenport dismissed them and the three left. Lorelei felt her heart squeeze at the sight. She wasn't good at coping with people leaving her. They couldn't leave.

"This isn't fair they're our best friends." Leo said.

Lorelei held the tears that had gathered in her eyes as she spoke, "You said they're humans but you're not treating them any better than a robot. They deserve some freedom."

Not waiting for another response the two teenagers left. Lorelei and Leo parted ways as each went to their bedrooms that were across from each other. Lorelei wiped her eyes knowing that if she allowed herself to cry she wouldn't be able to stop. She wiped the cake off her face and changed her clothes to a unicorn onesie. It were her favorite pijamas. They were gifted by Tasha as a birthday present and since then those were her go to pijamas. If she could she would wear them everywhere.

She flopped down on her bed, staring at the ceiling before moving to one of her suitcases. Yesterday, with all the fuss of finding Adam, Bree and Chase she wasn't able to unpack all of her stuff so half of her things were still in suitcases. Opening the zipper she took out her jewelry box before reaching inside and grabbing the butterfly necklace. It was one of the few thing she had that were gifted by her parents. Lorelei never took it off but with all the moving around she didn't want to risk losing it so she opted for leaving it on her jewelry box until she was able to move in.

But now that everything was upside down, she needed some comfort. So, taking a hold of the butterfly necklace she unclasp it and wrapped it around her neck making sure it was on correctly before connecting it again. She took the purple butterfly pendant and smiled. She wondered how things would be right now if her parents had never died.

A knock pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked up to find Tasha standing there. "Hey, Lori."

"Hi." The blonde placed the jewelry box on top her wardrobe before sitting back on the bed.

"How are you, honey? You didn't look good downstairs." Tasha sat beside her and Lorelei leaned her head on the woman's shoulder.

"I'm okay. I'm just confused. It's hard to keep up with everything." Her voice was above a whisper but Tasha heard her.

"I'm so sorry, Lorelei. I know how much you and Leo have grown to care about Adam, Bree, and Chase. And believe me I would like for them to stay but Donald is stubborn." Tasha rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

"I know."

Another knock was at her door and the two looked up to see Leo's head pop up from behind the door. "Hey." He smiled. "Can I have a moment with Lori?"

Tasha nodded, and gave Lorelei a kiss on her forehead before standing up and doing the same to Leo. "Good night."

"Good night." They chorused.

Once Tasha left, Lorelei looked at Leo. "What do you want to talk about?"

Leo shook his head, placing his hands on the pockets of his pijama pants. "Nothing, I just needed mom to leave. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to spend the night in the lab. It'll be like a sleepover." He made sure to add the last part knowing that would lift Lorelei's spirits. He also noticed she didn't look like her usual self so he was planning on doing everything it took to bring her to her normal cheerful attitude.

Just like Leo though, Lorelei brightened up at the idea as a small smile took over her lips. "Yeah, let's go!"

•◦ ◦•

"I can't believe this is our last night in the lab." Bree said as she brushed her hair.

"I think Leo and Lori are really gonna miss us." Chase said.

"Yeah, me too." Adam agreed before moving his head down to look at a sleeping Leo and Lorelei. Leo was on a criss cross position with his cheek resting on Adam's left leg. On the other hand Lorelei was hugging Adam's right leg as if she was scared he would run away and her forehead was pressed against it. She had on the hoodie of the onesie so all you could see was her blonde hair going down her chest and and the horn of the unicorn squished against Adam's thigh.

In Adam's opinion it was an adorable sight to witness.

"Think we should wake them up?" He asked.

Bree shook her head. "No let them sleep."

"But Leo's drooling all over my socks." Adam complained and Bree and Chase gave him an amused look before the three of them closed their capsules and allowed sleep to overtake them.

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

Second chapter and we're already getting angsty? This can't be!

I have a few things to say so bear with me.

Lol, can you guys lmk if I'm doing a good job at making Lorelei a part for the story? I just want to make sure she feels like a real character that would belong in the show. I'm trying my best on establishing her personality but I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job at it. I mean she's a sweetheart but a little crazy for adventure, and dumb in somethings but when it comes to important stuff that bring strong emotions she actually gets serious as you saw towards the end of this chapter. Does that make sense?

Don't think im going to skip over the fact that her parents died and that they never existed because no. That girl has some trauma as you can see and it would be addressed later on in the story.

Also as you can see I don't follow exactly as the show does. I like to add my own scenes and stuff so I just wanna know if im doing a good job at writing their personalities. Cause I don't want to make them act out of character yk.

I accept any constructive criticism.

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